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Please tell me the answers to these questions. I just don't understand them :(

What does it mean to "solve" a system of linear equation?

How can you use graphs to estimate the solution for a system of linear equations?

Explain how to use the susbstitution method to solve a system of linear equations.

In what cases would graphing probably be more convinient that substitution? When would substitution be more convinient than graphing?

Once you're solved a system of equations, how can you check your solution?

2007-09-24 08:23:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

2 answers

A system of equations is a set of 2 or more equations with as man unknowns as there are equations. i.e. a system of 2 equations will have 2 unknown variables like x & y, and a set or system of 3 equations will have x,y, and z, 3 unknowns and so on. You have to find the specific values of x, y and z that will work in all 3 equations.

A graph will tell you the specific solution that will fit all given equations at one point and that is the point where the lines cross each other (intersect).

solve for one variable then plug the result into another equation for the same variable, and repete as many times as you have variables until you end up with an equation with only one unknown that can be solved for.

graphing is better if you have 4 or more equations and the substatution becomes more complex. Substatution is good for systems of 4 or less equations.

You check by substatuting the results into all given equations to see if they yield the same answers given.

2007-09-24 08:38:29 · answer #1 · answered by 037 G 6 · 0 0

solve" a system of linear equation

how to find the value of variable which satisfy the equation

2007-09-24 08:37:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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