In a 1 gallon tank you can only keep your betta. There is no room for other fish, nor is there any other fish suitable to this small of a tank.
If you ever have an interest in upgrading to at least 5 gallons (preferably 10 gallons or more) then you have all sorts of options you can go with. The idea that bettas kill all other fish and prefer to be alone is a myth that stores love to spread and people love to believe against any other opinion, including those who actually keep them with other fish!
The trick to buying tankmates for a betta:
1. Nothing too fast, or they stress a betta. nothing that may n-i-p at the bettas fins. So no tiger barbs, no danios.
2. Nothing that is flashy, territorial, or looks too much like a betta - this will cause territorial disputes. So no gouramis, no cichlids, no other bettas.
Any calm, peaceful tankmates will usually work out. Many types of tetras, some types of rasboras, corydora catfish, ghost shrimp, small loaches, pencil fish... these types of things are perfect. Just remember it's very important to keep schooling fish in schools and provide lots of planted areas in the tank for all the fish, but especially the betta.
2007-10-02 06:23:09
answer #1
answered by Ghapy 7
A betta is a community fish, just like all the other tropicals, you just have to watch out for fish with long fins like guppies or serpae tetras, which you can't put with them
As for putting any other fish in your tank, we will need to know how big the tank is in order to tell you what you can put in there
Like the others already said, you need at least a 5 gallon tank to have other mates in there
Here is an article which talks about the right habitat for a betta as well as tank mate suggestions
Hope that helps
Good luck
2007-10-02 07:30:29
answer #2
answered by Kribensis lover 7
Bettas are easily stressed out and they often don't do well with other tank mates. It is possible to intigrate them happily into a tank of fish though, but how many fish you should get depends on the size of your tank. How big a tank do you have? (i.e. 10 gallon? 5 gallon? 1 gallon? Less?)
2007-10-02 04:25:05
answer #3
answered by Megan 2
Depends on how big your tank is. Anything smaller than 5 gallons, leave him by himself.
If you have a bigger tank, you can add most tropical community fish as long as they DO NOT have fancy fins. Male guppies are out. Your betta may mistake it for another male betta and attack it.
Some tetras, like neons and red minors make great tank companions for bettas. You could also try a school of danios (no longfins).
You can get these at most any pet store.
2007-10-02 04:30:17
answer #4
answered by KityKity 4
i wouldn't really recommend getting any tankmates for this size of tank because bettas are really territorial. the only thing i would suggest might be some shrimp.
2007-10-02 08:43:58
answer #5
answered by starlit_rain 2
None. That's why they're kept alone in the pet store. If you wanted more than one fish, you should've chosen more wisely.
2007-10-02 04:23:43
answer #6
answered by Roadrage 1