Yet we are not allowed to point out that their positions are in fact anti American. The leftists are very sensitive people who cannot take criticism but love to dish it out. They often offer opinions as being facts and no amount of conversation can get them to see the difference between the two.
I wish I was born 100 yrs before I was so I could have enjoyed living in America where people were free to disagree but more often than not they still loved the country that gave them the right to do so without fear of death, imprisonment or what have you. There was a time when Americans put America first rather than political parties or blind ideology first.
2007-09-24 07:10:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Don't you think people are sick of the lies and clap trap spewed from the radical right that they aren't believing a word you say any more? For so long you have framed the debate in your favor with all the hate mongering from conservative hate radio's talking heads and some fools believed it. People are wiser now and not buying it any more.
Your obvious mentor and idol Hermann Goering so aptly put your techniqes into words:
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
MoveOn is a private organization who happens to agree most often with the Democrats. That doesn't mean that each has control over the other. But since most on the right see the world only in black and white they don't understand how anyone could disagree with their narrow views and be anything but wrong.
Dissent and difference of opinion are what democracy thrives on. If everyone agreed with fearless leader we might as well have a dictatorship. Is advocating a dictatorship, as you apparently seem to do, pro American or Anti-American. Is it good judgement to see only in black and white or to get all sides of an idea before supporting or condemning it? Educated people and those with open minds consider all sides those with little education or have closed minds are already deciding what to belive before they even hear or see something like President of Iran and his visit to the US.
2007-09-24 07:21:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Iranian dictator is here because he is the head of state and speaking to the UN. How do you tie that into Liberals? And as far as Moveon goes, you may not have liked their headline but everything they said was true. When generals speak the party line rather than the truth they deserve to be attacked. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid and wake up to reality.
2007-09-24 07:10:53
answer #3
answered by diogenese_97 5
When the "Commy Hillary Health Plan" is in total control.
Ohhh...haven't heard of that yet. Well, here it is;
FEMA will fall under control of the CHHP and all aid will be authorized through it. FBI, CIA, SS will fall under it's control and all investigations and ops will be authorized through it. FDA will fall under it's control and all new medications will be approved through it and all approved will be re-investigated. The U.S. military will fall under it's control and all bases will be closed and moved to the CHHP headquarters which will be at an old abandoned airfield in New Mexico. Our membership in NATO will be canceled, why have NATO when you have CHHP? It's a no brainer! The nation's security will be out sourced to Iran, the border patrol will be out sourced to France and the air controllers will be out sourced to Cuba. After all they need their rewards for supporting the liberal party for so long.
2007-09-24 07:16:51
answer #4
answered by citizenvnfla 4
So do the Swift Boats, Rush Limbaugh's, Anne Coulter's, Larry Craig's, Pat Roberts', and the likes speak and represent all of the Republican party too? Just wondering if you hold the same standards to them as well.
2007-09-24 07:12:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
last time i checked whether you and i may agree or not there are freedoms here in this country..whether we like it or not they have a right to have there websites, freedom of speeches ect,, more and more people esp republicans seem to forget that.why dont you tell me what an american is without sounding like some gun toting shut up if you dont agree and send them all where they come from radicalist..i have always been an independent leaning more towards please explain to me about value judgements from a group that have proved to be hypocrites esp in there personal life..please tell me
2007-09-24 07:15:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It will end when vitriolic Republicans stop inventing relationships between Democrats and terrorists or dictators. Ahmadinejad is an elected president by the way, he's not a dictator.
2007-09-24 07:09:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes...they are that incapable.
Westhill...elected??? Would you say that Saddam was elected, too? GET REAL!!!
diogenese...or whatever...Yes, Ahmedinejhad is here to speak to the UN...but a liberal campus is having him speak there, too. (Columbia) As for the General. They were chanting and calling him Betray Us even before he spoke. If that is not radical political BS, what is. And you call Private Deek the koolaid drinker? You really should look at yourself. is the difference...the majority of conservatives denounce those who behave badly in our party. What do the dems do? Re-elect them over and over again, and in some cases (like Robert KKK Byrd) promote them.
2007-09-24 07:08:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
the real question is...
can you stand up for the rights of those judged to be "un-American" by Republicans... but not support their ideas?
because that's what Republicans call an "embrace"... standing up for Constitution and the ideas behind it...
are Republicans capable of defending any principles what so ever? do they have any principles?
I can't tell because they always change based on who they "like" or "don't like"...
2007-09-24 07:10:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The sick thing is, so many Americans embrace the left and their support of the terrorists. How sad is that? What's even more sad is the fact that no one will hold them accountable for their actions or even treason as the case with They finance the dems heavily!!!
Jim W. follow the money trail of moveon and the demonrats!!
2007-09-24 07:10:05
answer #10
answered by elmar66 4