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A. Indians passed North American diseases to the Europeans
B. Aficans and Europeans shared immunities to the Old World diseases.
C. Indians were unable to master the work required of slaves.
D. Africans were already adapted to slavery.

2007-09-26 06:32:10 · 12 answers · asked by LaKeshia H 1 in Arts & Humanities History

12 answers

If this is what schools are trying to load minds with then drop out and get a GED. All 4 answers are wrong. Political correctness has no place in history. We cannot learn from past mistakes when they are rewritten to hide fault. Let's look at the 4 answers you get to select from.
A - Is a complete reversal of fact.
B - While somewhat true, it is not the reason Africans were sold as slaves.
C - Indians were too proud to allow themselves to be made into white mans servants. Their honor and dignity was of the highest level. Ask your history teacher if he / she can name the Indian ( Native American ) that discovered Columbus.
D - Every nation has had its servant class of people doing slave work. Here in America currently it's immigrants from mainly Mexico that do work that we are too proud to do.

European countries saw an opportunity to do profitable business and started the slave trading industry. Slaves were sold before America was discovered. The slave industry really boomed from the demand for labor as America grew. Africans were easier to obtain, easier to spot once here, and they had much less chance of escape. They were strong and well suited for the climate. Fragmented from their tribes they spoke different dialects and basically shared only their color. If an African ran away in a land of whites they were whipped and sometimes killed. If one was black they were considered a slave. At the time there was only one lable for blacks and it was universal here. A sad time indeed in our history. Indians if in the same situation would have been even more of an escape threat. Nearly any Indian would assist another redman in their common beleif that they were not to be the palefaces servants. Big business then like now had no concern for humanity and was only dedicated to one thing, profit.

2007-09-28 05:19:37 · answer #1 · answered by John S 4 · 2 3

In the first place the English brought slaves with them when they settled this country. They had slaves in Merry old England. So did the French and the Spanish by the way.

A) Is wrong, to this day, Eskimos and Hawaiians are susceptible to certain diseases like measles, pneumonia, a few others.

B) This is untrue also, Africans hold the same problems the other Aborigines did when the Europeans found them.

C) The Native Americans were both stubborn and unwilling to work with the Whites, they were unable to live in the houses, the cities, they required their freedom.

D) Africans were in a way adopted to slavery. They were always under stress from their own tribes. This nonsense that they lived in freedom was, nonsense, they always lived under the stress of being raided by other tribes, just as the Native Americans were, and treated as slaves. Both the Africans and the Native Americans raided neighboring tribes for women for wives, for children to build up the tribes and to get slaves.

2007-09-26 09:52:49 · answer #2 · answered by cowboydoc 7 · 0 2

All are wrong I just learned that they chose Africans over natives because, the natives where to light and could easily blend in with the Europeans making them hard to be slaves. Also both had diseases but I know natives had a diseases that had killed off Europeans when they tried to take over their land .

2015-03-13 21:52:43 · answer #3 · answered by Pretty 1 · 0 3

d. Europeans did not go enslave Africans, they were enslaved by fellow Africans, and then sold to European slave traders.

None of the choices are good, though.

A. is wrong, unless new information comes foreword about syphilis. (The answer mentioning Jared Diamond was confused, and wrong. Check the wording of the question...)

B. Most slaves from Africa died on the voyage, from conditions, diseases, and treatment.

C. This one is like saying that Jesus couldn't swim...because he walked on the water...The Amerindians fought, and if captured tried to escape...they had a place to escape too, of course...Africans could get away...but then go where?

2007-09-30 05:53:15 · answer #4 · answered by dagomithost 3 · 1 3

All of the choices are wrong.

The white folks gave the American Indians the diseases-smallpox, measles, alcoholism, etc.

Choice C is probably the least wrong-mainly because my fathers' people would rather die free than live as slaves, not that my people were unable to master the work.

I can't believe the crap they're teaching in the school systems these days.

2007-09-26 06:40:06 · answer #5 · answered by thatwench 5 · 1 1

Well gee whiz. I guess they want you to pick either A or B -those are popular answers from the popular wisdom of Jared Diamond, and others. C and D are just racist. But actually the answer is E: people are adapted to slavery much quicker when you take them out of their environment and ship them off to yours which is probably 1000s of miles away. Makes it especially hard to escape back home or find anyone like themselves living around the old plantation who can or will help you. Indians were already home. They could Pop Smoke and blend. That, and the immunity thingy.

2007-09-26 06:43:26 · answer #6 · answered by Josef Ritter 2 · 0 0

African slaves were sold to slave traders by their own people...The diseases that killed off hundreds of thousands of indians came from the Europeans. The indian people lived here thousands of years without money, disease, and certainly slavery, therefore it was against everything they knew to be a slave. They would rather die with honor. The work mastery of the indian peoples is yet unsurpassed....I really think you need to do some more research.

2007-09-26 06:49:59 · answer #7 · answered by vitraux 6 · 0 1

I don't know what the answer is; but, Africans themselves sold their fellow Africans to be used as slaves!

2015-01-31 17:55:25 · answer #8 · answered by Carrie 1 · 1 1

European textbooks sort of say C,
because indians rather let themselves die than living as slaves.

2007-09-26 06:40:06 · answer #9 · answered by oreste 2 · 2 0

Easier to keep people captive when they can't easily escape and run back home.

2007-09-26 10:21:27 · answer #10 · answered by Indigo 7 · 3 0

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