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Were they in allegiance with Nazi Germany

2007-10-01 23:50:44 · 12 answers · asked by Steven W 1 in Arts & Humanities History

12 answers

They attacked Pearl Harbour.

2007-10-01 23:53:06 · answer #1 · answered by JonBonJovi 4 · 0 4

The Triple Axis or the Drie Kaiser Bund was created between Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito (Emperor of Japan)of Matsuhito I think, he was called the mad emperor. The former two decided the conquest of the world from Europe while Japan agreed to start out in the East. That way Britain, which had the most colonies then would have its attention and resources diverted. Then from the I WW they knew that the U.S. could cause trouble, so Japan was given the task of putting it out of commission, so the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour had to go. To counter that the allies formed the Triple Entente, Britain, France and the U.S. Russia literally came in from the cold and upset all of Hitler's calculations towards an Eastern march. By 1942, the Japanese Fan had opened all over East Asia and till Burma and the doors of India. The the Aussies, Kiwis, Brits, Indian and Africans put up some real touch resistence and stopped their advance. And the U.S. regrouped in the Pacific and you know what happened. The oil excuse is not that credible because naturally once Japan had control of the areas, it would have the oil too.

2016-05-19 00:03:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Japan entered the World War II because after Japan invaded China in the Second Sino-Japanese War the United States refused to sale the Japanese oil, in retaliation the Japanese bombed Peal Harbor. America declared war on the Japanese, and Germany declared was on America, which led to a rough allegiance between Japan and Germany. And thats how Japan entered WWII

2007-10-02 00:00:03 · answer #3 · answered by Joseph G Number T 2 · 3 0

Japan had a track record of invasion and conquest in the early1930's, dating back to 1931. However until 1941 its invasions were of Korea, Manchuria & China were not "world" in scope.

The Second World War started in 1939, when Poland was invaded by both Germany and the Soviet Union. That invasion by Germany triggered the British & French to come to the aid of Poland (OK they didn't do very much to help the Poles, in fact the allies did nothing) but it forced the UK government to declare war on Germany over Germany's invasion of a British ally.. Poland.

Japan's entry into the world war was in late 1941 when it attacked the American base at Pearl Harbour and started attacking US, British, French & Dutch colonies / possessions in the Far East, culminating in the over running of the Phillipines, Singapore, Malaysia, the West Pacific rim and Pacific Islands. This invasion was in part to secure of resources (primarily oil, minerals & rubber) for Japan (part of which was due to a blockade set up by the US after the Japanese invasion of China).

After the attack on Pearl Harbour Germany declared war on the US in support of its ally Japan, Had Germany not done so its arguable that the US would have stayed out of the European theatre for a lot longer possibly permanently. Japan's declaration of war was for its own interests (securing resources like oil & minerals) it had nothing to do with the European conflict, except that defacto it weakened the grip of the European powers onto their colonies and those powers ability to defend those colonies (France & Holland were overrun by Germany) and Britain was in a desperate state.

2007-10-02 00:06:22 · answer #4 · answered by Mark J 7 · 1 1

They first started to conquer territory for resources. This of course leads to hostilities. And eventually it led them into conflict with England and the US.

The Japanese were allied with Germany, but really that was more to counter the growing alliance on the other side. The Japanese were horrible allies, the reneged on every deal they made with Germany, and took anything they could get.

2007-10-02 07:35:32 · answer #5 · answered by rohak1212 7 · 0 0

September 1940. The U.S. placed an embargo on Japan by prohibiting exports of steel, scrap iron, and aviation fuel to Japan, due to Japan's takeover of northern French Indochina.

April 1941. The Japanese signed a neutrality treaty with the Soviet Union to help prevent an attack from that direction if they were to go to war with Britain or the U.S. while taking a bigger bite out of Southeast Asia.

June 1941 through the end of July 1941. Japan occupied southern Indochina. Two days later, the U.S., Britain, and the Netherlands froze Japanese assets. This prevented Japan from buying oil, which would, in time, cripple its army and make its navy and air force completely useless.

Toward the end of 1941. With the Soviets seemingly on the verge of defeat by the Axis powers, Japan seized the opportunity to try to take the oil resources of Southeast Asia. The U.S. wanted to stop Japanese expansion but the American people were not willing to go to war to stop it. The U.S. demanded that Japan withdraw from China and Indochina, but would have settled for a token withdrawal and a promise not to take more territory.

Prior to December 1941, Japan pursued two simultaneous courses: try to get the oil embargo lifted on terms that would still let them take the territory they wanted, and ... to prepare for war.

After becoming Japan's premier in mid-October, General Tojo Hideki See Books about Tojo secretly set November 29 as the last day on which Japan would accept a settlement without war.

The Japanese military was asked to devise a war plan. They proposed to sweep into Burma, Malaya, the East Indies, and the Philippines, in addition to establishing a defensive perimeter in the central and southwest Pacific. They expected the U.S. to declare war but not to be willing to fight long or hard enough to win. Their greatest concern was that the U.S. Pacific Fleet, based in Pearl Harbor could foil their plans. As insurance, the Japanese navy undertook to cripple the Pacific Fleet by a surprise air attack.

2007-10-02 03:12:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Japan didn't enter WWII. Japan started WWII in 1937 when it invaded China. Germany didn't start the war in Europe until two years later when it invaded Poland. So you could say that the Nazis entered WWII on the side of the Japanese.

The Japanese waged a war of conquest in Asia for the acquisition of natural resources and labor in its attempt to establish a real empire that included all of East Asia. There isn't much more of a "why" to it than that.

For those who say that Japan's invasion of China was not part of the World War, think again. China lost more people in the war than any country other than the Soviet Union. Japan's invasion of China was certainly a part of the greater conflict. The war started in China.

2007-10-01 23:55:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Because they started it by attack their neighbors to build an empire. They were a warrior people. The second they united they extended themselves outward to get the resources they needed to continue their endevours.

2007-10-02 01:09:55 · answer #8 · answered by Avatar_defender_of_the_light 6 · 2 1

Because being number 1 that is what they want to be.

2007-10-02 00:03:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Good old fashioned Imperialism.

2007-10-01 23:58:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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