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Does this possibility cause you great concern ?

What would be the consequences ?

I'll with-hold my opinion for now because I'd like to see what you have to say .

2007-09-24 04:50:23 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Truthseeker. . . and any other insolent fool for that matter -- I asked my 'fellow' conservatives because I wanted fellow conservatives opinions . If you'd like to offer your opinion , then do so. . . but make it quick cause ?????

2007-09-24 05:43:01 · update #1

32 answers

My bags will be packed, I will make a beeline to Canada. This country does not need anymore extremist politics. We have issues to work out, not just for this party/person or that group, we all need to be more unified, and let our elected officials know the monkey business is over.

2007-09-24 05:03:37 · answer #1 · answered by Edward B 5 · 3 1

Plan on keeping less of your earnings. The socialist format that many "liberals" seem to embrace will create a massive welfare state and myriad bureaucracies within an already over-sized and ineffective government. Their leanings toward open border policy will also be a drain on state and local economies. In turn, nationalized healthcare will require monies well beyond the stated figures of the likes of Clinton and Edwards. It would be a disaster that could, quite honestly bankrupt the U.S. !
TO PLEZURGUI: You are gravely misinformed. In Canada, Germany and France untold hundreds are dying due to long waits for life-saving surgeries. In these countries it is not a case of medical priority, but first come-first served healthcare. If you would do a little research you might find that those with life-threatening conditions generally come to the U.S. (at a premium) for surgery and the like.To their credit, the european countries practicing this are in the process of reforming these practices. Which means, yet more taxation!

2007-09-24 08:31:52 · answer #2 · answered by ugandanprince 3 · 4 0

If Hillary gets in, it will take the next 20 years or more to undo her damage. If she enacts some kind of universal healthcare, no one except the rich will get decent healthcare. All the rich people will go to private clinics, private hospitals, and private doctors. You can imagine what will remain for the rest of us. Also, she is not telling people not only will healthcare be managed, it will be rationed. If you are older, you may not qualify for expensive treatments or surgery. If you smoke or are old, you may not qualify for universal healthcare. And if you are smiling because you are young and don't smoke, you may be disqualified if you drink, are overweight, or don't exercise. It is very scary because once the Dems have hold of healthcare, we can never go back. It's like Medicare and Medicaid. Imagine telling retired people the system is broke and we aren't going to fix it. What we need to happen is for the Republican party to get some balls for a change and talk about this. They stand in the shadows with their mouths shut afraid to say anything. We need a strong candidate that will build the fence, kick out the illegals, and then work on some comprehensive plan where people can buy health insurance. If Hillary care happens, there will never be another new hospital built or clinic. Think about it.

2007-09-24 07:03:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

First they will set forth in motion an amendment to rewrite the Constitution to suite their agenda.
They will take away our freedom of speech by implementing a 'Hate Crime Bill' for everything you or I say that they don't approve of.
They will take away our right to bear arms probably by outlawing ammunition or seizing our guns altogether.
Churches will lose their tax-exempt status and will be expected to pay high taxes.
Public Schools will become worse (considering if they can get any worse than they already are).
And everyone will be chipped for National Security purposes (at least that's what they'll tell us it's for).
And if you don't comply then they'll lock us up in the concentration camps they're busy building for us right now.
2008 is going to be a scary year and 2009 is going to be even worse.
In 2010 I don't expect America to even exist anymore.

Those are just a few of the changes I expect to happen if a Liberal gets elected President in 2008.

2007-09-24 05:06:31 · answer #4 · answered by Adelaide B 5 · 4 0

It might be the best thing that ever happened to our country. If the people got a good up close and personal experience with the tax increases and the other failed policies of the Left, then Conservatives might be returned to power for a long time. In almost every other Democratic form of government, they seesaw back and forth between Liberals and Conservatives. The people get a Conservative government long enough that they forget how ridiculous the Liberal one was, so they start believing the lies. After they get a Liberal government, it takes a while for enough people to get fed up with the policies and dump it at the poles for another conservative one.
No, Hillary would not be the end of the world, but like Jimmy Carter, it would take years, maybe even decades for the country to get over the damage she would do.
The good side is that she would no longer be a US Senator!

edit: I was reading some of the other poster's comments about universal health care and I was reminded that Venezuela had universal health care BEFORE Hugo Chavez. A friend of mine is a Dr. in Venezuela and he works at a private hospital. There are lots of private hospitals and private Dr.s, one can only assume that is because the Free health care sux. Now Chavez is working at shutting down private hospitals and trying to force private Dr.s to work for him. I think we can expect a flood of refugees from Venezuela soon.

2007-09-24 07:13:12 · answer #5 · answered by plezurgui 6 · 3 2

I think everyone will suffer if we are dumb enough to elect a leftist, especially Hillary Clinton! Her health care proposals would cost us $110 BILLION a year and be free for ILLEGAL ALIENS! How quickly can you see bankruptcy? The New York times ran a scumbag article against General Petraeus for about $65,000, but when Rudi Gulianni wanted to counter the liberal left ad he was charged full price of $170,000 to do it! Is this part of the fairness doctrine we keep hearing about?
Leftist will cave in to terrorists and put us all in trouble doing it. Look at Nancy Pelosi's trip to Syria singing Koom by yah and now we find out they have been stuffing warheads with Nuclear materials from Iran and aimed them at Israel and had help from North Korea doing it! How many of these countries were bought off with diplomacy and cash by Bill Clinton?

2007-09-24 06:46:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

The hope is that the leftist will turn color as soon as he/she gets into the white house.

Bill Clinton is a good example. Remember the Newt Gingrich 'Contract with America'? It disappeared as soon as Clinton took office because he became a Republican.

Like the Democrats say, Clinton was a smart man. He knew he inherited a growing economy and that the smartest thing he could do for his legacy was, NOTHING.

That's just what he did.

But, let's assume that the president does have a firm and lasting lean to the left.

Congress will gridlock most of it but, not before the investment community converts their assets to cash and stuffs it into the mattress. The economy will stagnate and our communist adversaries will gain ground.

Police departments will revert to what they were under Dinkins in NY for example. They won't arrest anyone that has a chance to be released. Crime will be rampant similar to what we see in New Orleans AGAIN.

The increase in entitlements under a leftist will have to be offset by increased taxes and a deep cut in the military budget. Historically that has spurred on hegemonistic activity by countries like Russia and China.

The by product of increased entitlements is increased administration that will shrink the money before it is delivered. The shrinkage will have to be borrowed and the debt service will off-set any economic benefit intended.

Involvement in international conflict will be limited to aid, supply and possibly intervention from 35K feet resulting in an attack on the US that we will be ill prepared to deal with because of the reluctance to deploy troops and no money.

Then the pendulum will swing again or should I say wrecking ball?

2007-09-24 05:17:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I think this will happen: they'll try to prove that being nice to terrorists will suddenly make them not want to kill us anymore. In doing so, they'll completely miss out on the opportunity to stop the inevitable attack from happening. Somehow it will STILL be all Bush's fault.
Meanwhile, government handouts will go up and so will unemployment and poverty. Nobody will understand why the economy is getting so bad because they *JUST raised minimum wage AGAIN*.
They'll probably sneak in a few laws here and there that strip us of the few freedoms we still have left, just because it benefits some small group of people.
They'll also be serving kool-aid promptly at 12, 3, 6 and 9 - Teddy-boy's will be spiked as usual though.

2007-09-24 05:42:45 · answer #8 · answered by Roland'sMommy 6 · 5 1

I can see what our founding fathers were sure would happen every 15 to 10 years, with a revolt. To bring back what we were founded upon. Not the lefts Communist rule and the love the left has for murders like Iran's Mahmoud Amendinajad. The left today is having this evil man of the likes of Hitler speak to the Press Cub and Colombia University. I see many good Democrats along with Republicans rising up and making the Civil war look like child's play.
To many people are fed up with the left saying there is two Americas which we know is. Them and US and it will also bring with the left the surrender to Islam and this will not stand as Americans both on the right and many on the left who are fed up with their party being run by Communist like moveon. It will be hellll.

2007-09-24 05:23:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Spending will advance, inflicting the national debt to bypass up greater advantageous than 5 trillion money in his first 2 a million/2 years in place of work. The unemployment value will climb severely. The dollar will fall to close to all-time lows. The potential of our protection stress would be decreased. yet, with all that, the media will compliment him as though he's the Messiah.

2016-10-09 18:23:23 · answer #10 · answered by syverson 4 · 0 0

I think that the arrogance to follow will be the undoing and another conservative will have to come along and pick up the pieces. All of the left's theories are good, but communism is a good theory as well. Doesn't mean it will work when put into practice.

2007-09-24 22:08:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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