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Give me your reasons. And no I am not assuming that all people on the right side of American politics are evil, but these people are and they happen to be on the right.

2007-10-02 16:09:19 · 33 answers · asked by spartanmike 4 in Politics & Government Politics

I really enjoy all of the great of sources that the conservatives posted on this question;common sense, the bible, really great work. All three commit harm a variety of ways but perhaps the worst way is that they have convinced a great many of you that their ideas are unquestionably correct. I am not declaring that all liberals are great thinkers, Mrs. Speaker Nancy is not a great person of thinker but juxtaposing her faults does not eliminate the wrongdoings of the trinity mentioned above.

2007-10-02 16:39:29 · update #1

Some more points of thought. Why does O'Reilly always have to tell himself that it is the no-spin zone? seems like to me that anyone who has to say it that often is trying to hide something. Why does the moral Mr. Hannity do so many show on strippers and the bunny ranch? Does Coulter believe her own bs she used to date Bill Mahr and lives in South Beach.

2007-10-02 16:45:10 · update #2

33 answers

Rush is the evilest of all. Why? Because he is the most conservative radical of the bunch. He says Democrats do not have the intellect to discuss anything. All Democrats are cowards. Anyone who doesn't support the war in Iraq is a coward. How many soldiers do you think are Democrats or want to come home? So, in effect he is calling a lot of our soldiers cowards. Damn, I really hate that bastard.

2007-10-02 16:19:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

Some of these postings are amazing! Coulter is absolutely more "evil" if you want to call it that. Actually she's just a pig all dressed up like a human, uncouth with a foul mouth.

But for someone to say Bill O is a wonderful person is beyond belief. He is a chauvinist pig, with an over-inflated ego, a baseless sense of self importance and as insincere as they come. As a reporter he spouts what someone has written for him, and he attacks anyone or any group who has the audacity to disagree with him. Which is why he is often attacked, not the other way around, as he is so fond of saying.

As for Hannity, he's just an idiot.

2007-10-02 16:44:47 · answer #2 · answered by Havasoo 4 · 4 2

Those 3 conservatives are not evil and don't just happen
to be on the right........they ARE right. They all tell the truth
and back it up with video's of those on the left who have
made the statements they quote.

The BIble says in the last days people will call evil good
and good evil.......I see this from the media and liberal
Democrats every day on television.

Harry Reid is the one who actually needs to be taken from
office. He's the one who spews venom at all times. Senators
and Congressmen should be gentleman and quit the name
calling. He said Rush was unpatriotic...when there's never
been anyone more patriotic than Rush who has repeatedly
thanked our troops and made the trip to Iraq to thank them.
Reid and Kerry are the ones who blamed our troops for
raiding homes in the dead of night killing women and children.
They should be ashamed. Our enemy is the terrorists, not
families in their beds at night. Who is it that wants to surrender
to terrorists.........yep...the Democratic party. Why do they want us to
lose unless they are antiAmerican?? It's hard to believe it
has come to this in America that our own representatives in
government really want us to surrender and leave the poor
civilians in Iraq to fend for themselves. They've seen nothing
but terrorists kill and chop up their own relatives the past
years. How can we side with this kind of regime who does
these things? America would never allow it. After all, we'd
all rather the troops be home and be in a peaceful world, but
don't forget that they knew why they were fighting as they
enlisted to fight for America to stay free from these killing
terrorists, no one drafted them and told them they had to go
to Iraq or anyother country.

2007-10-02 16:31:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Definitely Coulter.
O'Reilly is just someone who somehow manages to see himself, despite earning millions of dollars a year as a result of having every opportunity in life given to him, as a victim. He believes as the successful white christian male that somehow he is under siege and that we as a military and economic superpower are somehow more vulnerable than other countries. He's really just sad.
Hannity is someone who is so fixated on an ideology he cannot allow himself to doubt anything that supports that ideology or believe anything that counters it. Facts in his mind are not determined by accuracy, but by thier ability to support a pre-determined argument. So he's really just stupid
Coulter however has a nasty viscious streak about her. She doesn't just want to right a percieved (no matter how warped the perception) wrong like O'Reilly. She doesn't just want to support what she believes in (even if it involves telling bald faced lies to support that belief) like Hannity. She actually wishes harm on those who do not agree with her. She has said she only wished that McVeigh had visited The NY Times building rather than the Oklahoma Federal Building. She has expressed that our foreign policy in the wake of 9-11 should be to convert or kill all muslims. And she is able to transpose her own hate and nastiness onto others. She actually accused war widows of enjoying the deaths of thier husbands.
All societies give rise to the likes of O'Reilly and Hannity - they are an unavoidable part of the political process. Coulter however as an abomination and an embarrassment. Her fans should hang thier heads in shame.

2007-10-02 16:28:38 · answer #4 · answered by Sageandscholar 7 · 4 4

You have a strange definition of evil if you think these three are evil. Sadaam was evil, Hitler was evil, Stalin was evil, bin Ladin is evil, those that use terror to get their way are evil, those that slaughter innocent people are evil. Last I knew, neither O'Reilly, Coulter, or Hannity have murdered people, blown up buildings. These three people have absolutely no power over your life, if you don't agree with them, don't listen to them.

2007-10-02 16:21:20 · answer #5 · answered by madd texan 6 · 5 3









self-evident.....although I am humored by Coulter. She has no man and no one is interested. She is like a giraffe. Always stretching her neck and babbling mindlessly.
She is harmless except as affects the weak-minded. She says what she says because anything controversial puts much money in her pockets. She even goes too far at times, but I pay little attention to her.
She is a pathetic soul.
O'Reilly who?
Hannity is a little man with little feet and little hands. He too is amusing. No danger there. He too says whatever comes out of his little mouth hoping to get a rise out of someone.
But not me.
He's just a little man.

2007-10-02 16:27:42 · answer #6 · answered by rare2findd 6 · 3 4

" evil" ?uh no Plenty of room for criticism, but that hurts your credibilty . The worst one is Hannity, because he's such a sycophant for whomever is the Republican flavor-of-the - day .

Coulter doesn't actually take her own bs seriously, so why should I ? If she actually was serious , she might qualify . See her last year on Hardball, on dealing with Iraqi civilians in trouble spots . Matthews was literally speechless, he was so aghast at her suggestion . Basically it was to deliberately kill (murder ) civillians in trouble spots , as an example and deterrent . Sounded like the Nazi occupation of Prague .

2007-10-02 16:24:01 · answer #7 · answered by mikeinportc 5 · 4 5

O'Reilly is not evil, he is the best person ever. He is the reason I got into Political Science. America loves him, and you are super wrong. He is nice and honorable.

He represents America, in fact he is America. His show beats all the others COMBINED(google it) and he is rolling in the dough. O'Reilly has 3 times as many viewers as Olbermann! He has been voted as the most accurate and trusted newsperson.

O'Reilly is the King of Cable news. Can you explain why he has more viewers than all the other combined, all the countless awards he's won, the multitudes of money Fox and O'Reilly is raking in, or any of the above? And don't start talking about Olbermann, that is a liberal myth, just like the boogeyman.

He is America. You are a far-left zealot. Most Americans agree with him.

BTW, O'Reilly is fair and balanced, not conservative. You think everything is conservative because you are so radical.

2007-10-02 16:24:26 · answer #8 · answered by asdf 1 · 5 8

None of the above. However I believe that Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore, Janeane Garofalo, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Al Franken, and many more leftist liberals are definately evil.

2007-10-02 16:28:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

Tough question they are all very evil manipulating shrews.
They are deserve to be quietly escorted away to some secret prison far away never to be heard from again for treason to the American people.
Bill-O the biggest hypercrite to brandish his face on TV.
Hannity the biggest mouth piece for the propaganda machine ever witnessed by mortal man.
Coulter one word worm. For you cannot get lower than a worm.

2007-10-02 16:18:59 · answer #10 · answered by stephenmwells 5 · 7 5

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