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To analyze the alcohol content in a certain bottle of wine, a chemist needs 1.25L of 0.25m Potassium dichromate (K*2 Cr*2 O*7) How much solid potassium dichromate is needed to make this solution? use correct sig figs

ok so this is one of my hw questions and im really lost right now...i need some help...so can you help me with the steps and formula??....and figure it out...so i can write down the formula and figure it out myself and then check it??...please i really need to understand this...got a test coming up soon!

2007-09-27 13:16:51 · 1 answers · asked by Riley 1 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

1 answers

Atomic weights: K=39 Cr=52 O=16 K2Cr2O7=294

Let the dichromate solution be called DS. Let potassium dichromate be called PD.

1.25LDS x 0.25molPD/1LDS x 294gPD/1molPD = 92g K2Cr2O7

2007-09-27 13:26:48 · answer #1 · answered by steve_geo1 7 · 0 0

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