Why do a lot of Americans think that the whole of Great Britain is called England? Do they know there are four countries in Great Britain?
34 answers
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I can name a few of the states yes but i know that america has states so why dont the americans know there are four countries in UK not just england
09:56:57 ·
update #1
I dont think everyone in USA is the same at all.
10:00:11 ·
update #2
I really do know quite a few of the states
10:01:31 ·
update #3
Just so you know, and not intending to be bolshi Uk has Scotland England Ireland and Wales
10:03:14 ·
update #4
Chuck Biscuits, shame on you, its called education. What if you wanted to go to London and end up in Scotland haha
10:05:58 ·
update #5
misconception and a lack of interest or eduaction...
2007-09-27 09:49:13
answer #1
answered by LexianaFaith 3
Ah Well if you think about our country
England and Scotland Form The United Kingdom
Apart from England and Scotland
There is the Principality of Wales and The Province Of Northern Ireland
England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Irland Form
The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Landmass of England, Scotland & Wales Form Great Britian
add Ireland to the last list and you get the British Isles
Come On Give the Yanks a Break,
I know Brits who don't know the correct name of our country
2007-09-27 10:07:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Actually, there are three countries in Great Britain - England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom has four. It is comprised of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. However, in answer to all the idiots saying 'how many states do we know in America' I know there are 50 and could come up with most of them (given enough time). Not gonna waste my time doing that here.
It's an irrelevant point as we never refer to America by just one of them or assume America is made up of New York and California. Most of us know that New York is not the capital of New York state despite being so well known. We also know that there is more than one country in North America.
Surely most Americans realise Britain is more than England...
2007-09-27 10:26:46
answer #3
answered by ammie 4
No, most don't. I think most of us are clear on Scotland and England are part of the UK but forget about N. Ireland and think Wales is just some city that Princess Diana was duchess of.
17% of Americans can't even find the United States on a map and you think we're supposed to know about your country?! Get real, that's way too taxing and might necessitate leaving the couch.
2007-09-27 09:55:58
answer #4
answered by I'm back...and this still sucks. 6
I know that. England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales make up Great Britain. I think Ireland is UK
2007-09-27 09:54:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well actually quite a few know this but we refer to it as England so some people won't get confused but it's also because a lot of people aren't really taught about the history of the countries besides ours, besides many American born people say Britain when we're referring to people like that.
2007-09-27 11:01:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's not just Americans who refer to the UK as "England", MANY other people do it too (including some Brits that i've met).
For those who don't know:
"Great Britain" = England, Scotland, and Wales.
"United Kingdom" = Great Britain PLUS Northern Ireland.
Edited to ask heavymetalbitch a question:
How is that relevant to this discussion? How many people have you heard refer to the entire US as "Nebraska" for example?
2007-09-27 09:50:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
General lack of education. I'm not sure how much geography is stressed anymore. And as demonstrated by one person here, if it's not American, many people sadly think it is unimportant.
And Lisa - I've known many from England who have a better grasp of the US than many Americans. There are a lot of Americans who don't know how many states there are or the layout of this country.
2007-09-27 10:01:20
answer #8
answered by Jareth's Trousers 7
There's England, Scotland, Ireland and what else? Forgive my ignorance, I am an American. Why do British people think that everyone in America is the same? America is so huge that we have SEVERAL different cultures. Not all Americans act or behave the same, nor do we all share the same intellect or level of education.
2007-09-27 09:51:55
answer #9
answered by Ham B 4
The same reason that people from ENGLAND refer to America
as The States
2007-09-27 10:27:43
answer #10
answered by Thumbs Down 3
Because we spend more time watching reality TV then we ever do learning about culture and the world.
A side question...doesn't the word "British" just refer to those people or things that derive from England?
2007-09-27 09:49:51
answer #11
answered by Blond&Tall 4