Take your compass and open it to the length of the segment. With the point at one end of the segment (call it point A), draw an arc.
Then put the point at the other endpoint (B). Draw another arc to find where it intersects the first arc. Call the intersection point C.
Triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle since all three sides have the same length.
Now bisect the triangle by either bisecting an angle or bisecting one of the sides of it, you wiil get your 30-60-90 triangle.
I hope this helps!
2007-10-08 16:54:51
answer #1
answered by math guy 6
Construct A 30 60 90 Triangle
2017-01-19 11:34:11
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Find the edges of the outside of the triangle that forms a right angle. Draw the lines extending out from that point where the two edges come together to form the right angle. Now at either end of where you stopped drawing that line use the compass and either draw a 30 or 60 degree line that intersects with the third edge.
2007-10-08 16:49:28
answer #3
answered by TicToc.... 7
Bisect the hypotenuse.
Draw an arc centered at the midpoint, connecting the ends of the hypotenuse.
Draw an arc of the same radius (half the length of the hypotenuse), centered at one end of the hypotenuse and intersecting the semicircle you just drew.
That intersection is the third point of your 30:60:90 triangle. Connect it with lines to either end of the hypotenuse to form the triangle.
2007-10-08 16:59:37
answer #4
answered by Ben 3
Draw a circle.
At one end of a diameter swing a radius to cut the circle.
That is your third point, the other two are the ends of the diameter.
All triangles in a semi-circle are right triangles.
The sine of 30º is ½ which is the short leg (1 radius) over
the hypotenuse ( 2 radii).
2007-10-08 16:52:09
answer #5
answered by ? 5
well they all add up to 180 so that gives u one cleu and then u have a 90 right angle. draw a line from end to end and close it in and your anlgles sould mach up.....and remember the further you extend the line of the 90 deg angle, the mor that length will change the angle
2007-10-08 16:43:55
answer #6
answered by Lori J 2