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14 answers

Obviously Hillary. They would have to fight their way thru Rudy. Hillary would just hand over the keys to the front door of the country.

2007-10-07 06:31:01 · answer #1 · answered by doctdon 7 · 1 3

Rudy for certain. Rudy will keep up the same dumb @ss policies as the current Bush Junta because he has no other choice considering that the GOP is in the full control of the Oil Mafia and the Jesus freaks. Therefore the various enemies of the US will have an advantage. Sounds odd? Let me explain. These regimes can only exist if they can convince their people of an outside enemy and an inside enemy. All thugocracies require this. An outside enemy allows these regimes to build up a massive armed force to combat the 'outside' enemy and a massive internal police state to battle the 'inside' enemy. All citizens are then admonished that either 'you're for us, or you're against us. Should the US begin a movement to go around the official governments of these entites and appeal directly to the people that co-operation is in their own self interest the foolishness of such people as Bin Laden and Castro would be questioned. Certainly we have the means to do that and still maintain the means of defense. If the US had a policy of actually working toward long term co-operation, such charismatic characters as mentioned, or their sucessors, would find a lot of ground cut out from under them. Rudy will continue polices that will insure that the thugs of the world maintain their control....a change in the algebra of our policies will lessen that control. Not right away of course, but slowly over the next decade for certain. Folks like Rudy and the Bush Junta, to thrive, also need an outside enemy and an inside enemy.....but that's a whole other story! Think a 600 billion dollar a year military plus more billions for the occupation of Iraq and untold billions for a 'Homeland Security Gestapo' and a constant drumbeat of propaganda toward loyal American citizens called, 'liberals' (the inside enemy) by the GOP's Ministry of Propaganda...the right wing radio talk shows and FOX Broadcasting. With all this firepower you'd think we could overrun such pipsqueeks as Kim Jung-il....but 'winning' for the reactionaries isn't the point...the point is maintain a massive military and internal police system. Sad but true, or at least close to true!

2007-10-07 06:53:41 · answer #2 · answered by Noah H 7 · 1 3

bin Laden is considered a terrorist so doesn't fit in this line of yours. I don't think you would do well on a Mensa test.

Castro is a good man that has been misaligned by the US. The US and Cuban Nationals in Florida (trained by CIA) have attempted to assassinate Castro 638 times.

Resorts have also been bombed to hurt Cuba's tourist trade.

these are acts of terrorists and some, as Bush knows very well, are being harboured in the US.. By Bush's own words Bush admits to being, himself, a terrorist.

Don't know about North Korea's Kim Jung-il. What has he actually done wrong?

Hugo Chavez. I kind of like Chavez. It is well within his rights to condemn Bush and America. With the US history of corruption through tout Central and South America its about time someone spoke out.

2007-10-07 06:44:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

i could say that they are all enemies of the persons, often, and have self belief that during uncomplicated terms they're clever adequate to settle on how money would desire to be spent. they're all socialists, Hilary is commonplace to wish the perspective of a commonplace communist, even with what her social gathering could have human beings to have self belief, which makes her an excellent gamble to the persons and their way of existence. i think of Hilary could purely as quickly have united states of america spelled Amerika with incredibly everyone working in a communist based society. If one seems heavily at her, and her husbands rules, they have a tendency to coach a disdain for people who've fabric possessions, and deceive people who do no longer into thinking that their plans could make their existence greater perfect. No baby-kisser is ever going to tell absolutely everyone the full actuality. absolutely everyone that believes, much less trusts Hilary is deluded, and badly deceive. She is a wolf attempting to make existence for each individual worse, and people who could fare the worst are the undesirable, even with how stable her words sound.

2016-10-10 11:44:10 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Osama bin Laden is already on record he like Hillary.

I bet the others would also like Hillary too because they know she won't do anything to stop them but make lots and lots of speeches.

2007-10-07 06:33:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I couldn't care less. That would not have an impact on who I would vote for. Are you saying that Bin Laden wanted Bush to be president because his family is friends with them? Or are you saying we should vote for whoever these people despise the most? Neither of these will determine my vote.

2007-10-07 06:31:43 · answer #6 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 0 2

Commrade Hillary.

2007-10-07 06:31:57 · answer #7 · answered by Duminos 2 · 2 3

Who knows.

But given the way they're perceived by most of this country, I'm led to believe that they would lie and express support for whoever they did NOT want to win.

These people are smart enough to know that whoever they publicly endorse will actually be bad for the candidates chances.

2007-10-07 06:29:08 · answer #8 · answered by Buying is Voting 7 · 0 3


His stunning lack of experience. His need to posture instead of think and his tendency to be a Nazi (ask any of us New Yorker...the man tried to tell us how to cross a street for Christ's sake) would play right into the hands of those who hate America

A clear thinking leader would be the last thing they would want

2007-10-07 06:54:27 · answer #9 · answered by Thomas G 6 · 0 3

Hillary of course..she's a woman who would be easy to push around

2007-10-07 06:46:33 · answer #10 · answered by Billie 5 · 1 2

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