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we have a boy and girl and we tried mating them but his bubble nest didnt work any suggestions

2007-09-21 14:18:42 · 3 answers · asked by kimba626 3 in Pets Fish

3 answers

There's a lot of work involved in breeding them, and even more in raising all the fry you get. You need to have at least three containers just for the breeding (a spawning tank where the male should be - NOT a bowl, and homes for both the female (to be removed as soon as the eggs are laid) and a home for the male (to be removes when the fry become free-swimming). Not to mention containers for the fry as they grow.

The tank used for spawning should be at least 10 gallons, and should have no gravel, maybe just a few floating plants and a place for the female to hide if she's picked on too much by the male.

You also need to think about a food supply for the fry BEFORE you attemp to spawn. The fry need to see moving food to trigger them to eat - they won't eat commercial (prepared) foods. And they'll be too small to eat baby brine shrimp for most of the first week. You will need to prepare a supply of infusoria, or purchase a culture of vinegar eels or microworms in order for the fry to survive.

It's a lot more work for you than you might think! I know, because I've bred my bettas several times. You can find out what all you need to do as far as preparing for the spawn and raising the fry in this link: http://www.bettatalk.com/

2007-09-21 15:29:00 · answer #1 · answered by copperhead 7 · 2 0

What do you mean by 'his bubble nest didn't work'?

Here are some steps:

1. Keep them in separate bowls/tanks, but have the bowls touching. Feed them both a high protein diet.

2. Wait until the female is full of eggs. You can see them puffing out of her belly. He should have a good bubble nest going. This will take anywhere from 3-7 days.

3. Put them together in HIS tank. Watch them carefully. He will wrap his body around hers, and squeeze the eggs out of her to fertilize them. This will take about 24-48 hours.

4. As soon as they're done, REMOVE HER! Dad will take care of the young until they're old enough to swim on their own. Then he'll eat them.

Good luck!

2007-09-21 21:42:20 · answer #2 · answered by TheSmartOne 2 · 0 0

did u condition them? at least two weeks.

if you didnt condition, breeding bettas isnt as easy as having a male and female and adding them together.

it sounds like your not conditioning them as if he didnt make a bubble nest, then he isnt ready for breeding.

you should conditon them with live and fatty foods like worms for at least 2 weeks. and set up the breeding tank, and then allow the male to see the female and he will build a nest.

you are welcomed to go to my betta site and gather research. http://www.bcaquatics.com

2007-09-21 22:28:21 · answer #3 · answered by Coral Reef Forum 7 · 0 0

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