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1. She's beautiful alright, and tough too
2. With the wind in my hair
3. Moonlight on the water
4. I'll see she gets the message
5. Fastest gun west of the Mississippi
6. Hold it right there pardner
7. I got a yearnin' inside

2007-10-01 12:09:34 · 5 answers · asked by sarge 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

5 answers

Dodge City, Kansas / Mexico
Circa 1873

"The Cowboy Is Saved By The Cowgirl.....Again"

U.S.Marshal Matt Dillon had gone to Mexico on a matter of extradition. Jed Meyers, while hiding out in the small town of Santa Carlita, had been apprehended by the Mexican authorites.
Matt was going to escort him back to Dodge to stand trial for the murder of Ken Holton, a long time resident of Dodge.

Before leaving Dodge, Sunshine MacGillicutty, Matt's girlfriend, had begged him to take Festus or Newly with him. Matt felt it was unnecessary.
Matt:"You know, Sunny, I've been a Marshal for quite a while , now. I know what I'm doing...... Come on, sweetie, stop your worrying."
Sunshine quietly walked over to him and placed a small chain with a medallion around his neck.
Matt looked down at it...."What's this for?"
Sunshine:"It belonged to my father. It'll protect you, Matt. You wear this, now....You hear?"
Matt smiled and nodded his head.

Before he and the prisoner started their long journey back to Kansas, Matt asked the Mexican Consulate to send a telegram to Sunshine, to let her know he was on his way home.
The Consulate:"(4) I'll see she gets the message, Marshal Dillon."
Matt thanked him and rode off with Holton.
He reached in his shirt and touched the medallion.........." I love that girl," he whispered to himself.

The weather was hot.. They came to a river and stopped to water the horses. (3) Moonlight on the water illuminated their way.
Meyers:"Even (2) With the wind in my hair and water on my face, I swear we're in the devil's backyard." He dunked his head in the water, in an effort to cool off.
"You very fast with that pistol, Dillon?"
Matt:" Fast enough."
Meyers:"Well just so happens I'm the (5) Fastest gun west of the Mississippi."
Matt:"That a fact." It wasn't a question. "Come on, let's go."
Meyers: " I can't get back on my horse with these cuffs on."
Matt :"Well they aren't coming off, mister." He walked over to him to give him a boost.
He pounded Matt on the back of the neck with both fists and then kicked him. Matt crumbled. Meyers grabbed his gun and demanded the key to the handcuffs. When Matt handed it over he took off the cuffs and told Matt to put them on himself. Still dazed, Matt did as he was told.
Meyers:"Get on your horse! NOW! Matt saddled up and they continued riding. "Wait until the good folks of Dodge see their big lawman ride into town, in chains. I wonder how much you're worth to them, Dillon?!"


Back at the farm, Sunshine was reading the telegram. She was uneasy...... Although the wire told her he was on his way home, her instincts told her that Matt was in trouble. As always, she followed her instincts. She readied her horse, Pickett's Charge,and took off in search of Matt.
On her second day out, she encountered them. Just as she had feared!! The law and the outlaw had changed places.
She hid in the brush, waiting for the just right moment.
Meyers:" I've seen that little gal of yours, Dillon. She's a beaut ......... in a 'Annie Oakley' kind of way. Yep.........."(1) She's beautiful alright, and tough too."
Matt stared silently at him.
Holton: "What's the matter, big man? Cat got your tongue?!" He laughed.
Sunshine rushed out from behind her covering...."(6) Hold it right there pardner! (7) I got a yearnin' inside to shoot you .....Just give me the chance!"
Matt lunged for Holton , who hit him across the forehead with his pistol, before turning it on Sunshine. She fired her gun. Holton stared vacantly at her as he fell to the ground.

Sunshine rushed to Matt's side and administered to his wounds. When he finally opened his eyes, he was so surprised, he thought he was dreaming.
Matt:"S..S...Sunshine? Is that you?!"
She smiled and cradled his head....."It's me, Matt."
Matt took all this in........ "So once again.....The cowboy is saved by the cowgirl, I see." He grimaced as he tried to smile.
He took the medallion out and held it in his hand.......
"Who needs a Patron Saint when I have ........... My little Annie Oakley."

The scene fades as Matt smiles up at Sunshine.

2007-10-01 13:27:31 · answer #1 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 5 0

"Welcome to , what'll it be?" crackled the speaker.

"*I've got a yearnin' inside*....a yearnin' fer some food!" I drawled. There was a long silence - probably as the poor girl decided whether I belonged in the loony bin or not. I chuckled to myself.

"Welcome to ...it be?" she said again.

"Weeeellll, *with the wind in my hair* and *moonlight on the water* of that thar pretty lake," I drawled, "I've got a yearnin' inside...to tell Shelley that she's the purtiest sight I ever did see, more beautiful than even the rarest flower," I finished, now talking normally. She went from sputtering to laughing.

"Jim, is that you? *I'll see she gets the message.* Get out of here before you get me fired, you doofus!"

"Okay," I said agreeably, "Catch ya later, Ginger." I then drove out of the parking lot, parked a couple of stores down, and loped back to the restaurant. With my heart in my throat, I stayed out of (hopefully!) sight while peering in to see where Shelley was. I could see her talking to Ginger --who SAW ME! My heart dropped to my shoes, and I frantically motioned to Ginger to shhhh! and not let on I was there.

Gathering my courage and my props, I rushed inside, slid a bandanna over Shelley's eyes, and poked my water pistol against her side. "*Hold it right there, pardner," I drawled, "I'm the *fastest gun west of the Mississippi* and I ain't leavin' till ya give me what I come here fer." Ginger almost ruined it by laughing, so I tossed her the box, had her open it, and shoved Shelley's bandanna up.

"Shelley, will you OOOOOF" was as far as I got before I landed on the floor, courtesy of her martial arts training. My Shelley...*she's beautiful alright, and tough too.* I might have a chance though with that big sparkler Ginger was holding two inches from her face.

"Yes I'll marry you, you IDIOT, but don't you EVER scare me like that again!" she screamed. So, there went my fantasy of being her perfect cowpoke for the evening - or maybe not. Mama always said I was either the dumbest stick in the stack, or the cleverest gent on the block. When I had enough breath to speak, I drawled, "I got a yearnin' inside..."


2007-10-01 14:22:37 · answer #2 · answered by Hoosier Mom 5 · 1 0

7. final night I had this dream with you in it and that i did no longer like it one bit. You have been a million. Dim being incredibly dim, yet I knew you have been pretending, and eight. This sarcasm, if i will call it such, would not strengthen into you. 6. Is it some devil that crawls interior you? some evil being that inhabits you?? No? nicely 2. what's it going to be then, eh? A clockwork orange?? 4. Who ever heard of a clockwork orange? never I. Ta da! the top

2016-12-17 14:33:14 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

“Hold it right there, pardner,” someone shouted at me from behind. When I swung around, my heart skipped a beat. It was ******** Cronkhite, the fastest gun west of the Mississippi. Cronkhite had been out to get me since our early years, every since I stole beautiful Daisy Knickerbocker from him years back. She’s beautiful alright, and tough too. They had been together for years, but once she got sight of me, well, I suppose her heart was a beatin’ faster than mine, for she left Cronkhite like he was on fire in a wood barn.
“What do you want, ******** Cronkhite?” I replied, with a sneer as I spit right in front of his cow hide boots.
“What you up to with my Daisy,” he asked, “and what you think you’re doin runnin’ this town?”
I got a yearnin’ inside, but I knew I had to talk back to ******** Cronkhite. If I didn’t, the town might take away my name as sheriff of all of Garnett; which meant they’d take away my badge, too, which shined brighter than moonlight on the water. “Sorry, Cronkhite, but Daisy’s mine now, no matter what you think,” I said. He stopped. Walked up to me and looked me square in the eye.
“You bettah’ find your place fast, boy, or I’ll be a comin’ to get you,” he snarled.
His dark black hat looked like a sign of evil as it shone in the evening light. “And tell my Daisy that if she’s stayin’ with you, that I’ll be comin’ to get her, too.”
“I’ll see she gets the message,” I lied. As if. Daisy was mine and that’s the way it would always be no matter what crazy ******** Cronkhite says. I hopped on the saddle of my white horse, Bullet, and rode away. “Ride!” I shouted. With the wind in my hair, riding in the land, I knew I could out-shoot Cronkhite any day; and I could steal his girl away any day, too.

2007-10-01 12:41:27 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Allison♥ 2 · 1 0


2007-10-01 12:16:43 · answer #5 · answered by prettycutie 2 · 0 0

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