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Okay, i'm married and currently pregnant with twins (you may have read my question about names). Anyways, not my little sister who is 15 want to have a baby. I try to explain to her that she's too young, and I even have told her that she can come help me with the twins when hey are here - i'm sure i'll need it LOL. But she's deadset on having her own child - someone to love (according to her). I've talked to mom about it and it really didn't help anything.

If this was your little sis, what would you do?

2007-09-29 20:31:10 · 19 answers · asked by *ConfusedPrincess* 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

Thanks la princesa for the congrats! When they told us a couple of months ago I was having twins I just couldn't believe it! At first I was a little scared but now i'm so excited - can't wait for them to get here.

2007-09-29 20:40:10 · update #1

19 answers

Take her along to your hospital appointments, get her to cook and clean for you when you don't have the energy. Basically, try to give her an accurate picture of motherhood. There's some books about the downsides, "The Mask of Motherhood" is one. Let her see you crying and lying on the couch to tired to move. Let her see the mood swings.The thing she really needs to understand is that babies don't love their mothers, and she's going to have two nieces/nephews to love. Tell her you need her help with your twins and she won't be able to help if she's pregnant! Let her be one of your birth support people and ask her to stay for a fortnight after you take the babies home, to cook, clean and generally wait on you. This will be a learning experience worthwhile missing school for. Especially if it prevents her dropping out to have her own.

2007-09-29 20:44:32 · answer #1 · answered by Rosie_0801 6 · 4 0

well congrats on the twins!

Just tell your lil sis to wait till you have the twins.. she can come over and help with them, and love them, and find out what its actually like to have a baby around! Maybe you can convince her to at least promise that she will wait till you have yours so she can see what its like to care for a baby.

She's 15, she has plenty of time to make babies later.. she should be enjoying her time with friends and finishing school so she can get a good JOB and be able to afford to support her future children!

Mabe she is craving some attention too.. she may see some of the attention you are getting over your pregnancy and wants that for herself. If you think this is the case, maybe you can talk with her that its a good thing to plan out a family at an appropriate time. You are married, and probably you or your hubby have a decent job, your own place, etc... children are a good thing for you right now. At her age, being pregnant just makes her look like a slut. A 15 year old should be bragging about good grades, sporting events/extra curricular activites, looking forward to driving.

2007-09-29 21:08:09 · answer #2 · answered by Nekkid Truth! 7 · 0 0

While she isn't drowsing round or doing something dangerous to get pregnant then there isn't a lot motion you'll take. Some ladies do move via stages like this however under no circumstances severely attempt to fall pregnant. Just permit her hold dreaming but when she maintains bringing it up and also you suppose that she's going to placed herself equipped wherein she would possibly fall pregnant you would need to carry the mother and father into this. It's so effortless to seem from afar at mother and father with little newborns and revel in minding a child (for what? 2 hours! Try 24-7 while you are a father or mother!) however it's not anything like being a mum and even though infants are adorable, there may be so emotional and bodily exhaustion from being a father or mother of a child. My pal is 21 and he or she unearths it particularly annoying, tiring and disturbing to be a mum of a a million yr historical so how can a 14 yr historical probably do a higher process? you simply ought to lay the data down and if she is not going to concentrate then you definately can not do something (except like already recounted, she takes it into her possess arms) if she begins doing something detrimental, you ought to carry the mother and father in however till then simply shrug and stroll clear of it. believe me, my sister went via this level and virtually satisfied me that she used to be going to do anything approximately it...however she didnt and now she's 18 and surely does no longer desire children whenever quickly...bizarre hiya

2016-09-05 12:10:11 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well,maybe she is feeling lonely.Try spending more time with her or you could even invite her over to stay for a few days.Reassure her and be there for her.Once your twins come then let her spend as much time with them as possible,let her see the good and the bad side.Show her reality.Remember it's probably just hormones.Plus little sisters tend to look up to older sisters, so she will see you happily married with twins on the way and feel like she want a part of that to,some stability maybe.
Good luck with you sister and congrats on the twins!

2007-09-29 23:59:18 · answer #4 · answered by Kαtydid ★ 7 · 1 0

Congrats! I have twin brothers who are 7 months old now, Joseph and Joshua! Ummm....My little sister (who is 11) wanted a baby (because it would make everything better, someone to be loved by and to love) I had to talk to her because mom was beside herself. I told her that 1st it would be very hard for an 11 yr old to be pregnant and the baby to make it.(It is even hard for 15 yr olds...most of the time they have to be induced or they go into preterm labor.)
2nd how was she going to feed it, provide for it ect. 3rd I told her it might be hard to get a husband if she has a 8 + yro child hanging around. and I finally after 3 hours of talking to her she gave it up.

Tell your sister it is hard when you are young and to wait until you are older(and hopefully married) that way you can support your child

2007-09-30 04:52:57 · answer #5 · answered by just love poms(it's a dog) 3 · 0 0

Teenagers often what to have babies because of the unconditional love that comes along with them. She's craving something like that and she believes that a baby will fill the void, however she's not seeing the big picture that a baby is something more to cuddle and care for.

Sit down and have a heart to heart with your sister, ask her why she feels she needs to have a baby, maybe she's feeling left out, perhaps she's having a tough time in school, or maybe her and your mother aren't getting along, you said that you talked to your mother, but she didn't help anything, maybe she believes her mother just doesn't listen enough to her. Make sure to tell her that you love her, and that you understand how hard being 15 is, but having a baby will only make it harder.

2007-09-29 21:17:03 · answer #6 · answered by Zyggy 7 · 1 0

As a young mum pregnant at 18. From first hand experience i can tell you that i was so naive and did not care what any one said to me regardless of how much i respected them. It is going to be very hard to convince your sister that this is the wrong choice if she has made up her mind and is very strong willed (as most young teenagers are). You will need to give her as much information as possible, let her look after yours, some schools have the crying baby with a key try and get that for her.

I am glad i had my children young and love them to bits, but i wish i knew then what i know now. Your life changes more then you could ever imagine.

You loose friends because they are happy out and about and going to parties and doing all the fun things teenagers should be doing. You some times feel really jealous and wish you could be doing it to.

It is so much harder then everyone thinks especially as a young mum because you don't get as much support from everyone (including professionals) because society still frowns upon young mums.

Also is it really fair to bring a baby into the world at 15 can you support it and give it the lifestyle it deserves.

I could go on for every, but i think your best bet is to get her to talk to young mums what they went through the highs and lows. Hopefully its just a stage she is going through and the idea will grow old and she will move on with something else.

Try putting her focus on her future and what she wants to achieve will she be able to achieve everything with a baby.

Best of luck.

2007-09-29 20:45:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Congrats to you! Yeah it is a dangerous situation, if she wants her own kid because it's something to love...very risky. No offence I'm sure as you know that is a bad reason to have kids and she wouldn't be able to handle it. I can only hope you can talk her out of it, or that she wouldn't act on it...hopefully when you do have your twins she'll see how hard it can be to have a baby and re-think her plan!

2007-09-29 23:26:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well I would tell her that she has her whole life ahead of her and when she is out of school she can start a family. I am the youngest of four and I have always wanted a baby of my own but my mom said that having a baby to young can be hard on the mother and the baby, just because you want one doesn't mean it has to happen wait until you are ready. That is what I would tell her

2007-09-29 20:45:48 · answer #9 · answered by emma 2 · 2 0

I think you should tell her it's perfectly normal for a girl to want a baby, but it's best that she wait until she finishes school and is in a stable relationship.
Tell her she just has to hold out until that happens. Just tell her the time will come for her to have her own children.
Just make sure you don't try to shut her up, that only makes things worse.

2007-09-30 00:07:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0