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Member since: February 03, 2007
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weeniehead =]
S Math word problem?
Your aunt and uncle have been visiting at your home. Five minutes after they drive away, you realize that they forgot their luggage. You happen to know that they drive slowly, so you get in your car and drive to catch up with them. Your average speed is 10 miles an hour faster than their average speed, and you catch up with them in 25 minutes. How fast did you drive?

Please explain. =]

2007-10-01 13:02:09 · 3 answers · asked by yupp. 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

3 answers

when you reach your friend all you drive same distance.
your distance and your friends distance must be equal and
you drive 20 minutes and your fr. 25 minutes and your pace is 10 higher than him.so
(friends distance ) 25.v=(v+10)*20 (your distance)
v=40 (friends velocity) your velocity is 50
good luck..

2007-10-01 13:13:58 · answer #1 · answered by mkul1647 2 · 0 0

this is a simple "catch up" type of question
the formula for this should be

the difference in speed * the time take u to catch up = the difference in Distance


10 X (25+5)/60 = X * 5/60

X= 60 mph.

your uncle is driveing 60mph
ur are driving 10 mph fast
so u drive 70 mph

2007-10-01 13:24:01 · answer #2 · answered by nj z 2 · 1 0

Do you mean 25 mins after they leave ? Or 25 mins after you realise and start driving yourself. I assume the second.

s.25/60 = distance = (s - 10). 30/60

so 25s = 30 (s-10) = 30 s - 300

5s = 300

s = 60

At 60, in 25 mins, you travel 25 miles. At 50, your aunt and uncle have taken 30 mins to cover that distance.

2007-10-01 13:20:49 · answer #3 · answered by Beardo 7 · 0 0

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