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Like when you have x and a and stuff.

z- 5z = 7z - 9 - z.

[[I made up that equation]].

What is the first thing to do alway down to the last thing?

You can like list it so that I'll get a better understanding, like:

1. step 1
2. step 2

and so on.


2007-10-07 11:27:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

5 answers

ok here we go; here is the equation

z - 5z = 7z - 9 -z

1) first of you subtract z - 5z is they are alike
so you'll get this

-4z = 7z - 9 -z

2) second you go ahead and add the last z on both sides
like so:

-4z + z = 7z - 9 -z + z

since the z on the right of the equation is negative it gets cancelled out when added by its self giving you this:

-4z + z = 7z - 9

3) third you once again deal with the leftside of the equation so you add -4z + z, this is what the equation should look like:

-3z = 7z - 9

4) now you flip on the other side of the equation to deal with the right side again, now you add 9 on both sides of the equation:

-3z + 9 = 7z - 9 + 9

like before in step 2 since the 9 is negative and is being added by its positive self it gets cancelled out, the equation at this time should look like this:

-3z + 9 = 7z

5) wow thats alot of typing, anywho the fifth step, you can go ahead and jump over to the leftside of the equation and add 3z on both sides of the equation, like so:

-3z + 3z + 9 = 7z + 3z

so the 3z cancels its self out on the leftside and you add 7z and 3z..... so what your left with is:

9 = 10z

6) almost there yes!!!!!!!! ok now this part is pretty straight foward you have this:

9 = 10z

so you divide 10 from both sides of the equation making it look like so:

9/10 = 10z / 10

once again the ten on the rightside of the equatin cancels it's self out leaving you with z, so in that this is what you get

9/10 = z or z = 9/10

either or works

7) last step you take the answer which is z = 9/10
and plug that into the equation, meaning you plug 9/10 anywhere you see a z ( just in case) and when your done
the equation should be true, meaning that each side equal equal each other ( again just in case)

and that is it i checked it already and that works kiddo

doin it like new kids on the block - step by step oooo babay

2007-10-07 11:58:02 · answer #1 · answered by dreamerchacho 2 · 0 0

alright then first you need to group all the things together with the same letter after the number
z- 5z = 7z - 9 - z
-4z-6z=9 ----------moved the 6z over to the other side where it became negative

-10z=9 ---------just simplified -4z-6z

z=9/-10 ---------------- divided by -10 dont change the sign of the number when you are moving the number over to the other side and dividing or multiplying

final answer z=-9/10 or -0.9

2007-10-07 18:41:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Step 1: Use the distributive property to get rid of parentheses (you have none in your problem, so skip this step)
Step 2: Combine any like-terms (anything that is just z, z^2, a constant, etc.) by adding or subtracting
Step 3: Get the variable you are soving for all to one side of the equation by adding or subtracting it, and constants and other variable on the other in the same way
Step 4: Combine like terms again if necessary
Step 5: Divide by coefficients to get variable totally by itself (Ex. 5x=2y-4z+6 Divide everything on the right by 5 to get x by itself)

2007-10-07 18:36:39 · answer #3 · answered by J.T. L 2 · 0 0

1. Combine like terms on each side of the =
2. Get the variable by its self by doing the opposite operation like z+5 5-z
-5 +5
3. Once you get the value of the variable you can fill it in and find the answer.

2007-10-07 18:38:40 · answer #4 · answered by kal_el4life 1 · 0 0

There are many ways, but I think you will be able to follow the following:-
- 4z = 6z - 9
- 4z - 6z = - 9
- 10 z = - 9
10 z = 9
z = 9 / 10

2007-10-12 14:33:15 · answer #5 · answered by Como 7 · 0 0

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