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…Jesus in the past 2 months?

Please provide supporting scripture where the prophet of Christianity advocates this as well.

This is an opportunity for those of you who continuously insist that radical Christians are just as dangerous to prove it with facts and numbers.

Islamic Terror Attacks by Muslims in the name of Allah for the Past 2 Months:

Number of Countries in which attacks by Muslims in the name of Allah occurred: 23
Number killed by Muslims in the name of Allah: 2985
Number Injured by Muslims in the name of Allah: 4609

2007-10-01 08:24:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Quran - Sura 9:29 says:

Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) until they pay the Jizyah (tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued (Hilali and Khan, insertions in parentheses are theirs)

2007-10-01 08:24:41 · update #1

shiobi - this one is more comprehensive. I have dug through it before but the link above is simple & easy. I would probably pull more numbers out of the MIPT database here -

2007-10-01 08:33:42 · update #2

shiobi – You bring up a great point which I respect and agree with. I truly believe that there are moderates but, they MUST make their voice be heard and heard loudly otherwise, they are going to wind up just as dead as the Germans who didn’t agree with Hitler.

2007-10-01 08:44:30 · update #3

Shinobi - sorry, I swear I hit that "n" key.

2007-10-01 08:45:35 · update #4

Drake - not comparable - More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. http://www.crisismagazine.com/october2003/madden.htm

2007-10-01 08:46:31 · update #5

14 answers

You know of course no one will really try to answer this question but you are going to get a lot of grief over it but I like your question. I'm sick and tired of everyone comparing Christianity with Islam. In this day and age there is no comparison. There is no radical Christian group going around blowing themselves up and trying to take as many innocent people with them. There is no Christian group that is cutting "unbeliever's" heads off. Good Question and I like your references. You are going to get people comparing what the Muslims are doing now to the Crusades. I guess they just don't know their history, the Crusades was a defensive war. the Muslims attack the Christian then also.

2007-10-01 08:31:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Actually before quiet man forgets to give us a history lesson he forgot things like the spanish inqusition and many other religous wars that engulfed much of Europe after the crusades, granted mostly christians killing christians. Also if you think there are not extremists on the christian front just look at people like Eric Rudloph granted they have been dormant for a while, but there are many christian groups that preech similar hate to those who kill in the name of allah.

2007-10-01 15:32:07 · answer #2 · answered by Drake 4 · 4 0

How many Muslims have been killed in Iraq and Iran by capitalists? We don't use religion to kill people, we use oil or income for our companies or our VP. Iran declared the CIA a terrorist operation. They are terrorists but not in the name of religion but in the name of money/power/greed and in the name of revenge.

2007-10-01 16:14:24 · answer #3 · answered by ustoev 6 · 0 0

Most christian offenses stopped after the Crusades, several hundred years ago. The problem is, the world cannot afford to go through ANOTHER crusade at this point in it's development. And should not have to. But they are so backward over there, there is little chance of stopping it at this point, without wiping out the countries involved, entirely.

2007-10-01 15:29:08 · answer #4 · answered by Quietman40 5 · 5 1

Uh No, but I don't take your link to seriously either.

Edit: Ok your link is not trying to give a better understand of Islam, just to condemn it like everyone else. It takes parts of the Quran and uses it for it's own purpose, just like an anti-Christian website.

Edit: I was talking about the religious of peace link. Sorry.

Edit: There are evil people that do bad things in the name of Religion. Christianity went through this. Right now Islam is going thru it, Yes we have to fight back, but I ask you why not every person who is muslim is a radical?

2007-10-01 15:28:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

All this hate is not helping anyone.
There are more peaceful Muslims than terrorists fighting in the name of Allah.
God decreed, following the killing of Abel by Cain, that to take a life is as if one has killed all mankind, and to save a life is as if one has saved all mankind (Quran 5:32)

2007-10-01 15:32:27 · answer #6 · answered by Global warming ain't cool 6 · 3 2

Isn't interesting that when the groups are Christian based the media doesn't label them 'Christian terrorists?'

2007-10-01 23:38:14 · answer #7 · answered by God 6 · 0 0

Islam is in it's Dark Ages. They are terrorizing around the globe. Recently, I've seen horrible pictures of what they did to Buddhists.

2007-10-01 15:31:51 · answer #8 · answered by Tin Foil Fez 5 · 2 3

real answer - nope, I can't

could anyone ?

you said - "those of you who continuously insist that radical Christians are just as dangerous"
Really ??????
Now who is the one full of B.S. ? (you) :)
Can you give us just Three (3) names of people who "insist that radical Christians are just as dangerous"
You don't even have to give us the names of people who do it "continuously" (because there are none)
dear "open thoughts"
Janet Reno "Insist that radical Christians are Just as dangerous"
really ?? - source please !!

as for hearing it "many times" Then it should be easy to give me Only Three (3) names of people that "insist" it's true
remember - I don't even expect you to give names of people that do it "continuously" even though that was the Claim !

2007-10-01 15:32:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Who ever said radical christians are just as dangerous as radical muslims since the 1800's?????

Please show me proof of that.

2007-10-01 15:30:00 · answer #10 · answered by Lotus Phoenix 6 · 1 2

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