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For the following question use the general periodic trends you learned in class, not the experimental values from the figures in the text.

a) Which of the following elements has the largest first ionization energy?

Na Al Si Mg

b) Which of the following has the Largest atomic radius?

Po Ba Bi Pb

You must enter both answers to the above questions with ONE and ONLY ONE space between each.
e.g., a correct answer format would be C Pb

2007-10-04 20:54:34 · 1 answers · asked by gotMUNCH 2 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

1 answers

a) Si has the largest first ionization energy since all elements are of the third period and the atomic number Z increases from Na to Si. When Z increases the ionization energy increases due to electrostatic attraction of protons

b) Barium should have the largest radius since its number or protons is the least;So electrostatic attraction is lowest and the further electrons are less attracted and farther from the nucleus

2007-10-04 22:38:42 · answer #1 · answered by maussy 7 · 0 0

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