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21 answers

you say this is a real question, but you're asking it in the mythology section.

2007-09-24 08:26:51 · answer #1 · answered by 3ntropy 3 · 3 3

Exorcism. Read Ephesians 6:10-13

2007-09-30 22:13:07 · answer #2 · answered by Capricorn 5 · 1 0

That depends on why you are asking.

You first have to identify WHY you or your property is attracting evil spirits or demons. Have you or someone you know invoked them? Has someone been involved with occult activity?

How do you know that they are giving you problems? Or is this just a general question to get information? There is not simple answer when it comes to dealing with spirits of any sort. There is a huge requirement for information before an answer can be given.

2007-09-24 15:45:29 · answer #3 · answered by tempest_twilight2003 3 · 2 0

Wow! You can definitely tell the full moon is rapidly approaching. Best, cheapest, most trusted tried and true? Buy sea salt and sprinkle it around. It's a natural cleansing, healing agent. No funky spells, rituals, or special religion needed. Often done in homes of people that have have gotten divorced, for example, to cleanse the home of negative energies left behind.

2007-09-26 02:33:44 · answer #4 · answered by mhiaa 7 · 0 0

It really depends on your paradigm of belief. There are paradigms expressed here, from callng a catholic priest, to prayer, to witches bottles, smudging with sage, or feng shui. All are valid to those who follow that paradigm, But if you are born again then a catholic priest isn't going to be much help to you likewise if you are muslim or jewish, none of these might be effective. There are many cabalistic wards and I am sure that Islam has it own version of a ward against djinn (demons). Your best bet would be decide what you believe and research wards against evil and/or demons in that paradigm of belief. Almost every system has them. Best of luck to you.

2007-09-24 19:45:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

burning of white sage/sacred sage and sayin a prayer or telling them to simply move on.another is to with your hand draw in each of the corners of your room a triangle and then circle it.this creates a window they pass through but cant come back out.the lighting of a white candle and saying a prayer can help

2007-09-25 09:40:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the Catholic tradition, a priest comes to your house and prays that the spirits will go away. There was a time when my apartment was haunted and we had to call a priest to bless it. It might take several blessings because some spirits are more powerful than others.

2007-09-24 15:29:32 · answer #7 · answered by LizardMexicana 1 · 2 2

Consult a Feng Shui expert. They will come to your house and check it out. You can google or look it up in the Yellow Pages. Many people have good results.

2007-09-24 15:29:00 · answer #8 · answered by Antonio 4 · 1 1

The only way to eliminate the lowest entities, is to rise in consciousness to the highest entities. We are protected and guided by those that love us in higher realms. Why play around in the lower echelons of such entities? Personal fears bring on the resultant object of our fears.

2007-09-24 16:54:05 · answer #9 · answered by jmmevolve 6 · 0 2

From your other questions, I know you're just doing research.

Different religions have their own way of dealing with evil spirits or "negative entities", as some call it. Wiccans use banishing rituals to remove evil energies from their homes, buddhists chant and spin prayer wheels to appease powerful spirits, Christians and Jews pray for God for protection against supernatual evils.

This is in response to what Terry wrote:

Not true. Wicca gets this idea of "no evil" from Aleister Crowley. Islam also believes in Satan (Shaitan). Almost every religion has a concept of Demons and Devils. Hinduism, Taoism, Bhuddism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, and Judaism all believe in evil spirits, and all are older than Christianity. They also have a concept of evil, and most have some sort of evil spirit realm similar to the Christian idea of Hell. Anyone who has ever had a class on comparative religion (or read a book on the subject) knows this. The idea Christianity invented the concept of evil is pure lunacy.

To say Wiccans don't believe in evil spirits is just a matter of semantics. They draw a circle on the floor to protect them from "negative forces, bad thoughtforms, mischievous spirits and rouge entities" which is just doublespeak for "Demons". In Alexandrian/Gardnerian Wicca the circle contains the names of the Judaeo-Christian God, curiously enough.

Wiccans claim that prior to Christianity there was no Devil. No Pagans anywhere in the ancient world believed in evil spirits, according to Wiccans. They say the Christians created apparently the greatest smear campaign in history. Christians began to circulate a story that there was this evil dude called Satan or Lucifer that was half man and half goat and, the clencher, he had horns! And since the universal horned god worshiped by Pagans everywhere had horns, he must have been the Devil. Of course, Christians believe every being with horns is completely evil because it says so in the Bible, right? So, when Pagans began to hear this new information, they abandoned the religion called Wicca. Sure, apparently like all the Christians did when they were told their God was a Devil by Gnostics, yeah, sure. But is this how it happened?

Horned deities were seldom the primary deity of any ancient religion. Zeus, Odin, Osiris, Jupiter, Brahmin, Mithra, Ahura Mazda...none of them have horns. True, there were a few times when heathens combined goats with humans to create half man half goat idols. Pan was such an idol, but he was only a minor deity in a pantheon of dozens of idols. On Crete the Minotaur was thought to be their primary diety, with the head of a bull and the body of a man. But his cult was abandoned for centuries, being replaced by the Olympian cult, by the time Christianity came along. Next, the idea of the Devil always being this guy in a red suit with pitchfork, horns, and pointy tail was not a universal idea in ancient times. If you look at the woodcuts from medieval periods, the Devil is depicted as all sorts of scary combinations. Usually he has bird-like body parts such as beaks and claws. Often times he has the jaws and mouth with fangs like a bear or lion. When he has horns, they are usually bull horns, not goat horns. He very seldom, if ever, resembled the minor Greek Pagan god Pan, which had long vanished from the scene in the Middle Ages.

2007-09-24 16:05:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

U need to cleanse ur house sage works best and try using a witches bottle.. also depending on what kind they are different mesures need to be taken...

2007-09-24 15:36:54 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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