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I would love to hear stories about before and after you delivered your little ones.Was it induced?How long were you in the hospital?I'd love to hear it all.

2007-09-21 14:41:15 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

24 answers

I went into labor on my own 3 days before i was due. I was in labor for 6 hours and had a 4th degree rip and an episiotomy( my baby got stuck) he had a suture in his head due to the pull of the forceps. I was in the hospital for 1 day after i had my son. He is currently 8 weeks old and I am still bleeding to this. But he is still my heart and soul!!

2007-09-28 09:28:08 · answer #1 · answered by ♥V♥ 3 · 0 0

With my first...I was diagnosed with preeclampsia around 28 weeks and by 30 weeks I was in the hospital on strict bedrest. They kept me there for two weeks before they had to induce. Twenty-four hours later and I was wheeled in for a c-section. My son weighed 4 pounds and spent nearly a month in the NICU. I only spent 1 full day in the hospital though. My recovery took a long time--I don't know if it was because I spent such little time in the hospital, because it was my first and I didn't know what to expect, or a combination of the two.

With my second...no preeclmapsia. I did fail my 1 hour diabetes test, but it was later found that I did not have it. A few days before the scheduled c-section, I had some major cramping. I wasn't dialated (false labor), but I was having some major contractions. We went home, stayed put for a few days, then went in at 5:30 AM and by 7:30 we heard the first cries of our daughter! It was really easy and low-stress. We were told that I would be 38 weeks along at delivery, but it turned out I was 40 weeks along! Go figure. She's now 2 weeks old, my son is 2 years old, and it's complete and utter chaos! She's sleeping very nicely though--she'll sleep 5 hours, 3 hours and then 4 hours at night, which gives us a break. The recovery was great--I was sitting and walking by the 8th hour. It would have been sooner had they not given me an epidural! Really it was great though. I went to an Arts & Crafts fair 10 days after my surgery! Not even a week after my surgery I was taking walks with my husband, son and new daughter!

2007-09-21 14:47:16 · answer #2 · answered by FaZizzle 7 · 0 0

My third birth was the best even though it was excrutiating :)

At nearly 41 weeks, after having a pinkish show that lasted for 3 days, I started to bleed and so went to hospital, and had to stay there even though labor hadn't started yet.
At 9.30pm, my waters broke and I straight away went into labor. I stood up the entire time and breathed through the contractions, and when transition came, I held onto the bar over the hospital bed(it was swung around for me, because I was still standing on floor). During transition, my legs started shaking and I cried a couple of times with the contractions, then all of a sudden I walked into the middle of the room, let out a few screams and curses and started to push. The midwife delivered my baby while I was standing. The whole labor lasted for just under 4 hours but I was in hospital for a week because my baby was in intensive care nursery because of low oxygen levels. I wouldn't leave him.

2007-09-21 14:50:08 · answer #3 · answered by Shivers 6 · 0 0

I was induced at 38 weeks because I had a DVT in my 26 week. It was a Wednesday morning that I went for my induction. Everything started to go according to plan. My labor was started with pitocin and I quickly went into a regular labor pattern. I had to get two epidurals because the first one was placed in the wrong stop. Everything else seemed to go as scheduled, but I never dilated much at all. For 12 hours I didn't progress, even though my doctor broke my water and my contractions were strong and steady (thanks to the epidural- I didn't feel them)

So I had a c-section. It was pretty scary, especially with all I had been through with the clot. A operating room was the last place I wanted to be. But everything went as well as could be expected. My daughter was born healthy and I stayed healthy. I left the hospital on Saturday because I was healing well. They wanted me to stay another day, but I just couldn't make myself stay another day.

I guess I couldn't really ask for a better outcome. The c-section was very painful, but that both my baby and I survived was a miracle.

She is now a year old and we both are doing fine.

2007-09-21 15:25:31 · answer #4 · answered by Starsfan14 7 · 0 0

Lordy I'll probably be beaten after my easy labor story. Those first two stories sound painful!
I was induced about five days early (that's a guess on the due date, I stopped having periods four months before I got pregnant, so the due date was a total guess) because of all the swelling and fluid building up in my legs. I got there at 6 am, they started my pitocin around 7 am, and baby was born at exactly 3 pm. Got my epidural when my contractions started hitting about 4 on my monitor, I wasn't one of those "tough mothers," when I felt pain, I asked for it. The poor lady across the hall from me was hitting 9 and 10 when she was getting her epidural. Ouch.
Gave birth to a 8 lb 3 oz bald baby boy... and 9 1/2 months later he still hardly has any hair. He's absolutely gorgeous though.

2007-09-21 14:51:37 · answer #5 · answered by LolaC☼ 4 · 0 0

I've had two almost disturbingly perfect pregnancies. Despite the fact that I generally stay about 60 lbs overweight I had no blood pressure or blood sugar issues, for all they kept checking constantly. The most trouble I had was with the midwives believing me when I told them something was not as they said it was. For seven months they claimed that the pain from gall stones was merely indigestion. When I informed them that my skeletal structure probably wouldn't allow a natural birth they patted me figuratively on the head and assured me that all first-time mothers thought this way. When he was two weeks late, thirteen hours of pitocin produced 4cm and a baby whose head wasn't going beyond -2 station. They performed an emergency cesarean and I felt vindicated for being right. He was a healthy baby with his father's massive noggin and the largest baby in the nursery that month by a full pound at 10 lbs even. He had torticollis (tilting of the head) due to his size, but a small stuffed animal lodged under his left ear whenever he was in his carseat or stroller fixed that before his first birthday.

My daughter was similarly perfect in her gestation, but without the gallstones (no gall bladder anymore), or the torticollis, and her cesarean was planned well in advance because a new midwife had determined that I have encephalopelvic disproportion and simply can't get past 4cm dilation. I'm hoping baby #3 (hopefully a boy, since we can't decide on a name for a girl) is similarly simple. I've never had any sort of morning sickness or anything more serious than a bit of mock-sciatica.

2007-09-25 15:48:13 · answer #6 · answered by happi_feet 1 · 0 0

My finance and I now have a 4 month old. We're in our 20s. At first my fiance said, no meds, she wanted an all natural birth.

God it seemed like forever. She was dialating so slowly that everyone was kinda "pushing" for drugs. Finally she gave in and took the drug that enduces contractions.

She still didn't want the epidural. She insisted on toughing it out and going natrual. After what seemed like days....actually 1 day...she finally started saying the pain was too much and went for the epidural.

As a 27 year old male, who can't stand the sight of blood and goo. Who almost fainted just hearing a story about surgery though surely I couldn't stand the site if what I was about to see.

But I swear once she got dialated to the proper measurment, it seemed like 15 mins of pushing and out came this nasty looking gooey head. lol. Surprisingly, my mother nearly passed out and not me. lol. It was nothing. Even cutting the ambilical cord wasn't as sickening as I thought.

It was so amazing, I still think it's a little over rated some people go into all these deepness. It was definetly a beautiful thing....just knowing that you had something to do with that baby. Now she's 4 months and beautiful everytime she looks at me I feel like I'm going to melt.

PS: We were in the hospital from Sunday morning at like midnight, didn't leave until Tuesday.

Ohh PS: boy was that bed they gave me the father hard as a rock. Jesus...that's just wrong. I might as well have slept on the cold hard hospital floor. But it was all worth it.

2007-09-21 14:57:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My first son was induced. My water broke - luckily, while I was peeing! (That'll never happen again in a million years). I went to the hospital and wasn't having any contractions yet. So they gave me an IV of something to induce contractions. It took about five tries to get the IV in, since I apparently have "squiggly" veins. When I was ready to push, my epidural needle fell out. Then he got stuck, and they tried everything they could to get him out, but it just wasn't working. To this day I don't know how they did it, but they eventually got him out and he wasn't breathing. So they took him away for FIVE HOURS and no one would tell me what was wrong. Finally someone told me and my husband that he was going to the NICU in a nearby hospital for observation, since he was having some breathing problems. They wouldn't let me visit him in the NICU because I had never had chicken pox, so I spent the next three days crying while my husband spent time with our new little boy.
Given the complications with my first pregnancy, my doctor recommended a c-section with my little girl. I agreed. It was a breeze, except for the first attempt to get out of bed afterwards. I was up and about and taking nothing but tylenol after about a day and a half. Now my son will be four in 3 weeks and my daughter is 13 months and they're both healthy and happy.

2007-09-21 14:52:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was induced twice thanks to doctors having my due date wrong. My first induction I was only in the hospital overnight before they sent me home since there was no change to my cervix. My second induction, when I was 42 weeks according to my new due date, I went in in the afternoon and they put a pill on my cervix I think called cervadil. That dilated me to 3 cm, and then they started the pitocin. I didn't really feel anything until I was on my way back from going to the bathroom and I got a monster contraction. I was getting huge contractions every 30 seconds and they were a minute long. 4 miserable hours later I finally got my epidural. I asked for it as soon as I felt my first contraction but the anesthesiologist kept getting called away for emergency c-sections. But once I got it I fell asleep until 8 in the morning when the doctor woke me up. She said that the last time they checked me I was 6 cm (I didn't remember them checking me since I was 3 cm lol) and that if I was still 6 cm then they were going to do a c-section since I should have been fully dilated hours before. Well I was still 6 cm so they took me into the o.r. to do my c-section. It took them from the first incision to the last staple 24 minutes. It was crazy how fast it went by. Unfortunately I couldn't hold my baby for 2 hours due to uncontrollable shaking due to all of the medication they had me on. I was in the hospital for only 3 days since I was healing very well and completely off of my pain meds. Luckily my baby was in my room the entire time. It was difficult moving around at first due to the c-section, but the more you walk the quicker you heal. But everything I went through was completely worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

2007-09-21 22:55:42 · answer #9 · answered by Damon's mommy 5 · 0 0

I had a scheduled induction planned for my due date. However when I went in, the baby was being stubborn, and had no plans to vacate. They tried to induce for nearly 3 days, before they finally sent me home. I was so disappointed! I was supposed to be going home with a baby. They scheduled a second induction for a week later. I went in, and still nothing was really working. They promised me that I would have the baby before I left the hospital...even if by a c-section. Luckily on the 2nd night, I started with contractions. By the 3rd morning, I had a beautiful and healthy son...just stubborn! I am now pregnant with my 2nd, and I promise.....there will not be any inductions, unless medically necessary.

2007-09-21 15:07:38 · answer #10 · answered by Ashley B 4 · 0 0

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