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The Pledge was written by a New England Communist named Francis Bellamy who had been a Christian minister until he was kicked out of the pulpit for preaching the heresy that Jesus was a Socialist. The Pledge of Allegiance is flag worship designed to promote turning America into a Communist country. Besides that, little kids were originally supposed to Nazi salute the flag, but that was discontinued during WWII.

Another thing, the inclusion of "under God" was added during the Eisenhower administration and would not have made grammatical sense in the 1800s.



2007-10-09 21:00:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

5 answers

Who's "WE"...?

You got a mouse in your pocket?


2007-10-09 21:11:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

More wrong information !!!!! The original gesture while saying the pledge was NOT the Nazi salute, you dolt ! It was arm extended, hand open like shaking hands , and raised to above the level of the heart towards the flag.

Get rid of the Pledge ? What are you , some kind of anarchist or ACLU liberal ? It should be encouraged to be taught to children, to promote pride and a sense of responsibility to being a LOYAL American, and those who cannot recite it should seriously contemplate moving somewhere else ! If you can't pledge to be a loyal American, you don't desrve to be here to start with !

More anti American drivel....

2007-10-10 05:13:39 · answer #2 · answered by commanderbuck383 5 · 1 0

We should care about other people. We should love each other and help each other rise up. Right now there's nothing like this in the world.

The pledge is a primative thing that is used to take away freedom. It is something every 'Big Brother' uses. It's the same as the Christian God. You can't escape once you know of it.

It could be that children are in fact under legal age to recite the pledge. The pledge could be used for people over 18 but I'd bet at 18 a lot of people would reject it.

2007-10-10 04:34:30 · answer #3 · answered by Beertha 2 · 0 2

The only time I said the pledge was at the beginning of the school day in grammar and high school. I always felt it was used as a way to make students who were just a few seconds late feel awkward because they would get stuck in the hallway while the pledge was being said. Since I was often a few seconds late, it did nothing to increase my patriotism and I have aways wanted it abolished , or at least not said in schools, which would almost amount to abolition.

2007-10-10 06:50:45 · answer #4 · answered by meg 7 · 0 1

I dont think so. First of all, I dont think I would list wikpedia as a referral or reference. Just my opinion.

Next, I do have a beef with the inclusion of " under God ". It doesnt give consideration to anyone else's diety. I'm Catholic but I dont think it's right to my Jewish friends, Hindu's & Muslim's.

It's in its spirit, an allegiance to our country, imperfect or not, it's still the best place on earth to call home.

2007-10-10 04:13:14 · answer #5 · answered by rikfreese 3 · 1 0

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