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47 answers

Historically, a homosexual king never married his "same sex lover." He would marry a female Queen picked by his privy council members and than keep many young boy lovers on the side.
A great example of this was King James I of England (King James VI of Scotland). He was a bisexual and throughout his life, he had open relationships with his male courtiers. He was in so much love with them that he would often clasp them about the neck with his arms and kiss them in the open sight of people at court.

2007-09-29 07:32:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

a) No king would ever marry a person of the same sex.
That is not done, and it would pose all manners of problems for the succession.
Edward VIII of England had to abdicate over marrying a divorcee, a gay marriage would cause no less.

b) no matter what the king styled the other, nobody would ever think of him as anything else than the king's catamite, and he'd better die before the king, because should he be last survivor, he'd get in serious hot water. Certainly not in line for succession, nor any relatives of his.

2007-09-29 21:48:48 · answer #2 · answered by Svartalf 6 · 1 0

If that were ever considered to be acceptable in royal circles, I guess that he would be considered the Prince Consort.

However, it is highly unlikely that a gay King would marry a man. He would marry a woman, produce a few obligatory heirs, and keep his boyfriend on the side.

2007-09-29 07:46:07 · answer #3 · answered by Izzy 4 · 0 0

First of all, that is a ridiculous question, as something like that would NEVER be allowed to happen! There is no way any Royal Family would let get passed. I do think, however, that there have been Kings who have dallied with other men, and it's kept VERY quiet...

2007-10-02 12:24:45 · answer #4 · answered by Lady Miss Keir 3 · 0 0

Royal homosexuality is usually covered up. Look at the current Earl of Wessex *ahem* (Prince Charles youngest brother, Edward).

As for Mark H -- Indeed there was a King (Edward II) who was executed in the style you have commented, but it wasn't "the basic reason for The War of The Roses". That was the overthrow and murder of Richard II some 73 years later, with the main troubles breaking out 50 years after that.
And why on earth you got on to the revolutionary war i don't know; but in rebuttal to your accusations of British maltreatment of colonial prisoners please remember that about 75% of troops were not British. They were loyalist Americans. It was these loyalists that were in charge of prisoners since they knew many of them. No doubt atrocities were commited by both sides, but this is just one of the sorry things about war. So please, if you wish to try and lecture about someone elses history make sure you've got all of the facts. Or didn't you learn that at school?

2007-09-29 07:20:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Kings don't marry other men, not because there haven't been gay kings, but because for one, gay marriage hasn't been legal, and two, the king was expected to marry for reasons of politics and procreation. A king who was gay would marry a woman to bear his children, and have more meaningful relationships with men on the side. But unfortunately, he would never be able to marry any of his lovers.

2007-09-30 06:16:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Only in fairy land. In real life one would imagine the royal family would somehow intervene. The king or his lover might have an accident. The king might be declared insane and forced to abdicate

It's happened you know all sorts of treachery goes on behind the scenes societies that have such governments

2007-09-29 06:13:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't know. But as understand it you British once overthrew a lousy king who was gay, imprisoned him, could not figure out how then to execute him, so settled on a strange compromise. By history an Iron Bar was heated red hot and slowly shoved up his rectum into his insides, until he died. Maybe he enjoyed part of it. But anyway it was the basic reason for the start of the "Wars of The Roses", You British have a long history, and some strange episodes in it. I am from the American south. And had kin at "Kings Mountain" fight. From family stories how you fought in the south in our Revolution, I would rather anything than been taken alive by some of your British units back then. Might answer the question of how you lost that war. And why we tended to kill your men out of hand. You earned it then, way you treated American prisoners. I doubt that is taught in British schools.

2007-09-29 06:22:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I love it, what a great question, but I very much doubt the royal family would let that happen unfortunately, shame really might actually show them as being normal. Long live the King and his husband !!!! :)

2007-09-29 06:11:35 · answer #9 · answered by Tina B 3 · 4 1

It will never happen ! The powers that be will cover up all homosexual relationships until a time when the monarchy is failing and they need to pull a real show stopper out of the bag and once again appeal to the common people !

2007-09-29 06:04:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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