It's a girl thing. You are obiously talking about teenagers and probably USA - they will grow out of it!
2007-10-02 01:37:51
answer #1
answered by Pacito 5
I feel your pain. You're catching a lot of flack for what happens societally, even tho you're doing your best not to contribute to it as an individual. But face it, there is a lot of inequality between men an women. Women are generally paid less. We usually get harsher prison sentences for the same crimes, plus the additional punishment of having out children taken permanently taken away from us. Every day there is news of men doing absolutely horrible things to women -- rape, torture, murder, ongoing abuse, sex slavery, etc. If it was a case of white people treating black people this way, or of Christians behaving like that toward Jews, any thinking person would step back and say "My God, why do they HATE those people so much?!?" Yet no one is asking why men hate women so much. Maybe a better question is "Why is that some girls can transcend this and NOT hate guys?"
2007-10-02 08:46:03
answer #2
answered by kill_yr_television 7
Its not really a general problem. Just some girls have had bad experiences with guys and they blurt that out. Girl like to complain. Whether they mean it or not. Ive said that many times but i still love guys and i can get enough of them. Really, if you think about it, all girls are hypocrites. I mean, we say that and then we are falling all over a guy the next day. Girls are confusing. Even other girls cant figure each other out. I dont think that that will ever change.
But there are alot of jerky guys out there who do take advantage of women. I think that there are more jerks out there than nice guys. Or maybe its just that the nice guys are too shy or something. So that we dont see them as well. Sorry, bud, but you are going to have to deal with that all through life. Girls say they hate guys but trust me, they never really mean it.
2007-10-02 08:40:31
answer #3
answered by Theresa 3
Sometimes it's just a gossip topic. Honestly, my group of girlfriends don't hate guys and we have a couple of really nice guys as good friends. However, when one of them just had some problems with a guy, another in the group may say things which stereotypes guys. A nice girl will recognise a nice guy. Not all girls think of guys as sex-crazy j**ks! But then again, it may take a while for girls to grow out of that 'all guys are bad' mentality.
2007-10-03 00:40:16
answer #4
answered by Charis 4
Go to the Gender and Women's Studies and look at all the bullying from men, the hatefulness, the snide "questions" the constant put-downs in a forum that is meant to be at the very least, academic and you will get an idea of what quite a few women experience in their own lives.
As for your comment of: "I don't think of sex 24/7". What makes you think that girls want some asexual person who isn't interested in them?
It isn't the sex that men seem to think girls have a problem with, it is the games and operations so many guys do in the process of getting there. I am older but I still get "come ons" from men who really should know themselves better and not attempt to tell me formulaic things so they can have sex with me then suddenly disappear when I say: "Shall we do THAT again?"
Women want sex on the whole just as much as men but for some reason, so many people see it as dirty and some kind of "bargaining chip" to be used to "punish" others. A comment from a man not too long ago on this site? "It is HER fault that she is so gullible and had sex with me." As if he has nothing more to offer but a moment in the sack and no humanity.
He perceives sex as dirty and therefore assumes that any woman he goes with will not want anything to do with him.
I am sorry that you experienced this sort of thing from a girlfriend of yours and unfortunately, I've heard the same in my younger days but never got caught up in those "man bashing" or the equivelant "female bashing" (like on the Gender and Women's studies on this site). People would like to think there are so many differences between us but the reality is, we ALL feel, we ALL love, we ALL hurt, we ALL grieve, and we ALL get our hearts broken at some point in our lives.
Two wrongs don't make a right but I'm here to inform you that you WILL meet those people who are mature and there you will find a woman who desires you and cherishes you.
I would find out why you have so little desire for sex - unless of course you're really young and that is understandable - because women will want to share sexual experiences with you at some point if you are a heterosexual male.
Teresa: Be careful with your wording. "All girls are hypocrites". This isn't true or logical. You will learn this at some point in your life and never, never, never put yourself down - because you ARE a girl too and the insult applies to you as well - because life will do that for you without you helping it.
2007-10-02 08:50:43
answer #5
answered by KD 5
Slightly gay? Doesn't that just mean bi? Well, anyway, girls who hate guys have been mistreated by them or can't get one to pay attention to them. While one has to be a real jerk to mistreat a girl, girls bear some of the responsibility for their own mistreatment. Often they want a particular guy because of his build or his face or his popularity. They don't take time to get to kow the real guy. They are in fact just as bad as the "guys" they complain about.
2007-10-02 09:13:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If a girl has a bad experience with a guy, she then classifys all guys as jerks.. I have met a couple of jerks that could have ruined it for all guys, but I dont like to judge all guys by one big jerk. The girl is just hurt so she is feeling that all guys will be like that one that hurt her.
2007-10-02 10:24:03
answer #7
answered by sexijessica 3
i used to get offended when girls say that because i like to think im a nice guy. But I found out being nice all the time wont get you anywhere. I let them think what they want, im not out to prove that there are still nice guys left. im just myself, and if she thinks im a nice guy then great, if she thinks im a jerk thats too bad.
2007-10-02 08:48:05
answer #8
answered by Flying Spagetti Monster 7
Some girls see guys as not trustworthy. Or maybe guys always screw girls up. It's hard to find a real nice guy. Most guy are just playing nice. That's why most girls hate guys so much.
2007-10-02 08:39:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is unfair of girls. They do love to categorise guys. A lot of it does stem from the fact that the male is the dominant species and females even today, are expected to be submissive and compliant in many social/ehtnic/race circles. This results in an over-reaction from girls who are feeling suppressed, put down by guys or used as sexual objects only. Not everyone falls into that category as you have pointed out - and these are the guys they are trying to find!!
2007-10-02 08:38:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous