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2007-09-21 18:10:43 · 3 answers · asked by krypto'nstreaky 2 in Science & Mathematics Physics

3 answers

I'll say newton. Eninstein is a more recogniseable person but, Newton had and still has more of an impact on more people. He came up with the laws of motions wich are applicable to everything from playing billiards, matial arts, driving a car etc etc. He also had a lot to do with calculus which helps a lot of people create new things. Most of what you see today had calculus through them at some point.

Einnstein came up with the theory of relativity but how do people like you and I benefit from that knowledge?

Mary Ann or Ginger?! men do we really have to choose just one?

2007-09-21 18:17:47 · answer #1 · answered by mr_gees100_peas 6 · 0 0

Newton, because he had less to work with than Einstein. Mary Ann because she was more like the girl next door but wait I already married the girl next door and still love her very much.

2007-09-22 01:16:09 · answer #2 · answered by Shellback 6 · 0 0

newton - mary ann

2007-09-22 01:13:49 · answer #3 · answered by Phoenix 3 · 0 0

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