It's pretty normal to be misunderstood by the people close to you once in a while. But if we are misunderstood ALL the time until we tire of it, then maybe we need to look back at ourselves and find out WHY we are so often misunderstood.
Maybe there is something in the way we communicate or relate to others that makes it hard for others to understand where we were coming from on things. Maybe we don't relay the message well enough to enable others perceive us the way we wish them to.
Communication is a two way relationship. We cannot always expect others to get the clues to our feelings or sentiments if we don't try to tell them or to explain to them how we feel on different matters, especially matters of the heart. Discuss with those close to you about your feelings or discontent, and do not forget to get feedbacks from them. Sometimes, we need to see ourselves from the eyes of others to fully understand ourselves, and see ways to improve.
I'm sorry if I sound preachy, but the number one cause for misunderstanding is miscommunication. And believe me, communication skills need to be developed; they don't just come naturally to most. You could slowly start rationally communicating your feelings to people; you’ll get the hang of it sooner or later.
Much love to you, dear Moon:) I'm sorry if I spoke out of line.
2007-09-27 19:38:50
answer #1
answered by shahrizat 4
Not tired of being misunderstood. I do take it like it's a natural reaction from two different angles; - from one which is broadly open to certain conditions,..and from another which is closed at the moment.
I don't push that hard to be absorbed. I use 'time' instead...knowing that minds work differently;..some go fast with little cautiousness,..some go slow taking time to digest every inch-part before reacting,..some just 'snore' to exclaim their non-interest at all.
If I think I'm on the right track, then I wouldn't be bothered much being misunderstood. My part is done. It's their problem now.
2007-09-27 13:59:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
When I'm being misunderstood I consciously say to myself - don't worry, let go, get over it, you'll be fine. I'm consciously trying to let go more and hold less.
I used to worry too much and run around everybody trying to explain this and that. The idea is my life would be perfect if there is no misunderstanding and everybody is happy about me. That was really exhausting. Since I have a mild 'thingy-thingy' disorder, it was killing me. I just have to stop doing that.
Have a lovely evening Moon:)
2007-09-27 10:29:09
answer #3
answered by waterlily 4
I tell the person that I'm tired of being misunderstood and I give them examples of why I feel I'm being misunderstood. We either work it out to our mutual satisfaction or I'm not able to be friends with that person whether it's a friend, relative or co-worker. If you can't be friends, then just be cordial: "Hi. How are you? Nice weather. See you later."
2007-09-27 13:30:11
answer #4
answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7
Re-think, re-phrase and try again. Opinions can change but the truth has no expiry date.
Language only approximates thought so there is always a gap between what we really mean and what we actually say.
This is especially true for the English language which is very flexible and the language itself has many contradictions which can be fun to play with but often lead to misunderstandings.
2007-09-27 04:14:03
answer #5
answered by megalomaniac 7
I get frustrated and think negative thoughts. Afterwars when I dried my eyes up from crying, I'm well again, quite sure that it won't last long and that I'll be disappointed in the next month or so..
Sometimes, I lock myself up in my room, just wasting time sleeping & reading & watching TV..If i get really frustrated, i pray.
2007-09-29 01:09:15
answer #6
answered by darcey 3
I imagine that one of the major benefits of the course, is that we will be so good at dodging the hard questions, that the course will be, essentially, free. I mean, we get a bill, and then a past due notice, and another, but, so what? We'll nimbly discuss the nuances, until Sandy (TM) forgets that we haven't paid one [intercoursing] dollar, despite multiple requests.
2016-03-19 01:22:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
When I get tirrd of being misunderstood with all the people around me I think of killing myself. Then I think again of what a waste of time it would be when I can prove them wrong and throwing it in their face. Ah.. The pleasure of seeing those awestruck faces. ^_^
2007-09-27 03:14:12
answer #8
answered by pitch black 3
It's bound to happen. : )
I try to explain things and when that doesn't work, I give up until I can think of a way to get my point across.
Sometimes, you never can get someone to understand. ( I think that's because some don't want to )
2007-09-27 03:29:40
answer #9
answered by Breezey is saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY 7
Take a break from the misunderstanders! Life's too short to go around explaining yourself to other people, who clearly don't think the same way. I have other things to do when it comes to such people.
2007-09-27 08:25:43
answer #10
answered by jenesuispasunnombre 6