Anyone citizen in the US that has a job and can afford the cheapest 20/80 out side policy can make it into the ER. But then here is the problem most people don't understand.
You pay $60.00 a month for the cheapest policy from a good insurance company.
Then you get sick enough to go to the ER.
You hand them your card, they run it through and fine you can enter
They treat you, you go home happy
Then you get a bill to pay your $50.00 co-pay
Then you get a statement from the insurance company, they in turned paid as follows
Your insurance company paid 80% of the $30.00 they allowed for that treatment = $18.00
but the ER charged $250.00, so you have to pay the 20% of $30.00 + the full $220.00 less $50.00 co=pay
In short that visit cost you $232.00 insurance paid $18.00
Only had you got the better plan of $850.00 a month it would have only cost you $50.00 co-pay
I would say instead of robbing a bank, just get as close to the media and suffer there.
They will cover you by calling the police and they in turn will bring you for treatment.
Dam we could just have universal citizens health care, Funded by citizens for citizens.
Non- citizens are treated then deported.
2007-10-14 03:33:59
answer #1
answered by man of ape 6
Your question is basically asking is there such thing as absolute truth or should the individual make the rules as he goes. If you believe your life ends with death go for it. I know that when I die my values will carry on till the next generation. With or without a God or afterlife my life carries on. The world will be a better place.
Under a system of chaos individual choice has absolute control. Survival of the fittest. This is the law of the jungle. Humans have developed a system of law that is contrary to that found in nature.
2007-10-14 10:02:48
answer #2
answered by ozywadle 3
Like the idea of Government Health care? Join the military.
Have a child with serious medical problems and see how much you enjoy the benefit of government health care.
Government health care would be a disaster.
Ask any veteran who has a child with serious medical problems OR any honorably discharged veteran who has been kicked out of the VA medical system, the way I was, because the government does not believe it is necessary to keep their promises.
2007-10-14 09:58:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
That's a very good question; and luckily for me, most health care is free in Australia. However, if someone I loved was unable to access health care because it was too expensive, then I would probably rob a bank myself. You're quite right also, that if the sick person was caught robbing the bank, then they would get free treatment in jail.
2007-10-14 09:31:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Wow, that's a tough choice, but it's one I'm sure some Americans have thought about. The lack of affordable health care is an outrage.
2007-10-14 09:30:37
answer #5
answered by Zardoz 7
What people are denied medical treatment? They're not denied it, they simply get stuck with a huge bill after. People always act like you have to pay up front for medical care which is a lie.
2007-10-14 09:35:30
answer #6
answered by MEL T 7
I think that is an excellent idea, I need the target practice.
2007-10-14 09:37:28
answer #7
answered by Johnny Reb 5
No, They can just wait for Hillary's bandits to rob the American tax payers.
2007-10-14 09:33:04
answer #8
answered by Erinyes 6
I think I'd go set up a cot on my legislators front doorstep to die.
2007-10-14 09:32:31
answer #9
answered by mommanuke 7
Lol, ya, seriously. Or we could just fund healthcare.
2007-10-14 09:43:40
answer #10
answered by Call_me_Ishmael 2