Phony Soldiers, Phony Outrage, and Phony Patriotism
By Chrisopher G. Adamo
Smarting from the public relations disaster of the Betray us ad, a Soros-funded group, Media Matters, ginned up a fake scandal to demonstrate to those who rely on the mainstream media for their news, that "both sides do it."
Congressional and Senate Democrats, along with the entire liberal political cabal, have been in a staged uproar ever since last week when Limbaugh made reference to Jesse McBeth and Scott Thomas Beauchamp who, adorning themselves with fraudulent credentials as members in good standing of the United States military, have been caught in blatant fraud, as they seek to make a case against the war.Rush Limbaugh's attackers have intentionally mischaracterized his criticism of such individuals as an assault the U.S. armed forces, asserting that he derided any troops who oppose the war as "phony soldiers."
In truth, he did no such thing, and his accusers know it. But why should they hesitate to lie about his words when they have gotten so much political mileage in the past few years by lying about virtually every other aspect of the terror war, the Republican Party, the military, and conservatism in general?
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV) reached a nauseating level of sanctimony in his effort to both prove that Democrats "care about the troops" (at least those who fabricate excuses for America's surrender) while attacking Limbaugh and talk radio. Look to Democrats to invoke this latest manufactured firestorm as damming proof of the need to resurrect the "Fairness Doctrine."
But Reid tipped his hand by asserting that Republicans ought to get on the bandwagon of imaginary outrage. Any time liberals begin plugging the bipartisan thing they are really looking for cover and validation from cowardly GOP members.
Reid knows full well that he is lying, and that his principled opposition knows that he is lying. He considers his target audience, Middle America, stupid and gullible. Here Reid hopes to make his case stick, at least among those dependent on the likes of CNN, NBC, or the New York Times for its news.
Conversely, the shamelessness and brazenness of Reid's lies stand as proof that he and his political supporters understand and accept such fraud as an inherent and viable component of the liberal-Democrat playbook.
Of course it is hardly a news flash that the fake anguish expressed by Democrats over this contrived controversy is merely a continuation of the full-throated lies being proliferated by the Party/Old media spin machine. The facts of this situation are as available as they are inarguable. They are also inconvenient to the left. So to keep their own story going, Democrat mouthpieces will simply continue to ignore them.
When the truth is revealed, as it eventually will be, no liberal retractions or apologies will be forthcoming. The liberal political apparatus will simply move on to its next target to be smeared, knowing full well that it will never be held accountable for this, or any other deception.
In truth, Limbaugh was very specific as to which "phony soldiers" he was referring. For Jesse McBeth, the moniker clearly fits. He was drubbed out of the military during boot camp (after only forty four days to be precise), but then went on to claim he had been a member of the Special Forces and under such false credentials delivered a plethora of fabricated stories, deriding the military and the mission. He was prominent in the media for a time.
Likewise Beauchamp, who did in fact serve overseas, but whose fabricated fables of abuse and atrocity have been thoroughly refuted by the rest of his outfit.
Limbaugh never even went so far as to include among the phonies Senator and former presidential wannabe John Kerry (D.-MA), whose entire "tour of duty" in Vietnam exceeded McBeth's enlistment by only two and a half months. And that brief Southeast Asian visit netted him three Purple Hearts under highly dubious circumstances.
Of course if Kerry's version of the affair is correct, he could permanently put the matter to rest while completely discrediting his critics simply by releasing his military records, which, to date, he steadfastly refuses to do.
Against this murky backdrop, Democrats on Capitol Hill find an occasion in which they can wave their flags and laud their commitment to God, Country, and the troops, or at least those troops who concoct stories which discredit the terror war and the President's strategy to win it. Such people certainly deserve and receive the unbridled adoration and support of the Democrats.
But perhaps the most telling aspect of this latest offensive is the liberal characterization of Limbaugh, on several occasions just this past week, as "unpatriotic." This is quite an accusation coming from people who insist that the most heinous crime any conservative can commit is to "question the patriotism" of America's leftists as they deride the troops, while crediting America's enemies with every rightness of motive and strategy.
2007-10-03 02:17:21
answer #1
answered by Skooz 4
Well, since Limbaugh insulted a person who claimed to be a military man and was not, and moveon was even condemned by most of the Democratic party, I'd say easily, moveon. Are you really that much of a sheep? Did you even hear the radio broadcast, or do you just have that much disdain for our military?
2016-05-19 22:08:24
answer #2
answered by ? 3
No one is saying he insulted the military. You have that wrong.
What they are saying is he insulted those soldiers who oppose the war.
I believe Rush was referring to soldiers who have an agenda to undermine the efforts of those who are actually fighting the war, and he feels any soldier who opposes the war creates unnecessary risk for the ones fighting.
NO. Rush did not insult the US Military!
2007-10-03 02:20:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
This is another example of how desperate the Democrats are that they will resort to lies to try and destroy an opponent. Quinn's law watch what the Democrats accuse the Republicans of doing and you will know what the Democrats have already done.
2007-10-03 02:51:33
answer #4
answered by hdean45 6
It isn't a "Democrat allegation", it's the truth. If you listen to the unedited clip he clearly says that soldiers who come back and do not support the war are phony soldiers. There's no if's, and's, or but's about it. It's the truth. I don't even understand why this is a question. If this wasn't the truth then why did they edit it on his site? Why did he send an edited version to the troops in Iraq? Why are his comments being edited if there is nothing wrong with them? My God I don't understand how some of you can be all up in arms about or this that or the other "treasonous" comment made by anything and everything that is Democrat and yet defend until your dying breath the comments made by your own.
2007-10-03 02:20:29
answer #5
answered by Big Paesano 4
If you listen to the recording of his show, not his edited version, it is clear what he said and who he said it about. It is very clear he is talking about any US soldier who does not agree with Rush view of the Iraq War. He also calls several Dems who have actually served in combat as phony soldiers. Since Rush avoided military duty I think he is ill equiped to judge any combat soldier. Rush is the one who needs 'to be a man' and accept his mistake and offer the US military an apology.
2007-10-03 02:44:26
answer #6
answered by ndmagicman 7
It's not a Democrat allegation. It's the allegation of anyone who knows Limbaugh's big fat ugly sloppy mouth's track record. He's notorious for scattershot insulting everyone and everything. This is just more of same from the drug-addled one. That's what the man does for a living. Trash talking everybody and everything on the scene.
I hope this helps.
2007-10-03 02:21:13
answer #7
answered by Mr. Vincent Van Jessup 6
As soon as I heard the story I knew it was fake.
It happen to close to what Bill O'Rielly.
Anything that Media Matters puts out should be taken with a grain of salt.
Rush did go to Iraq and met the troops.
Those who don't know that just want to believe what they want to believe about him.
2007-10-03 02:26:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Forget the partisan crap.
Rush Limbaugh, like Ann Coulter, insult the human race by merely existing.
One has to be brainless to consider the sewage they exude from their facial orifices as anything remotely rational or valid.
2007-10-03 03:10:27
answer #9
answered by tiny Valkyrie 7
No. Here's a list of the people right here.
U.S. Attorney Jeffrey C. Sullivan today announced some of the results of “Operation Stolen Valor,” a year long effort to investigate and prosecute those who lie about their military service for financial gain or other reasons. Sullivan and Doug Carver, Special Agent in Charge of the Veteran’s Affairs Office of Inspector General detailed eight prosecutions in the Veteran’s Affairs Northwest Region in 2007.
“As a Vietnam Veteran, and the father of a decorated Army officer currently serving, I feel very keenly the damage done by Jesse Macbeth and these other fakes,” said Jeff Sullivan, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington. “Macbeth’s lies fueled hostility to our servicemen in Iraq and here at home. Those who falsely claim medals for heroism, cheapen the recognition of our true war heroes.”
2007-10-03 02:16:26
answer #10
answered by Nikki 4
Nah, of course not. He made a slip of the tongue, and those hoodlums took advantage of it. What a waste of time and energy that has been expended on this, eh?
I'm embarrassed that this actually tied up our illustrious representation on the hill. The world must be laughing.
Thanks Media Matters and Hillary!
2007-10-03 02:42:42
answer #11
answered by Anonymous