Most likely i will never live the good life. [as in luxury's]
But Soon I'll be getting close, my mom is finally kicking out her abusive boyfriend today. yippy!!
2007-10-05 01:17:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I am living the good life. You ask what my opinion is of the good life? Well, my husband and I are in the top 10% of the wealthiest people in the world. We have two beautiful daughters, two really handsome, son-in-laws, two adorable grandsons, a puppy named Daisy that loves all of us, and a strong walk with Jesus Christ. We are saved, and when this llife is over, we will get to see the rest of eternity in heaven with my Lord and Savior! So this is what I would account for the good side.
2007-10-05 01:41:41
answer #2
answered by gigi 5
It varies on the individual.
The good life for me is Having the sound of birds to wake me in the morning. My Husband's arms to comfort me when i get upset. Knowing that my kids are grown and settling into their lives. That I have family who love me. That I have friends to laugh with. So, I am living the good life. I'm not rich but I don't want for anything. I don't need anything beyond that which I have. I know that sounds stupid by other's standards and it may not be the answer you're looking for.
2007-10-05 01:03:26
answer #3
answered by Carol T 4
i don't know if i am living the good life... i know i am living my life... it could be better... i am slowly working myself up to that point.... it seems to fall into place as time progresses... i try not to deal w/ horsecrap, and know right from wrong, i try to do what i gotta do, and i need to work on working out, and getting organized.... one of these days i will be somebody, and maybe then i can live the good life also :)
2007-10-05 01:22:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes... If i didn't think my life was good i would try to change that. The good life is enjoying life and finding/doing what you feel your purpose is.
2007-10-05 01:00:45
answer #5
answered by jdzmumbles 3
ok in my opinion no
but compared to alot of people yes
ok my parents are real strict and my curfew is like FREAKING 8 so i never really get to go out but then they pay for evreything and they dont care how i dress and stuff but yeah.. i dont knowi m confused about my life
2007-10-05 01:00:02
answer #6
answered by asdfjk 5
worse than some better than most
just being happy doing all the things you wanted to do reaching all the goals you had set
2007-10-05 01:40:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes, i am living a good life
i am having a baby an i so excited myself i final baby daddy.
2007-10-05 01:00:00
answer #8
answered by Jewel E 2
i suppose. the good life is having what you need to feel secure and also enough time to enjoy it.
2007-10-05 00:59:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes I have been blessed
2007-10-05 01:24:28
answer #10
answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7