Unfortunately, there is no good way for the average person to make money on line. In general, almost all money making sites on the web are scams. Under no circumstances should you give any money making site your credit card number. Never sign up for any "free" service that is free for one month and then you have to cancel it to avoid credit card charges. You will find it very hard to cancel. The phone number they give you to cancel may always be busy, so you can't cancel. They will often charge your credit card even after you think you have cancelled. Never give a survey site your bank account number or personal information.
Many sites claim you can make money by filling out surveys or clicking on ads or some other silly method. They screw you around answering some surveys and then try to push the "free" offers that you have to charge to your credit card. One common trick they play is that they let you make 5-10 dollars easiliy. But their website rules say you have to earn 40 dollars before they send you a check. To make the extra money you have to participate in "free" offers. I have played aroung on some of these sites and it always come down to them wanting to get your credit card number in the end. Don't let them.
You will find many people on the web that claim they made a lot of money at such-and-such a website. They are usually liars trying to make money. They will say: "Go to cashcrap.com/q2347." The "q2347" is a signal to the Cashcrap site that you are being referred to them by "q2347." If they sucker money out of you, "q2347" gets a kickback. These coded signals can be hidden by different methods in the link.
Note that I say there is no good way for the AVERAGE person to make money on the internet. If you are not average, and have some special skill, you can make money. If you are good at selling things, try selling things on E-bay. If you are good at writing, set up a blog or other site and sell ads. If you are good at computer programming, try setting up a site that uses your skills. Since I don't know what special skills you have, I have a hard time advising you on this.
However, if you go to a site that claims ANYBODY can make money, it is usually a scam
2007-10-06 04:59:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-07-24 20:27:03
answer #2
answered by Dante 3
How about starting Agloco? It is worth trying to make some extra money in long term. Agloco is a global economic network growing fast recently. Surfing the internet for 5 hours a month, you can get paid. After sign up, you download the free viewbar software, a tool of saving time on your account, and enjoy surfing the net as usual. The time will be exchanged for cash. To make more money, it depends on your effort how many friends you refer and how much time you are given by them(maximum 1.2 hours for each). Agloco has the referral system in order to build the community bigger and faster. The bigger the community grow, the more money you make. Agloco never asks you to pay or buy anything and sells your personal information which means NO RISK at all and nothing to lose. If you are interested, click the source link that explains how the system of Agloco works in detail.
2007-10-06 15:24:36
answer #3
answered by L 1
Buy stock in companies that build HARDWARE to run the Internet. If you expect the Internet to make money for you, you will LOSE money. If you have a plan to make money and USE the Internet as a tool, you could be fine. You would not be asking us if the latter applied.
2007-10-06 06:11:39
answer #4
answered by STEVEN F 7
look at my profile, and visit the site under "about me"...sign up there....here is some information about the site:
This is a site from which you are given the chance to earn money. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public's opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $1000 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job's salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on this web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, PSPs, digital cameras, gift certificates, and much more.
Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, this site never requires you to pay them.
"If the site doesn't get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?" - The site doesn't get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let's say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.
Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.
Personally I have been a member of this website, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $9100 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I've listed only positives about this site, because I can't think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you...Easy as that!
2007-10-08 09:35:25
answer #5
answered by supafeht 1
Internet Marketing is the most common way to make money on the internet. Like any business it takes time to learn how to do it and be successful at it. There are no easy ways.
Here is a good place to find out more about it:
2007-10-06 04:31:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
This question gets posted 50 times a day and the answer is always there isn't one. Stop looking for pie in the sky jobs or you'll just fall victim to a scam.
2007-10-06 04:18:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There are a few genuine online jobs. But you should be aware of scamsters on internet. Don't pay anything upfront to get an offer. Check out http://homebiz.businessinfoguide.info for some useful info and tips on finding a suitable online job for you. Good luck.
2007-10-06 05:46:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
selling things on ebay. pretty much everything else is a scam.
prediction: you're going to get like 10 links to weird "work at home" sites as answers. they're probably all fraudulent.
2007-10-06 04:19:09
answer #9
answered by Hall + Oates 6