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I know this sounds like a stupid question but I got really sick and missed a ton of class so im being really paranoid about getting everything right. So thanks if you'll help.

Are two different triangles always, sometimes, or never congruent? I have sometimes. Is this right. Once again thanks and sorry for such a stupid question.

2007-10-08 10:48:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

4 answers

Hey there!

Key word: DIFFERENT.

Different triangles can never be congruent. If it is, the question would be "Are two similar triangles, always, sometimes or never congruent?" The answer then is sometimes, by the definition of similar triangles.

According to Dude's answer, congruent triangles are triangles with same shape and size. If you have a square and a triangle with same size, and different shapes, they are not congruent.

Similar triangles can be congruent only in the scale factor of 1.

Different measurements: Not congruent
Different sizes: Not congruent
Different shapes: Not congruent

If there are two congruent triangles, and one is rotated, visually, they are different. However, in that case, it is sometimes.

So the answer is never.

Hope it helps!

2007-10-08 10:51:59 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

It's really not a stupid question. It all depends on what is meant by the word different. If by different we mean that they are not alike, are not similar, have not the same characteristics, etc, then the answer would be never congruent.

But if the word different is interpreted as meaning here is triangle ABC and here is another triangle DEF and does not mean to signify anything about the characteristics of the two triangles, then the answer could be sometimes congruent. It is possible that different means not the same triangle. You have a triangle and I have a triangle. They are not the same triangle. That is they are two "different" distinct triangles, but it is possible that they coud be congruent.

It's a matter of semantics.

2007-10-08 18:00:56 · answer #2 · answered by ironduke8159 7 · 0 0

different just refers to triangles that are not the same ones. also, congruent means that they are the exactly the same, no differences. therefore, different triangles can sometimes be congruent. there is that slight chance that they could be, but they will not always be.

just draw a triangle. then draw another triangle that is exactly the same. next, draw a triangle that is completely different. you just proved to yourself that never is out of the picture because you have two triangles that are the same, or congruent. you also proved that always is done as well, because you drew one that was not the same as any of the other two. by process of elimination and logic, sometimes is the only answer left.

2007-10-08 17:59:41 · answer #3 · answered by James M 2 · 0 0

Sometimes is correct....but this is a really vague question.

Like congruent means when the shape is the same but just a different size.......so technically the two congruent triangles are different.

2007-10-08 17:51:01 · answer #4 · answered by DUDE 2 · 0 1

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