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To many people don't bother, but what would you do to convince them that neglecting their right to vote may only hurt the country in the long run ?

2007-09-30 09:55:38 · 28 answers · asked by www.shutup.com 2 in Politics & Government Elections

28 answers

I've never voted with conviction in 47 years - there's only one way to manage the country properly and that's the correct way - problem is all the correct ideas get divided out amongst the 3 main 'parties'.

I'll vote for the party that revokes 'Inheritance Tax' as for me that constitutes a second tax on my tax paid hard earned savings, and for the party who sets the State Pension at a respectable level for those of us who made compulsory payments during our working lives and didn't have the luxury of an employers' or union pension scheme.

Sadly politicians of all parties just 'play' at 'COSMETIC POLITICS' - what's fashionable [global warming and the likes] - and whilst all that's going on they have ALL allowed the land of our fathers to become unrecogniseable as the place we all grew up in - with no secure borders - thank goodness we aren't in WW2!

So who will I vote for - well the Labour Government disgusts me - whatever happened to the 'working man's representation' - it was clear that the only way Labour could get into and stay in government was to wear the Tories clothes - which they have and are doing very well - except they are sleezy in a different way from the 'sleep about' Tories of the past.

Old Labour was all about 'dragging everyone down to the same level' when all we wanted was for everyone to have the chance to be dragged up to the same or better level - now they do it and call it 'frugal fiscal management' as they raid everyone's pensions and screw us for more and more tax.

But please - get someone with some courage and determination and guts to lead the 'party' Cameron can only go if he acquires an ailment - sadly.

It's going to be Tory - warts and all!!

2007-09-30 11:25:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I will be voting for the only one of the minor parties that not only talk about making a difference, but actually do so.

The most effective pressure group on the environment, and the most effective pressure group on protecting our endangered civil liberties.

The Greens

I would urge anybody who is not attracted to the three major parties to vote Green.

Realistically, it is highly unlikely that they or any other minor party will win a seat under the fptp system, but at least the Greens can work well as a pressure group to effect change from outside government, and the greater their support the more effective they can be.

Other minor parties can do nothing without representation, because the major parties simply don't take any notice of them. The Greens are listened to. There is no other political party in the UK of any significance, whether major or minor, who's policies have not been influenced by the Greens agenda.

2007-10-01 04:06:10 · answer #2 · answered by Spacephantom 7 · 1 1

Frankly, I'm dithering. I feel so let down by Cameron that I swore I would stay at home. I am now having second thoughts. I think the prospect of even higher taxes, no referendum on Europe, inheritance tax etc and the dreaded Gordie pretending he had nothing to do with the last 10 years has frightened me to the extent that I will voteTory in order to avoid a one party state.
I am also appalled at the Government's intention to log all our phone calls, with the intention of monitoring our emails and internet use. I assume that in a few years time I would not be able to give this opinion.

2007-09-30 11:47:47 · answer #3 · answered by Beau Brummell 6 · 2 0

Europe and immigration are by far the most important issues we the voter have ever had to deal with.

All three mainstream parties will take us into Europe without our say so, they will then turn round and say you voted for us that is a mandate to go into Europe.

We are being told lies about immigration, the numbers are at epidemic levels and ethnic cleansing is now an agenda adopted by New Labour (hardly surprising since Tony and Gordon raised the annual immigration intake from 50000 a year to 250000 is it?

There is simply no choice for me or people like me who wish to remain in our Native environment. The BNP or UKIP are the only alternatives and if there is no support for them then you must look out for major changes in our society resulting in a gradual and total demise of our native population.

If we the Native Britain do not fight to save ourselves then we deserve to die out, that's all there is to it.

My sister is delivering and collecting registration forms for voting purposes, she tells me that immigrants that have not been in this country a year are being given citizen ship. They can't even speak English, yet they will have the power to vote.
The government is hiding and manipulating immigration figures, they are lying. Any one who thinks the Tories will do better should watch a replay of Cameron on this mornings Breakfast show.

ATB Red.

2007-09-30 11:20:17 · answer #4 · answered by Redmonk 6 · 4 3

after over 30 years of voting Tory then labour i finally accept that none of the main parties have this country 's welfare at heart.
i will from now on vote bnp

with the doors closed to immigrants the burden on the health and welfare system will slow down.
the burden on the housing system will slow down and eventually stop
school places will eventually be in surplus so that our children ( black or white) will be taught in classes of reasonable size.
the 3 million unemployment queue will gradually reduce as those on benefit are filtered into the job market with no excuse not to work.
our basic systems - water - sewage etc will be under less strain.

after approx 2 terms the country will start to settle down and if people want to come here from abroad - after learning our language and proving they have enough to support themselves and their families - let them come.

if you don't vote it is assumed you don't care so you shouldn't have an opinion.

if you do care about your country and fellow citizens then you need to accept your right and duty and vote.

just be very careful who you vote for ----- we've tried the tories and labour - liberal are positively dangerous they are so pathetic . so it doesn't leave much of a choice but frankly the monster raving loonies would be better than the bunch in the house at the moment - on both sides.

consider the problems we have and look carefully at who has the courage to deal with them.

2007-10-01 01:28:28 · answer #5 · answered by gillm 4 · 3 3

I'd have to go Tory. I really cant stomach the thought of another 4 yrs of labour. I don't believe all those so called polls that say Labour are winning by loads. But the problem is people have such short memories, and forget just how poor Labour have been.

2007-09-30 10:01:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Tories definately, can't stand any more time with Labour running the country in to the ground

2007-09-30 22:02:11 · answer #7 · answered by shadow 2 · 1 1

Socialist Labour

Arthur Scargill for PM

I see the BNP bunch are at it on here again. When will they learn that nobody with any sense likes them? They don't even fool loonies like me.

BNP = Braindead Nonsense Party (less than 1% support and falling - what a joke they are)

OK so Socialist Labour don't have much support either, but at least their not racist bigots.

2007-10-01 05:25:36 · answer #8 · answered by Loony Left 3 · 1 2

As a Tory councillor I had better vote Tory. We have a good MP so its important to keep him. I am not a fan of the boy Dave but I am not going to be conned by Brown. The sad thing is many people will forget Iraq, how he stole our pensions. Health in a mess and crime at a new high. So its up to each person to do their duty and vote. Just lets hope not for another 10 years of con men and sleaze.

2007-09-30 10:05:13 · answer #9 · answered by deadly 4 · 6 3

People do not vote as there is no one they are happy to vote for. Its that simple. Any vote is a wrong vote they say. No votes makes the point better.

2007-09-30 15:08:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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