The liberal agenda is to create a permanent socialist regime to seize and hold power permanently. The liberal regime will control every aspect of life for the serfdom it exploits.
The planks in the agenda are as follows;
Redistribution of wealth; using a confiscatory tax code to put as much private money in government hands as possible.
Control private business; using government regulation to intervene i.e. OSHA, EPA, the minimum wage, affirmative action, labor union complicity, etc.
Control education; use NEA and the allegiance of the national teachers unions to shape and enforce what our children and young adults are taught and deny tenure to anyone who departs from the agenda. Punish children who don't fall in line and think like they’re told to.
Break down the family unit; decry personal responsibility, castigate religious participation, encourage children out of wedlock and family dependence on government. See redistribution above.
Discourage personal achievement; Working hard, taking risks, making sacrifices and achieving goals leads to personal wealth. Personal wealth is bad because there are still poor people. Wealthy people are bad hence, hard work, sacrifice and success are all bad. Living paycheck to paycheck and relying on government to fill in the gaps is the only acceptable way to live and provide for your family.
Incapacitate and demoralize our military; a strong military leads to national sovereignty. America must be relegated to “just another cog” in the wheel of the world community. Our government will decide for us, who shall lead us and what we’ll do for the world.
Disarm the public; government and it's police powers must be the only source of security. Government will determine whom will be protected and whom sacrificed.
Destroy American industry and ingenuity; the world’s ecology is the new apocalypse approaching and it’s all because of conservative, Caucasian, American males. We must give up our cars, our nice homes, our manufacturing capacity and all other modern conveniences to “save the planet”.
In the end, only two classes will exist, the ruling class and serfdom.
Here's a response for "truth seeker" since he doesn't allow email, I'll tack this on to my answer from earlier.
good luck with a serious answer that doesn't come from the propaganda of Hannity, Limbaugh and Savage. I know it is difficult for them to think on their own so I will provide them with the Liberal agenda. Of course, they won't care , but I do.
...of conscience exemplified by free abortion for all, affirmative action (read sanctioned discrimination) and abolition of anything religious (moral). I’m sure you meant to say “freedom FROM conscience.
You have the right to think as you wish.
...of religion
You have the right to worship as you please. The government has no business either supporting or opposing religion in general or any specific religion. Like the government opposing prayer in school, court, sporting events and public gatherings? Like opposing religious symbolism and celebration? Like removing “in god we trust” from our money?
I’m sure you meant to say freedom FROM religion.
...of speech Ever heard of political correctness or “hate crimes”??? I’m sure you meant to say freedom of speech FOR LIBERALS.
You have the right to express your views, whatever they may be. Only in the free marketplace of ideas can truth emerge.
Civil rights
All people are equal under the law. Any type of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender is not only inconsistent with a free and civil society, but is immoral as well. Except as applied by liberals in government. i.e. the Congressional Black Caucus, Black History Month, National Organization of Women, affirmative action, decriminalizing illegal immigration, redefining marriage for gays, etc.
Universal public education
Equality of opportunity requires all Americans to have access to a basic education consistent with maintaining informed citizenship and the ability to participate fully in society. Especially since the NEA controls indoctrination criteria and compliance to it.
Tolerance of Differences
Because we are all unique beings, with different skills, needs, and wants, we must respect the life choices of others as long as their life choices do not infringe on the rights enjoyed by other citizens. Assimilation to the American way of life is thus discouraged and leaves social gaps to be exploited by liberals.
A Social Safety Net
Recognizing that circumstances beyond mortal control play a part in all our lives, a basic social safety net shall be avaliable to all who need it, not as a permanent lifestyle, but rather as a helping hand to get back on one's feet. 4 generations is not permanent and an extra $1000/month for each illegitimate child in a fatherless household is beyond mortal control.
Employees' Rights
We spend most of our lives working. Work is the foundation of our economy and a major part of the glue holding together communities. The employee is an equal business partner with the employer, and as such, has the right to collectively bargain for terms of employment. The employee is an equal partner because he has put up HIS money and HIS effort to build the employer’s company. The employee has as much at risk as the employer and without the employee, the employer could not exist!
Environmental Protection
Contrary to some people's opinions, it is possible to both protect the environment and sustain economic growth. We support taking all reasonable and responsible steps to protect the environment and the species contained therein. We have the power to prevent extinction which is what gives us justification for confiscating private property and hindering technological and social advancement.
Strong Families
The family is the primary social unit in America. It must be respected, and encouraged in all its forms. Government should make policy with this in mind. This is why you get money for illegitimate children until you choose a responsible father figure. At which time we take it all away. This is also why we want free abortion for all as an expression of how much we revere life and family.
With rights come responsibilities. Exercising our rights means taking responsibility for our actions, and their effects on others. For instance, if you shoot someone we will help to sue the manufacturer of the firearm you used. If you kill someone over your corner for drug distribution, we will show understanding for your circumstances and blame white republicans. If you get pregnant and don’t know who the father is, we’ll pay for your abortion. If you need the money for your child we’ll pay you every month to keep it.
Free Enterprise
The capitalist economic system is the most efficient solution to providing for peoples' wants and needs. Government's role is that of a regulator, not a controller of industry, and any regulation must only be for the good of society as a whole, and not for the benefit of any one entity. Regulation differs from control because they’re not spelled the same. Government must be allowed to “regulate” private businesses because the government has done all the work, taken all the risks and suffered all the sacrifices to build your business for you. Besides, government knows so much more about how to run your business than you do, you should be grateful for the assistance and glad to pay for it.
Rule of Law
Law is the framework in which society operates. There can be no society without justice. Justice means that those who commit crimes must be made to answer for them, and that the criminal code is fair and wisely constructed. When criminal actions go unpunished, respect for the law weakens. The law applies to all, including all agents of the government.
...most importantly, Progress
Progress is what Liberalism really means; moral progress, economic progress, and social progress to benefit all humanity. This represents the path towards a better world. At its heart, Liberalism is an optimistic philosophy. That is, unless you’re an individualist and wish to be left alone to make your own decisions and take your own actions for your family. You’re not smart enough, you need our help.
If this is how you think for yourself, you left out a MAJOR plank in the liberal agenda; The right to overlook the facts to avoid confusion. You’ve even redefined Optimism to mean “to blindly follow, as long as it FEELS right and sounds noble.”
2007-10-02 07:35:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are a lot of core values that our country was founded on. 1. Small government (the federal government was only created to defend the individual states)
2. Hard working people should be rewarded.
3. The best defense is a strong offense
4. Taxes should be fair
5. Freedom of unfair persecution
6. Persuit of Happiness.
It seems the "liberal agenda goes against many of these.
1. Democrats like BIG government. They seem to want big brother in every aspect of our lives making laws that infringe on individual freedoms. (seatbelt laws???)
2. Democrats feel the need to reward everyone regardless of how hard they work. You see this with welfare as well has little league baseball where teams are not allowed to keep score therefor everyone is a winner.
3. Every military strategist will tell you a strong silent offense debilitates an enemy. I know everyone is so excited over 3800 Iraq deathes over 6 years. Imagine what the media would say about Normandy these days if that happened in todays day and age.
4. Taxes should be fair. Why tax people a greater percentage because they invested in their future with an education?
5. Freedom of unfair persecution look at the Duke Lacross players. Where was the liberal spokesman Jesse Jackson to defend these boys?
6. Persuit of Happiness. Why do straight men and women have to be exposed to the homosexual lifestyle through the media? Gay people make up less then 5% of the population and we are wasting time and money making laws that just affect them. There have been so many TV shows that represnt this lifestyle forcing it upon our youth.
Conservatives may not be correct on everything but, they deeply love The USA and all she used to stand for.
And to boot, Liberals can not control themselves. The question clearly asked for a conservatives point of view yet I see many Liberals answered it.
2007-10-02 13:26:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It seems to me they want to work for the lower income people, the poor. They want to raise taxes, take the money of the wealthy, and then give that to the poor. Currently, their flagship plan seems to be some type of large health care system run by the government. A lot of their goals seem socialist.
What is so wrong with the liberal point of view? More often than not they believe that through some easy policy choices the world will be a better place. That through little or no effort everyone can live happily and peacefully without conflict. I wish it were so, but it's not. They ignore the war on terror and paint it as purely a Republican cause. America was attacked on 9/11 and the world is dealing with Islamic terror, not just Republicans. I wish they'd get on board and help.
2007-10-02 13:21:27
answer #3
answered by Pfo 7
The liberal agenda is to help people to have everything they need. Jobs, healthcare and safety. Liberals are for peace and dialogue so that war will never happen. They are also concerned with people who would exploit the poor and disadvantaged among us. Wealthy corporations like Wal-Mart and the oil companies who exploit their positions for obscene profits. Liberals are fairminded. They want fairness to triumph over exploitation. They do not like people who judge others and expect others to assimilate like Christians do. There are parts of the liberal agenda I have not covered but I believe these are a fair representation along with, "America IS great, but, it can do better".
When I was 12, I figured out that this would never work. I got a job mowing lawns over the summer. I worked for myself and saved $3,600 in 3 months. When I turned 16 I paid cash for a new truck, when I turned 18 I began an IRA. I guess you could say I exploited the elderly for obscene profits but I prefer to think of it as helping the elderly in my home town take care of their beautiful properties by providing a service they needed for a price they were more than willing to pay ( I generally received $150 each Christmas in bonuses from my clients). It was at the age of 12 that I learned that no Soviet could earn in a year what I had that summer and that they could not invest money in a stock market. Everyone got paid the same. 40 year old Soviet men made less money than me. Fairness and providing for everyone's needs created equal misery. I realized that "fair" was me earning $3,600 and my friends earning nothing because they sat on their couch all summer eating ding dongs. That was fair. Sometimes things really aren't fair. If things were really fair, the horse would ride half of the time. Fairness and being supplied with everything you need is as naive as war never solving anything. Funny how liberals like America, which was founded through war, gave complete freedoms to ALL men through a civil war (Slavery wasn't fair and war SOLVED that) and enjoys such peace because of our ability to make war better than any nation on earth. Besides, someone had to stop Hitler. This country also enjoys such peace because of the rule of law. Laws founded on Judeo/Christian ethics and beliefs. Laws that make people assimilate or be removed from society. I didn't see any liberals looking to take in Jeffrey Dahmer for the evening. We were all pretty happy to see him unavailable o the general teenage public. Assimilation makes societies free. Liberals are typically kindhearted and want so many good things for people. Their policies ruin lives.
2007-10-02 14:17:41
answer #4
answered by james 4
The biggest issue I have with the liberal agenda is the desire to take care of everybody. We all should have learned by now that there are few things less efficient than our Federal government. The cost for all these "programs" designed to help everyone would be staggering. Even if we could somehow overcome the monetary cost the cost of our lost freedoms would be too high. Does anyone truly believe that even if government could somehow figure out how to provide for all it's citizens it would come at a huge price. In return for allowing the government to care for us there will be rules. These "rules" will be necessary and only in our best interests as the state truly cares for us. There can be no true freedom as long as the government provides for us...........
You, personally may not believe in big government but believe the far left does.......
2007-10-02 13:18:55
answer #5
answered by Brian 7
Whos liberal? Whos conservative? Aren't we all Americans? Thats the way I see it! I vote for the person whos agenda makes sense. Although in this day and age it may be hard to find, I try to vote for the right man or woman for the job. Democrat? Republican? Doesn't matter! As long as he or she is the right person for the job. I try not to play politics at all. But in this age we need a great leader!
2007-10-02 13:16:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Let me put this simply. Let's say you can catch 10 fish per week and you need 4 to live. Conservatives: Catch 10 fish, keep 4 fish, give 2 fish to government, sell other 4 fish. Liberals: Catch 10 fish, keep 2 fish, give 8 fish to government, get 2 fish from government fish redistribution program.
2007-10-02 13:20:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
1.) Even if you did not work for prosperity that you are entitled to it.
2.) Any abortion is okay, even third term partial birth abortions. (personally I can understand a first term)
3.) That you are doing your country a great service by constantly criticizing it.
4.) That you are only worried about Americans rights, the suffering people around the world do not deserve the USA's help.
I could go on, but you get my point.
2007-10-02 13:20:54
answer #8
answered by Dina W 6
Liberals don't generally have an agenda, besides opposing Republicans. They offer no method of saving social security, but blast Bush's. They offered no method on how to win the war in Iraq, even when they supported it, but sure as hell blasted Bush's. They offered no method of withdrawing troops in Iraq while maintaining stability, but blasted Petraus. The only clear cut agenda that everybody can see is the desire to raise taxes and spend on social programs in an effort to increase the government's power over the citizens. That, and an agenda to wipe their butts with the Constitution.
2007-10-02 13:17:16
answer #9
answered by Brad the Fox 3
1. Raise taxes
2. Finish Marx's 'great' idea--i.e. create a nanny state with entitlements and eliminate the free market
3. Take away your guns
4. Allow all faiths except Christianity freedom to worship
5. Downsize the military
6. Treat terrorism as a law enforcement issue.
7. Put the acquisition of political power before what is best for America.
8. Implement the fairness doctrine.
9. i could go on and on.....
2007-10-02 13:19:34
answer #10
answered by The Slick Meister 2
'The Liberal Agenda'
By: Pretzel Dent
The liberal agenda is to tax and spend
(Unlike $1/2 trillion wars with no end)
Terrorists would attack our soil
(Like we do, only not for oil)
Liberals can't protect our land
(9/11 occured under whose command?)
Libs want medicine socialized
(While cons hum loud and close their eyes)
2007-10-02 13:23:53
answer #11
answered by Anonymous