LOL! Congrats to you!! And don't freak out, it comes pretty naturally.
I bought my partner an awesome book i think it was called 'Dad'. He loved it. He also read a lot of my books, which helped him understand what was going on with me. Congradulations.
2007-10-04 20:29:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Congratulations! Not all women go through extreme mood swings in pregnancy, but hormones can make a women more sensitive. The idea of becoming a mom also does that to a woman. Often the idea of becoming a dad does that to men too. You will have a lot of feelings through the pregnancy; all of which are probably normal...Just try to be emotionally supportive to her; and help her out around the house. Pregnancy can be very physically taxing on a women's body. Other women feel better during pregnancy than at any other time in their life. Help her to make good choices with the foods she eats; a balance diet, several small meals, plus several small snacks a day. She should avoid junk food, caffeine, cigarettes, bologna, hot dogs, certain fish, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. The more stress-free she is during the pregnancy, the better for the baby's growth and development. Ask her if she'd like a massage. Women also start to feel fat and ugly when pregnant and less desirable to their man; make sure she knows you still think she's beutiful. Also, share your feelings with her. This is your baby too.
2007-10-05 03:26:43
answer #2
answered by lucia 4
Why give up your vacation because the Mrs is pregnant? if she is in early pregnancy, it would be okay and probably a great thing to go and relax somewhere!! Women, yes, do get moody while pregnant, but don't fault her, as it's just her hormones raging. Sometimes we say things we don't mean, and sometimes, no matter how sweet a man is being, we make him feel like it is not good enough. Just try to be understanding that if this happens, she's not meaning it, even if you think she is. If this is her first, she is in the dark just like you and won't know what is going to happen until it does. Some women experience cravings, if it's 2am and she wants something, and you don't have it, go get it for her, it will mean the world to her, and the craving wont subside until she gets what she wants LOL. LOL @ freaking the hell out. Well, welcome to fatherhood - allow her to buy what she wants for the baby, if you can afford it...mothers love to splurge on things - and if she wants a glider rocker, let her have one - I wanted one so bad all 3 times but didn't get it LOL...this time around I will definatly do so - nothing like sitting in a comfortable chair while breast feeding!...god bless! lol
2007-10-05 03:17:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
0⤋ i answered this 1st..and then after reading some of the other answers i got a clue of what you were talking about.
Ok so sorry about before..and i'll give a proper answer now! =]
first of all congratulations!
This is going to be hard but a rewarding job that you will have for the rest of your life.
well depending on how far along she is, you can still go on vacation..i was a month pregnant (didnt know) and i went on vacations and even roller coasters! and then i found out i was pregnant but everything was fine.
well, your patners mood swings may or may not change..what you will need to do is just be there for her to support her, if you attend parental classes or whatever i suggest you go with her, they are really good.
Alot of people are going to try and tell you how to raise your kid, because "They have been there done that", just listen to their advice, but always do what you want, if you dont like the advice just dont do it.
It will be yours and your patners kid and you and her should be the only one's having the last say about the way of doing things with the child.
There are good websites out there which i think you should take some information from here and there, as some is good information, others not really.
It is a very exciting moment, but not everytime is going to be all smiles, babies are hard work sometimes, and you will get frustrated every now and then when they dont stop crying and you've tried everything and they are still crying.
But that does not last long, and the laughs and enjoyment and love they give you is just wonderful.
Congratulations and good luck.
You'll know how to handle things as they come.
I've got a 13month old son , and enjoying every minute of it.
2007-10-05 03:12:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You need to be as supportive as possible. Deal with her mood swings and comfort her through them. You should know that pregnant women are ALWAYS right, lol. When she wakes up at 3 am craving a cheeseburger and asks you to go to McDonalds, tell her you love her and you'll be back in ten minutes. In a few months when she starts feeling fat and icky all the time, tell her she's beautiful. Let her know that you appreciate the sacrifices she is making to bring your baby into the world. I promise you, the fun you would have had on the missed vacation will seem like nothing in comparison to the joy you will feel holding the child that you created in your arms.
2007-10-05 03:20:35
answer #5
answered by There's a party in my tummy! 4
okay, first of all, enjoy your sleep while you have it because in a few months you will get very little. yes she may get very VERY moody, as in crying and thinking crazy thoughts. though every woman is different a hug can go a long way rather than trying to figure out her thought processes. You don't need to actually do a whole lot at this point except be supportive, give her back rubs and foot rubs, let her nap without complaining. Don't complain if her sex drive disappears, but it may go into overdrive too like mine did.
After the baby is born, your angel won't break. So don't be afraid of him/her. pick your baby up and hold it, don't ignore it (especially in the first few weeks) just because its crying for no apparent reason. It just got ripped out of a really warm and comforting place with no pain and food always taken care of so have some sympathy hehe. Help her out as much as you can after the childbirth because its just plain exhausting to heal.
Honestly, just do what your doing, ask advice, ask her how she's doing. Love your family. Ya'll will adjust and do great. Take lots of pictures!! They grow so fast...
Oh, and keep telling her she's beautiful to you even when she's in her last trimester and feels huge. Won't seem like it helps but it does :)
2007-10-05 03:17:17
answer #6
answered by jenisilly80 4
Wow .. advice on raising kids. Kinda hard to fit into this small space
1) Please go on your vacation. It will refresh the both of you. You'll need to remember the good/fun times before the hard work begins. The first few months will probably be hell for both of you
2) Mum may be a cool cucumber like me, or an emotional wreck. She may feel physically like crap a lot of the time - feeling tired, sick etc SHe may bore you with details of her pregnancy. Please indulge her. Pregnancy is not great for everyone
3) WHen the baby is first born s/he will demand ALL of his mums time. ALL of it. If she puts him down to go to the loo he will cry. So mum wont hvae much time for anyone else or ANYTHING else but the baby. She is not ignoring you or neglecting you.. In the first few weeks, your house may get v.messy because mummy wont have time to do anything except look after the baby. So be patient and if you can take care of some of the other stuff, like cooking/cleaning, it will be very helpful.
4) Kids are the most wonderful thing in the world, and are also utterly infuriating. They make loads of mess, they DONT sleep when you want them to, they dont always eat your carefully prepared meals, they throw tantrums, they never co-operate lol. But they're fun , they have lots of love to give and they need buckets of love back. With that they will develop into competent adults. When they infuriate you, take a breath, look at them and you will realise that they dont do it on purpose, they just cant help it.
5)Discipline is important - kids need boundaries. How you adminster this is mostly up to you, but leading by example is most important in my book. Routines should be started as soon as posisblw. I didnt start a strict sleep routine with my daughter, and I am regretting it soooo much now!!
You sound like you are gonna be a sensitive wonderful dad and partner. best of luck with everything!!
2007-10-05 03:44:20
answer #7
answered by Chimera's Song 6
And how sweet you are for being concerned enough to post this question! I'm guessing you're wondering what happens next? Well scans will follow and at some point you will be given the opportunity to find out the sex - best to discuss this now, as couples sometimes disagree.
You need to also think about names, decorating a baby room, who gives up work to look after the baby etc.
In films, you sometimes see the guy running out in his dressing gown at 1am because his pregnant girlfriend has a craving for pickles. Although she may have cravings, it is unlikely it will be this far fetched.
If your girlfriend suffers with morning sickness, this may be hard on you. My friend threw up every morning and constantly felt ill, to the point she couldn't sleep. This transformed her into a crying, tired wreck, so be prepared incase that happens.
good luck!
2007-10-05 03:20:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well baby's sleep all day and up all night at first or other way around. They are so cute, sweet , love able, cuddly, they do smell until they start eating solids, they drink allot of milk and need to be burped. Sometimes they get fussy if they hungry, gassy,sleepy or even bored.They like to held all day and night and do like to be put down alone. They need lots of watching and care. Get some baby books, preferably some modern ones, because the rules of taking care of babies always change.Do not listen to wives tales. Always support your girl.Make sure there will be help for her to take care of the baby, even if she trys alone it is harder than anyone can know.Go shopping for all the baby stuff, it is expensive so do not freak out when you see hundreds of dollars go on baby supplies.Yes most baby supplies are necessary.Oh I could go on and on.Just get all the baby books and learn as much as possible.Congratulations.
2007-10-05 03:38:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Preggers? - Is that a technical term?? lol
My advice?
Take the vacation if you possibly can!!
Relax, treat her with kindness and love, just as you would normally do, help out when she is tired, be there for her when and if it ever gets on top of her.
Listen calmly if hormones go haywire, discuss concerns with her if worry sets in (for either of you) and most of all enjoy the wonderful event that is happening to you both ;)
Oh and join her in making plans, reading pregnancy and birthing books and choosing names, you're a family now!!
Congratualtions!! ;)
2007-10-05 03:20:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
My girlfriend didn't have bad mood swings luckly but both of her sisters, who were also pregnant at the time where living with us due to the fact that the guys that got them prego were dirtbags. Let me tell you 3 pregnant women together omg it turns into an I hate men festival. I brought home 4 pizzas one day and took a shower. Dude I got 1 slice. But overall yeah the hormones change em a bit but its really not that bad. They just eat alot until the end. At the end when they are swollen and sore it really sucks for them. You gotta help them out with pretty much everything which is to be expected. None of them really ever got morning sickness except for like 3 times a piece. Other then at the end being a little grumpy it isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. I know one person said listen to your parents but in reality you kinda gotta figure it out. Believe me man when she first got pregnant I was like Oh (Bleep) and when my son alex was born I had no clue as to what to do. You just end up figureing it out. I mean again it's not as hard as some people says it is. At first you feel like your a fish out of water. But after a while you just relieze one day wtf I'm like doing this subconciously. Other people will give you advice advice advice. Such as always buy the organic stuff, always buy the name brand diapers and stuff like that. If I did that I would be so broke we wouldn't be able to eat. You kinda just figure out what makes him/her (the baby) happy. Don't be as freaked out as you are nothing you do before hand can really prepare you for the real thing. At the same time... After 2-3 months it becomes alot easier. Well actually my son just turned 7 Months today but well I dunno I just kinda think its easy. Oh one last thing with the first 6 months, dont go out and buy brand new name brand cloths your baby will be out of whatever you buy in a month or two. Goodwill (if you can find stuff to buy in mint condition) and family donations are what got me through it.
Just Chill dude and congrats you will be alright.
QwEeNLaTiNa you just took everything that everyone else put down and edited your post to add everyone elses info. Thats kinda cheezy.
2007-10-05 03:16:03
answer #11
answered by lwdierlam 4