I dislike answering a question with a question...
What makes you think that the universe is timeless??
2007-10-14 15:39:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First of all, what posessed anyone to think time doesn't exist, since it is empirically proven at every successive moment?
Contemplation of ideas which are not merely unlikely but proven impossibilities does little to expand the mind in useful directions, so therefore is a waste of...
wait for it....
And speaking of useful directions, that is what time is - not something that moves or flows past, but a direction in which travel takes place. All things which can exist in a way that can have any affect on the universe, exist in time. the term for that is called "duration". The mind is a phenomenon uniquely related to time, in that it is a process rather than a discrete object. Any particular moment in time is like a snapshot. If one moment did not follow another, causing the continued duration of both objects as well as propelling such processes and events forward, there would be no mind, no object interaction, no changes. Without time, there would be no universe, and no minds to ponder why they don't exist..
2007-10-14 15:19:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"Time" is an artificial construct we place upon ourselves in order to measure our movement through third dimensional space. In a dimension where "time" does not exist, all things exist in an eternal Now. As for how a mind existing in a timeless universe can understand the concept of anything, a mind in a timeless universe can understand all sorts of concepts, but when one is in a timeless state, may perhaps have trouble understanding third dimensional time, as it is a construction we impose on ourselves. We are offshoots of the energy of that mind, which endowed us with an ability to shape our little corner in this way though, but I think instead of "understanding" our constructions, the mind more like "observes" them....... A mind existing in a timeless universe exists in an eternal Now, without beginning or end, it just is, this is why the Divine Mind is often described in the Bible as I AM. It is in an eternal state of now, it just is. Timelessness is too big a concept for a third dimensional mind to grasp, as we have boundaries imposed for our own comfort.
In October the first is too late, Fred Hoyle offers an interesting picture of how we as third dimensional beings compartmentalize time in an endless series of boxes, such as the boxes behind the desk at an old hotel, where each box contains a room key, and papers or messages associated with each occupant. Each box contains a moment in our time. When looked at from the timeless state, one can perceive this endless array of boxes all stacked up, and look into an individual box in order to explore a moment in time. He uses an analogy of someone standing there with a flashlight, casting the light at an individual box, the light represents awareness. We focus the light on our own little box, and focus our awareness there so as not to be confused by all the other little boxes, and suddenly find ourselves in ww2, or ancient egypt, when we really belong in post 9/11 America. To a mind in a timeless, eternal now, this array exists as a constuction we built, a space we carved out of the now, but it is about as noticable as a drop of dew on a blade of grass......
2007-10-14 23:50:24
answer #3
answered by beatlefan 7
If time does not exist, then all states of being would exist in a continuum, and the timeless mind is not limited to viewing them "sequentially." Causation would certainly be a different proposition, wouldn't it? And a mind in a timeless universe would see itself in all states of being, becoming and decay and perhaps return to mindless state--all at once. I can see how this would enhance the understanding of one's place in the universe, plus it would mean that a "mind coming into existence" would simply be rearrangement of matter/energy. Death would be transformation, seen at all stages, and I imagine the steady-state theory would be ascendant.
2007-10-14 15:21:50
answer #4
answered by Black Dog 6
Perhaps the question can be addressed by looking at the possibility of having more than one level of awareness. The "mind" that exists in linear time may be part of a larger consciousness that is timeless. In fact, there may be many levels of mind.
You could compare the passage of linear time to someone who is in a valley traveling in one direction down a river. The person in the boat who is traveling can only experience going in one direction. He would experience the scenery along the river only as it came within his line of vision.
But, what if the same person was able to look at things from the top of a mountain? Now he could see the whole path of the river and all of the scenery at one time. So his perception of the scene would be very different.
If consciousness was expanded to the point of being able to comprehend things on a larger and larger scale, maybe time as we know it would look like one small vantage point in a vast existence.
Who knows how far our minds go? We can't even begin to imagine.
2007-10-14 15:31:52
answer #5
answered by Rikki 6
You have really hit the 'nail' on the head with this question. It is exactly for this reason that the Cosmic Mind brought this physical realm into existence, to understand the concepts of everything ! By manifesting through us, it's individuated parts the Cosmic Mind can experience every possible result of every possible combination of factors. And thus construct understanding of everything, even digital watches, and video cassette recorders ! :-)))
It isn't that 'Time' doesn't exist, it is that 'time' was brought into existence as a precondition of the Relativistic 'Universe' which was launched in the physical conditions of 'Time/Space', what Einstein, and many of his compatriots, described as the 'Time/Space Continuum'.
It is a 'construct', an artificially introduced condition. Gravity is another such condition. It is more noticeable with Gravity because, despite countless assertions to the contrary, Gravity breaks the 'First Law of Thermodynamics' in that it has an apparently limitless power source, which is unidentifiable. energy apparently being 'created'.
Of course it isn't, the problem that our current science has is that it assumes that all observable phenomena have their origin here in the Relative Realm.
They don't.
There is a greater realm that enfolds this one, and all things manifested 'here' have their energetic counterparts 'there'. As soon as either form, energy or matter, of the same fundamental 'force' manifest inside this realm they become observably subject to certain conditions, duration, or 'Time' being one of them.
This is an illusion.
What is actually taking place is an infinite expansion of all potential forms of awareness, consciousness, and energy/matter in all possible conditions, or realms. It is hard to entertain such concepts while still manifested here in such 'linear' recepticles, but it is so. 'Negative time' has been demonstrated by mathematics, and the elasticity of 'time' is being explored in the quantum mechanics area of science as we read and write here.
I try to use a movie film roll analogy to get the mind to expand sufficiently to adopt this data.
Imagine that, instead of objective experience taking place here, immutable and identical to all observers equally, there were merely innumerable movies beings made, all the 'scenes' are shot ( remember that the sequence of shooting is irrelevant in movie making ), they are 'edited' and the rolls of film are processed and manufactured. They can then be observed in any way that the observer wishes, forwards at original 'speed', sped up in the fast-forward mode, slowed down in slo-mo, or even frozen in a frame by frame sequence. They can even be played in reverse, as was used to amusing effect by filmakers like those of the 'Keystone Cops' early comedies.
The truth is that our manifestations here are exactly like that analogy. We only think that we perceive 'one reality' which moves within fixed parameters, we actually are all perceiving a singular version of 'reality', right now, on this Planet there are around 6 billion realities playing out simultaneously.
Your questions asks how a 'Mind' comes into existence in a 'Timeless Universe', the answer is that it does so from a 'realm' beyond this realm of 'Time/Space' and is not limited by the artificial conditions that we created to exist here. There Mind has no 'duration', hence the poorly understood concept of 'Eternal' ! :-)))
{{{{{{{Cosmic No-Time}}}}}}}
2007-10-14 18:47:38
answer #6
answered by cosmicvoyager 5
There are two ways. One is to always exist in a state that exists outside a universe that requires time to function. Only God is like that.
The second state is to be created inside a universe bound by time, and yet is able to exist outside of it. That is the state where the soul of man exists even though the soul dwells in the physical body. Once death occurs he leaves the physical universe that is bound by time.
2007-10-14 18:37:20
answer #7
answered by Uncle Remus 54 7
Http://physics1.usc.edu/%7Ebars/research.html is a sample of current physics
Time is believed to emerge at ~ 10 - ^33 cm (Planck length), developing per more fundamental geometric configurations at ~ 10 - ^99 cm.
Chronos and kairos are considered two distinct types of time; the former is physis-based, the clock; the latter is psyche-based, caring.
Http://www.tiller.org and http://www.divinecosmos.com are both interesting physics sites. William Tiller, Ph.D., "Psychoenergetic Science," and Free and Wilcock's "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?" both discuss time from various experimental and experiential perspectives, as do
"Climb the Highest Mountain," Mark Prophet, and "Kundalini West" and "Watch Your Dreams," by Ann Ree Colton; Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov's "The Symbolic Language of Geometrical Figures" may be of interest.
Would note that time as Energy is thought by some to develop in a spherical fashion into 4d space...and that even "clock time" has differing positional qualities. Thus, e.g. "time" at 12 o'clock would be more blueprinty, "time" at 11 o'clock would be more summary, etc., both more generally in a physis-conditioned, and in more personally psyche-conditioned sensibilities.
2007-10-14 15:30:04
answer #8
answered by j153e 7
Time as we know it does not exist; all is simultaneous, free of constraint, living in this spacious present (see The Seth Books, by Jane Roberts); Mind does not "come into existence"...it exists in the eternal now. This is nearly impossible to explain, using words or any other method of communication...but the truth is, you actually know the answer, as do all living things.
2007-10-15 02:30:08
answer #9
answered by Sky in the Grass 5
The mind is an activity. It is an activity of making "manyness" out of an essentially undifferentiable wholeness. The "manyness" is a convention of fictions, enabling us to carry on the "normal" functions of human society.
Yet these functions of mind cannot say anything about our Real Existence, which lies beyond mere convention. Conventions of mind are after the fact of existence or the mere appearance of things.
Mind is seen as problematic, because we are always trying to reduce our lives to the fictions of human society, talking about ultimate things when the structure of mind and the meanings of language do not enjoy the "profundity" of ultimate things.
The function of mind used to ground our entire being is an act of emotional disassociation.
This emotional disassocation has fear as its root, and in this dispostion we are separated out, we feel separated and we act separative..
This is the disposition of the mortal person and such a person is merely a dream of death that is projected into the individuals body and environment.
The way beyond such an apparent dilemma is to rediscover the Humour of Existence, or Humour as existence. In Humour we are restored to the undifferentiated wholeness that is reality. Living in humour we no longer suffer the implications that are the lot of the "mortally" serious "conventional" person, who is compelled by this vast array of implications. The Humour of Being allows free creative play as the pattern of relations only. In the pattern of relations there is no inner part, only infinite extraversion and in this disposition we are truly made to suffer our existence, simply because we have nowhere to retreat to and thus this is the beginning of Real Intelligence and Real Intelligence is Never Mind.
2007-10-14 17:49:33
answer #10
answered by Astro 5