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i was out sick and missed the math class that went over this. i dont have my book i only have the work book that does not go over it.

could you give me examples. i will make up a statement so that you are not helping me with my homework.

If you like the Carrie Underwood, then you go to her concert.

2007-09-30 06:59:51 · 8 answers · asked by Catholic 14 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

also what is biconditional

2007-09-30 07:13:27 · update #1

8 answers

Oh wow, we just got through with this. Geometry, how fun.

That's a kind of strange example, so I can give another one?

"If you are a student, then you like vacations."

If you're doing converses, inverses, and contrapositives, then you're probably doing truth tables, aren't you? I'll include those...

ORIGINAL (if p, then q): "If you are a student, then you like vacations."
~False - not all students like vacation.

CONVERSE (if q, then p): "If you like vacations, then you are a student."
~False - teachers can like vacations, too!
(switch the two parts)

INVERSE (if ~p, then ~q): "If you are not a student, then you do not like vacations."
~False - same as above, other people like vacations.
(do the opposite of the original)

CONTRAPOSITIVE (if ~q, then ~p): "If you do not like vacations, then you are not a student."
~False, for the same reasons.
(switch the parts, and do the opposite)

Hope all that helps!

2007-09-30 10:54:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First you start with the statement
the converse is the statement switched around
the inverse is the statement negative
the contrapositive is the statement switched and negative

Biconditional statements are statements that are true.

Statement- If you like Carrie Underwood, then you go to her concert.
Converse- If you go to her concert, then you like Carrie Underwood.
Inverse-If you don't like Carrie Underwood, then you don't go to her concert.
Contrapositive- If you don't go to her concert, then you don't like Carrie Underwood.

In this case all statements could be biconditional.

2007-09-30 07:18:47 · answer #2 · answered by Cookpups101 3 · 0 0

in case you have If P, then Q The talk is: If Q, then P The inverse is: If no longer P, then no longer Q The contrapositive is: P if and provided that Q i'm going to do the 1st one for you... a million. talk: If the perspective is obtuse, the perspective degree equals a hundred and twenty fake, it may desire to be yet another obtuse volume besides a hundred and twenty Inverse: If the perspective degree isn't equivalent to a hundred and twenty, then the perspective isn't obtuse fake, it may desire to be a hundred and obtuse Contrapositive: The angles degree equals a hundred and twenty if and provided that the perspective is obtuse. For the contrapositive to be authentic, the unique assertion and the debate ought to be authentic. The assertion is authentic, yet as we stated above, the debate isn't authentic. wish this helps you! Please digital mail in case you opt for greater advantageous rationalization.

2016-11-06 20:46:33 · answer #3 · answered by homrich 4 · 0 0

The statement that you've made is a conditional statement.

Conditional: If you like Carrie Underwood, then you go to her concert.

Hypothesis of the conditional statement is: you like Carrie Underwood. (Don't include the IF)

Conclusion of the conditional statement is: you go to her concert.

Converse: If you go to her concert, then you like Carrie Underwood.
-Basically just switch the hypothesis and conclusion.

Inverse: If you don't like Carrie Underwood, then you don't go to her concert.
-Make the hypothesis and conclusion negative, or negate it.

Contrapositive: If you don't go to her concert, then you don't like Carrie Underwood.
- Switch the hypothesis and conclusion and make it negative, or negate the converse.

Biconditional statment: You like Carrie Underwood if and only if you go to her concert.
- Start with the hypothesis and add "if and only if" between the hypothesis and conclusion.

2007-09-30 08:30:50 · answer #4 · answered by DCD4 5 · 0 0

a biconditional of that statement would be
You like the Carrie Underwood iff you go to her concert

converse and contrapostive are always true
and inverse is not true

2007-09-30 07:17:15 · answer #5 · answered by ♥Mrs.SweetLove♥ 6 · 0 1

Converse: If you go to Carrie Underwoods concert, then you like her.

For converse you switch the sentence around.

Inverse: If you don't like Carrie Underwood, then you don't go to her concert.

For inverse you put not in both parts.

Contrapositive: If you don't go to Carrie Underwoods concert, then you don't like her.

For contrapositive you do both converse and inverse... you switch and make it negative.

Hope this helped.

2007-09-30 07:10:27 · answer #6 · answered by Meg, youngest Malfoy »—(¯`v`¯)—» 3 · 1 2

ok megan s is so wrong!

there are four of the.

1. the conditional, or a hypothisis statement. if its raining then they wont play. this would be a true statment.
2. converse- you flip it. if they dont play, then it is raining. this would be a false statement because they could not play for many other resons.
3.inverse- would be the orrignal with not in the statement if it is not raining then they will not play. this is false cause the will play if its not raining
4. contropositive-this is the flipped with not if they do not play than it is not raining this is false!

hope i helped but please ask your teacher about it! she might have it another way,,,

2007-09-30 07:27:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

i thought that inverse was like 1/4= 4/1 or 4

i dont really know for sure though..... im in algebra but right now its like review.....

2007-09-30 10:17:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0