I am going to share a lovely email with you which I just received. And, yes, I'm going to block him.
From: MIke F
Subject: Are You An American?
Message: I was reading some answers and saw some of your ****. I'm wondering if you live in the USA? If so, why don't you just pack your bags and go to one of those countries that love assholes like yourself? If you don't love and support your country - LEAVE! It is dimwits like you that ruin our fine country and make liberal assholes like Hilary and Osama politically powerful. It is scum like you that put more social programs on the docket to support other scum bags that enter our country illegally, or refuse to work and prefer to collect welfare. I saw that you answer a lot of questions on this Yahoo site. Well, that means you are spreading your far-left wing social agenda far and wide, so you might as well go far and wide right out of this country if you hate it so much. Remember
34 answers
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Remember, you may not care too much for the Presdent (for what ever liberaly poluted reasons you might have) but he is still the comander-in-chief of this fine country and he still deserves all the respect that goes with the title until he is no longer in charge. You frigging dolt.
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08:41:01 ·
update #1
OhMyGod, too funny! I went back to the email, clicked on his name, and got this message:
The information you are looking for is not available.
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You Righties are so funny.
08:43:11 ·
update #2
To Brian: REALLY? You don't think that's a reason to block someone?
I don't believe you.
08:44:59 ·
update #3
To the Hatemongers who are saying I should leave, get over yourself. How lame, how lame, how lame.
I love my country a great deal more than you sycophants who drool every time another traditional freedom is wrenched from the Constitution.
We aren't going anywhere. YOU leave, since YOU're the ones ruining America.
08:46:49 ·
update #4
To "Lib Killer" - Doll, I could kick your as$ with both breasts tied behind my back. People like you always turn out to be yellow-bellied cowards.
08:48:53 ·
update #5
To Worker Bee: Yours is a very mature post. However, I simply don't feel that way. The person who wrote that email to me has no common ground with me - he is consumed with ignorance and hate.
08:50:25 ·
update #6
To Jeff: Uh....that's GREAT. That's quintessential rightwingnut-speak.
You call ME "sensitive" and say that's probably what's wrong with this country? And yet have nothing to say to the perpetrator of the deed?
I'll tell YOU "what's wrong with this country."
08:53:04 ·
update #7
I want to say something loud and clear to all those of you who really seem to believe that if a person objects to criminal behavior of this administration, then for some bizarre reason, 'THEY SHOULD LEAVE."
Guess what?
I WAS BORN HERE. I can do any damn thing I please. I can spit on pictures of bush. I can start an anti-bush hate site. I can live under a bridge or in a tree or in a penthouse suite in Manhattan or plant cotton or go to college for the rest of my life or raise llamas or write Congress every day or eat only green food or WHATEVER I WANT.
That just kills you, doesn't it?
09:04:23 ·
update #8
I find that interesting especially since these are the same people who couldn't spew enough hate when it came to Bill Clinton when he served as President of the same USA.
Oh they preach about how we are in a free country, but if you don't agree with them, then well you're just not american enough and should leave. Give me a break.
Me thinks there is a double standard at work here. What do you think?
2007-10-02 08:44:45
answer #1
answered by Spirish_1 5
How positively unamerican. We have the right to disagree.
I guess I'm one of those liberals that actually want to find a solution to our social problems. The conservatives and republicans want to ignore them or maybe they really don't believe they exist. Who says that it's better in Europe or wherever. I fail to see why that matters. We clearly can do a lot better than what we are doing. The anger here is misguided at best. Our social programs are all abysmal failures. Should we abandon them? That doesn't seem wise, at least not without a thorough and logical discussion/debate. We should be talking about possible solutions because there is mounting evidence that our social problems are going to increase exponentially. This is reality. Look at the statistics and the evidence. It's not hard to find. Where do we go from here? Do we keep going down and fooling ourselves that we are making "progress" or do we start thinking of how we can improve matters to reverse the current trends? These trends have been ongoing for a number of years now. This is nothing new. What is alarming is that if we continue to ignore it then we are going to be in big trouble and it may be too late and we may be in too deep. It will certainly cost all of us a lot more the longer we wait. I don't expect our politicians to solve the problems because clearly they are incapable of doing so. But we the people have power and control if we unite and stand strong. We need to stop attacking each other and start talking. No one is right and no one is wrong. Together we can make sense of the chaos.
2007-10-02 09:01:02
answer #2
answered by Unsub29 7
Ah yes the old e-mail them and never respond (or in this case don't even allow time for a response). I like to ask them which particular answers they disagree with (so as to be able to respond to said e-mail). I guess that I look at a post like this and think that my answer must have been well written to strike such anger into the hearts of those who disagree with me. After all, I know I don't get much irritation out of posts that include "Libtard" and such and assume that most don't find the means to be angry at such phrases as "rupubelican". Yes I would say an intelligent answer would be the one to cause this kind of ire and instead of being offended you should congratulate yourself on a job well done. This response is only the childishness of a person incapable of reasonable thought and constructive arguments.
Not much need to block him though, he is probably to cowardly to write you again!
2007-10-02 19:22:19
answer #3
answered by Memnoch 4
Too funny, in a sad sort of way! Hey, if you like, you can borrow my 'canned' answer:
I believe that if someone has a solid point and can make a sound argument, they do not need to belittle others to their point of view. Obviously, you and I disagree on style as well as substance, from what you said:
As I said, belittling will not sway me to agree with your opinion, so I can only assume that you were angry and your only purpose in sending me an email was to vent. Hopefully you feel better now.
Sometimes I've gotten an answer, and even an apology back. The last one didn't reply back but I think they posted, then deleted their post, in your question :-)
2007-10-02 12:31:26
answer #4
answered by sagacious_ness 7
Crazy stuff eh? They claim to love America, but hate the freedom of opinion that is its very basis.
The only consolation I can offer is that, though these rightist creeps are loud and enabled, they are a clear minority.
Most Americans are not closed minded. They may be kind of rabbity and frightened these days, but underneath it all they can still see the difference between the fear mongering on the right and the legitimate questioning on the left.
Yes, the country is more conservative.
No, the nazis haven't taken over.
Which is not to say we shouldn't be vigilant. We should.
And never let them get personal info.
2007-10-03 08:18:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Honestly I've gotten some angry e-mails. Usually I can say from experience that engaging someone in nonhostile and nonescalating dialogue is the very best solution. Cutting people off kills any chance for reconciliation. It also destroys any chance of building relationships. He may disagree on many of your points but there may be common ground in the future and having enemies doesnt help. This sort of polarization is how the political elites are keeping this country divided and reducing our ability to speak with something closer to one voice.
2007-10-02 08:46:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There are some who have nothing better to do than to make up harassing Emails, and don't even know what was said by themselves or others from one email to another.
I finally found that you could either block them or block everyone, and I see no reason to block intelligent conversation.
You would only need to report if they started stalking or proliferating names.
2007-10-02 13:22:30
answer #7
answered by Dragon 4
They just need to get over themselves-- These are the people that "claim" to care for this country ..all the while they are running it into the ground-- or better yet----------doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL--- just turning their heads --stating.."Well what can I do??"........... Am I right?? If WE as THE people do not stand up--- and vocalize our disapproval at the way things are run-- they will run right over top of us & our rights!! I AM PROUD TO SAY I AM AN AMERICAN THAT SUPPORTS THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION -I do not find it amusing when my rights are being wittled away .
2007-10-02 09:35:03
answer #8
answered by darkness breeds 5
I've been blocking a lot of people lately. I am tired of dealing with the non-sense. I block users who make racist or insulting comments, who fish around questions to support their "side", or just annoy me in general. The blocking feature is great!! I rather block them and ignore than report them. That way I don't get harassed or cloned.
2007-10-02 08:48:57
answer #9
answered by Liberal City 6
I would block him just for his America, you don't like it leave statement. That is the most obnoxious thing for anyone who calls himself an American to say. Though I actually would probably never block anybody because I don't care about emails from reactionary people all that much. They actually are usually good for a few laughs. Especially one this out of touch.
2007-10-02 08:48:56
answer #10
answered by mrlebowski99 6