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The van that you are using to move can hold 16 moving boxes. Each box can hold 60 pounds of books or 15 pounds of clothes.

Let b represent the no. of boxes filled w/ books. Write a function that represent the total weight w of boxes in the van

2007-10-07 06:58:20 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

1 answers

so b is the number of boxes fill with books
the van can hold 16 box, then 16 - b is the the number of boxes fill with cloths

the boxes that fill with books hold 60 lbs each
the boxes that fill with cloths hold 15 lbs each

let W(b) be the weight in terms of the number of boxes

W(b) = 60b + 15(16 - b)
W(b) = 60b + 240 - 15b
W(b) = 45b + 240 <== answer

2007-10-07 07:04:52 · answer #1 · answered by      7 · 0 0

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