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my teacher gave us this work sheet for homework over the weekend yet never taught us what is on it. My parents helped me with most of it but i wanted to try this second part on my own. i am doing ok but here are the 2 problems i cant solve..

What are the net forces of a car stopped at a light??

A horse exerts a force of 15N on the ground, What is the magnitude of the reaction force?What does the reaction force act on?

Please help me and tell me how you go the answer. I am baffled. haha.

2007-10-14 08:03:59 · 6 answers · asked by liveitup 2 in Science & Mathematics Physics

6 answers

If your teacher actually did that then report him/her "unless" you were assigned to research it and report back in which case Mommy and Daddy are really doing you no favors at all!

Ever try reading and trying to figure things out for yourself once in a while?

2007-10-14 08:09:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The net forces on the car = 0. If there was a force on the car, there would be an acceleration. Since the car is at rest, the net force must be zero. This is Newton's second law.

This is Newton's third law, "every action has an equal and opposite reaction". If the horse exerts a 15N force on the ground, the ground exerts 15N of force back onto the horse.

2007-10-14 08:09:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The net forces on the car is the force it is exerting on the ground and the equal reaction. As far a acceleration the next force is zero

The the reaction force for the horse is 15N because for each force there is an equal or oppose reaction.

You might want to get on line to Calculus on DVD and order their Phyics on DVD. It might help you a little.

2007-10-15 10:26:31 · answer #3 · answered by JUAN FRAN$$$ 7 · 0 1

Hello Baffled

if the car is on level ground

the weight of the car is supported by 4 wheels
and the ground provides the reaction at the 4 points of contact

the horse is exactly the same (replace whheels with hooves and call the car a horse) 15 N / 4 at 4 places

2007-10-14 09:14:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The slope is defined as replace in vertical distance divided by technique of replace in horizontal distance. So given your factors #3 (a million-(-3))/8-7 = 4 #5 (6-6)/(12-2) = 0 #8 discover the slope (it really is what the speed of replace is) (-6--20)/(2-0) = 7 in basic terms examine with different values: (15-8)/(5-4) = 7 So this is a immediately (linear) function

2016-10-21 03:53:59 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

wouldn't it be 15N? becuase for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction (or something like that)

2007-10-14 08:08:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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