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My mom was getting on my case about something and she was really annoying me and pissing me off so I said, God, Stop Bitc*hin at me! Then she got all pissed off, but I don't see what the big deal is...she was really bitc*hin at me! It ridiculous...I always get in trouble for things like this! Isn't this soooo ridiculous, now my mom is like i just added another week of grounding for you!

2007-09-30 11:52:40 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

If my mom ever tried to spank me now a days I would get in my car and go to the mall! hahah no one gets spanked now a days!

2007-09-30 12:27:32 · update #1

23 answers

uh no. you shouldnt swear at her, that is just asking to be grounded. and and like omg that totally isnt really telling the truth its just like talking back trying to like, get like, on her like, nerves, like omfg

2007-09-30 11:58:01 · answer #1 · answered by nicole<3 3 · 9 0

Your mom is a PERSON, just like you. I think people forget that sometimes. How would you be if someone told you to stop b----ing at them? I'm sure you wouldn't say, "Oh, OK! You're right. I'm sorry!" You would get angrier. You have to approach the situation from the other person's point of view to get anything accomplished.

2007-10-02 07:40:17 · answer #2 · answered by Courtney 6 · 1 0

Remember, your mom has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on you (diapers, food, clothing, your medical bills) and probably just as many hours of her time put into raising you.

She may be annoying at times but in order to gain respect you have to show respect.

Show her you have whatever it was she was nagging you about under control. Show her your plan/itinerary/etc. It's going to take showing how responsible you are to get treated as a grown-up.

2007-09-30 12:00:46 · answer #3 · answered by scoop 5 · 4 0

your probably in trouble for the words you used. I used to think it was stupid too. However next time try saying mom I dont understand what your going on about, and talk nice with her dont tell her to stop bitchin at you.

2007-09-30 12:32:25 · answer #4 · answered by humm 3 · 2 0

Because she thought you were disrespectful.

True story...I was 21 years old....had a child...living out on my own. My mom came over and started jumping down my throat. She walked out of my house, and I told my friend "Jeeezzz....why is she bitching me out...whats her problem?" My mom suddenly flew back in the door, and told me if I ever said something so disrespectful again, she'd knock me to the floor. Needless to say, I haven't said anything since.
You shouldn't say things like that to your mom (yeah, I'm ready for thumbs down). Sometimes, moms have bad days and sometimes children do things that moms need to jump on them for. It's a part of life.

2007-09-30 12:00:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 11 0

ok well telling the truth is alot different then saying your mom is bitchingg you so you shouldnt disrespect your parents what i used to do is when she was lecturing me i would just say ok after she said something and not rudly then they know that you dont care but they cant get you in trouble cuz really you were agreeing dont fight back cuz its not going to help

2007-09-30 13:11:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anna L 5 · 0 1

You say these things in front of your mom?
You need to be spanked. You're lucky your mom's so lenient.

If you lived in my house, you'd be sleeping in the yard tonight.

2007-09-30 12:20:28 · answer #7 · answered by charlotte 4 · 4 0

It was because you were being disrespectful. You shouldn't really cuss in front of parental units anyway, it isn't very nice.

2007-09-30 12:06:40 · answer #8 · answered by Cheryl 4 · 4 0

You should not be swearing at your mom, or any other adult, unless they are physically harming you. If you don't want to get grounded or bit*hed at, quit doing or saying things to get yourself in trouble.

2007-09-30 11:58:30 · answer #9 · answered by Ryan's mom 7 · 11 0

well if i was ur mama i would lock ur happy lil tale in the house for cussing at me. she is ur mother you do not cuss at your mother! that is called dissrespect. and if i was ur mama and u dissrespected me, i would do more than ground oyu for more than another week!

2007-09-30 13:16:40 · answer #10 · answered by Cole.Baby 4 · 2 0