Oh my,
Do they?
Do you really think so?
They stood beside and behind Dr. King. during a time when they ALL shook in their boots a bit.
I hope they haven't let the years and the sights and the experiences bitter them where they would breed the VERY thing Dr. King sought to end.
I suppose it is possible,
whao to them if so...
Peace to you tonight.
2007-09-21 18:49:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Seems like both of them would do anything to keep racism alive. But I don't think they do it because they really believe it, I think they do it because it is PROFITABLE for them to do it. I think racism unfortunately is alive and thriving but I feel both of these guys are part of the problem. Racism should be exposed where it exists and dealt with but these guys blame everything on the whites and that just isn't right and definitely dosen't do those of us who care (black or white) any favors. I know racism still exists and that is really too bad but every day people are discriminated against and that includes a lot of whites too. The fact is... every one of us is discriminated against for alot of stupid reasons and we all form opinions of others within the first 20 seconds of meeting them. It is up to us to prove them wrong or right (which ever the case may be.)But with Sharpton and Jackson....it is all about color and for those of us who strive to be color blind they make it almost impossible for that to happen. I think if we stopped supporting them they would disappear because I personally believe they don't care so much about racism as they care about the money they receive from exploiting others. I will say that I think Sharpton can sometimes be hilarious though but if he truly believes some of the things he says then I also think he is extremely ignorant of the facts.
2007-09-22 05:17:52
answer #2
answered by jones 4
Al Sharpton picks a cause involving race that he can exploit.
Then, he inflames racial tension. He gets thousands of blacks angry, and makes sure his name is all over the media. Next he implores black people to back his cause, which he always portrays from an "injustice" standpoint.
Finally, now that black people are inflamed, he asks for $10 from 100,000 people to join his "Justice Partners" in the fight against racism. That's $1 million dollars to you and me.
The more people he angers by promoting racism, the more money he puts in his pocket.
Don't believe me? Visit his official website:
So..that's how Al Sharpton promotes racism.
2007-09-22 02:07:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No I can't. But I can tell you who created it.
Actually, Loser James...There would be no problems if they weren't created from years past to years present by the very people who projected racism and hate to begin with.
Oh, Nikkis...tsk tsk. Your ignorance is beyond the limit.
"White folks was (were) in caves while we (were) was building empires ... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it!"
Ha! Nikki all I can do is laugh at YOU and only feel sorry for the idiot that YOU are. It's hypocritical people like you who promote racism and injustice. And next time try writing a "long winded" speech WITHOUT including that theoretical term "race card"....*cough* excuses excuses.
2007-09-22 01:29:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think it all started with Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley. Depending on how old you are, you may or may not remember the story. Al went nuts defending this girl and going after the accused, when he had no proof and it ended up that she was lying all the time.
What they appear to do is overdo it a lot of the time. they exaggerate a point to get it into the media. their goal is not always altruistic and trying to help others, but to get their name out into the mainstream media for attention.
2007-09-22 01:33:12
answer #5
answered by Koneko 4
Because they only go out & demostrate/complain when a White person does something bad to a black person. So a lot of White people get angry & resentful over the 2 men who are the "leaders" for black America. In short they cause racism by blaming all of the black community's problems on White America. And that makes a lot of White Americans angry. F. U. Dani
2007-09-22 01:33:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
By constantly playing the race card. To hear those two speak no Black person ever did anything wrong that wasn't directly related to the actions of some White person. Not only is this racist in and of itself, it promotes stupidity in those who blindly accept everything that these two notorious rip-off artists say and do.
The Black culture of America deserves much better, if these are the best role models around! They certainly are the most widely publicized, for sure.
2007-09-22 01:32:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
They ONLY defend the "rights" of the BLACK PEOPLE. They STILL talk about "oppression" and "equal rights" as if was 1950. They NEVER back any other race, or talk good or nice about LAW or our justice system - all they talk is TRASH. To them, the entire world is against the black man and is always trying to "keep them down". The black man, according to them, cannot possibly be all they can be, because white man holds them down.
I cant state that they CAUSE racism, but they definitely are NOT respectable spokesmen for their race!! What they claim is insane! ANY reasonably intelligent person can EASILY do a little research and find 90% of what either of them says to be WRONG. NEVER do you hear them admit fault or take any responsibility for anything - all wrongdoing is excused by them because somehow it is WHITE mans fault. THAT kind of ridiculous outrageous talk in itself can and does REALLY make people MAD. Personally, because they ONLY speak up for the black people and AGAINST white man, I consider THEM to be the most perfect example of what a TRUE racist is.
2007-09-22 01:50:22
answer #8
answered by BikerChick 7
Here's a quote from Sharpton
"White folks was in caves while we was building empires ... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it."
2007-09-22 01:33:48
answer #9
answered by bloodsanctum 4
These two dumb asses are the one's that are KEEPING racism alive!!! They are always reminding the blacks how they are being mistreated and being taken advantage of, etc. causing blacks to get all worked up and angry and as a result, causing the riots, hate crimes, senseless lawsuits, etc. They should keep there big, fat, unintelligent mouths shut! Learn how to spell and use proper grammar, dammit! This is how Al Sharptonn speaks: "
"White folks was (were) in caves while we (were) was building empires ... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it!" You almost have to laugh and feel sorry for this idiot! And to "kitty-kat"... your comment only proves that you black people always have to blame every other race for your shortcomings. Take responsibility for your own actions and quit playing the race card. EVERYONE is sick of it and NO ONE is buying it anymore!
2007-09-22 01:35:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous