2007-09-24 08:52:14
answer #1
answered by Run Lola Run 4
Nobody believes Saddam was behind 9/11.
But Iran-made explosive devices, specifically the ones projecting burning metal shot that penetrates lightly armored vehicles, have become quite prevalent in the region. There are also Irani "advisors" in Iraq.
As for WMDs in Iraq, Saddam had them and used them on the Iranis and on the Kurds, and never showed the inspectors proof that he'd destroyed all of them or all of the WMD delivery weapons he had. Of special concern was the VX that was never proven to have been destroyed.
I find the belief that Iran is peaceful and that everything is a US-led conspiracy is not borne out by the factual evidence.
2007-09-24 16:10:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Don't leave Iran out of the picture yet. I'll grant you there's lots of talk and no smoking gun evidence, but some explanation must exist as to who is funding and supplying the insurgency / terrorists.
2007-09-24 15:58:32
answer #3
answered by Pfo 7
Good Grief. One has nothing to do with the other. That's like saying the Vietnamese War was caused by World War I. Try for a better analogy or be quiet.
2007-09-24 15:51:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Like these:
Bill Clinton: "If Saddam rejects peace, and we have to use force, our purpose is clear: We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
Madeleine Albright, (Clinton Secretary of State): "We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and the security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction."
Sandy Berger, (Clinton National Security Advisor): "[Saddam will] use those weapons of mass destruction again as he has ten times since 1983."
Harry Reid: "The problem is not nuclear testing; it is nuclear weapons. … The number of Third World countries with nuclear capabilities seems to grow daily. Saddam Hussein's near success with developing a nuclear weapon should be an eye-opener for us all."
Dick Durbin: "One of the most compelling threats we in this country face today is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Threat assessments regularly warn us of the possibility that…Iraq…may acquire or develop nuclear weapons."
John Kerry: "If you don't believe…Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons, then you shouldn't vote for me."
John Edwards: "Serving on the Intelligence Committee and seeing day after day, week after week, briefings on Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and his plans on using those weapons, he cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons, it's just that simple. The whole world changes if Saddam ever has nuclear weapons."
Nancy Pelosi: "Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons-inspection process."
A Letter From The Senators: "We urge you, after consulting with Congress and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions, including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." - Sens. Levin, Lieberman, Lautenberg, Dodd, Kerrey, Feinstein, Mikulski, Daschle, Breaux, Johnson, Inouye, Landrieu, Ford and Kerry in a letter to Bill Clinton.
2007-09-24 15:50:43
answer #5
answered by Boredstiff 5
Of course....the born again christians,die hard neo-cons and the wealthy who are heavily invested in the companys like halliburton!
2007-09-24 15:55:15
answer #6
answered by honestamerican 7
There is no "spin" when it comes to the US military reporting conditions on the battle field. Get your head out of the sand...or wherever it is misplaced.
2007-09-24 15:52:27
answer #7
answered by regerugged 7
Watch this:
2007-09-24 15:56:30
answer #8
answered by Ellie A 2