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So my doctor and I kinda fired each other today. I told her the problems I was having, after already telling her on phone 4 days prior to today, and that a doctor at ER had said they think it is a bleeding ulcer and need to get it taken care of ASAP. I am 35 weeks pregnant. She said that she would not do anything for me until baby was born and wanted to schedule another appointment (after canceling mine yesterday and making it today, causing me to miss my son's appointment he only gets every 6 weeks!) for 2 WEEKS from today! She always cancels my appointments! I am 35 weeks and am suppose to be seen every week!! She said I was dilated to a 1. THEN she answered her cell phone during my EXAM!!! It was so gross and unprofessional! So my husband and I told the nurse that we may have to find another doctor and what should we do, but we wanted to wait until we fond another doctor to not come see current one anymore. The doctor then came in and said good luck, she was not giving me another..

2007-09-21 11:06:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

appointment. I told her I wanted to wait and that it was not her and I was really nice to her! She said, "You will not find another doctor as good as I am. If you find someone less busy than me it is because they are not a good doctor. Good luck to you". She was so rude! I have Medicaid and they said it could take awhile to set me up with another doctor. What do I do????

2007-09-21 11:07:43 · update #1

Layla J: I do not think you read my post very well. She told me she was not going to see me anymore, she said it, not me. I simply said I wanted to find another doctor but needed to see her until I did and needed to know what I should do to get that process started. She was offended and fired me! Also, I do not think her cell phone was answered in importance since she was laughing and carrying on about something some patient told her earlier that day! I was crying at that point and she WALKED away from me, leaving me sprawled on the table, half naked. My husband was so furious! She walked away because she could not hear her friend. Was on phone for about 5-7 min. and came back and finished exam with her nasty hands that were on her nasty cell phone. This is a doctor who is in a VERY nice hospital that just did a 3 million dollar renovation on their Labor and Delivery wing! I was trying to think of my baby first, she let me go, not other way around!

2007-09-21 11:39:06 · update #2

Sorry, meant 33 million dollar renovation.

2007-09-21 11:50:48 · update #3

20 answers

I had a regular doctor that saw me every month, later on closer to my due date he started seeing me every 2 weeks. My son was born 6 weeks early in another hospital in another county so I did not even have my regular doctor deliver my baby. 9 times out of 10 your regular doctor will not be able to deliver your baby. Even if you have a medical card they can not deny you the care that you and your child need. Flip through the phone book and call around to try to the find the right doctor for you. You OBGYN sounds like a B**** !! I would not want her nasty a** hands delivering my child, it would be hard to tell what she would have her hands on during your delivery if she answered her cell phone during your exam. Best of Luck!!!

2007-09-21 11:59:02 · answer #1 · answered by steph 2 · 0 0

First of all, she is wrong for answering her cell phone during an exam. That is extremely rude and completely unprofessional. Secondly, any GREAT doctor is going to treat all of their patients with a sincere heart and will stop at nothing to make sure their patient is treated accordingly. What kind of doctor leaves a patient at 35 wks preggo?? You should be able to go to the clinic for further treatment and they will take your medicaid, in the meantime, call up medicaid and get recommendations for doctors who accept medicaid. They usually have a list. Once you do that, the process of you switching doctors shouldn't take long at all. Also for security, if anything happens where you need emergency service, the ER will not refuse you as well as if your baby came early. I hope this helps and good luck with everything. Make sure you tell everyone you know what a horrible doctor this is too!!

2007-09-21 11:24:25 · answer #2 · answered by mizladi85 1 · 0 0

I cannot believe this doctor! WOW! We'll first thing monday morning open up your local yellow pages and call around. i am sure you will find someone quickly. (I just did this yesterday as i am also unhappy with my OB) I wish you the best of luck. What she did was unprofessional and completely RUDE! If theres a way she can reported you should! Theres probably tons of doctors that are better than her in your area. Like I said all you can do is get out the phone book and call around. Make sure you have a list of everything that is important to you In a doctor so you can ask the receptionist that answers the phone! Congrats and best of luck!

2007-09-21 11:18:46 · answer #3 · answered by agrolia 3 · 0 0

I would try to get ahold of other mommies in the area and see if there is someone they would reccommend to be your new doctor. Just spend a day calling around, also call the maternity ward/hospital and ask what they would suggest. (And like the person above mentioned, go to the ER if you suspect any problems)
Your old doctor is a complete psycho and totally unprofessional. I don't care what you supposedly said or did, doctors are supposed to be understanding and helpful no matter how "minor" a complaint may seem. I would report her just because of how poorly she handled the situation (make sure you warn your other pregnant friends). Good luck, I hope you find someone who knows the proper way to care for a patient.

2007-09-21 11:17:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like a mess but things will work themselves out I switched doctors four times when pregnant and almost a fifth but I was close to the end and stuck it out. We didn't know where we would be for our delivery since my husbands job had him traveling and I followed. I kept saying to my self hospitals are every where and the worst thing that could happen would be showing up at the ER in labor.
My advise to you is Call your rude doctors office and ask to speak with the person in charge make a complaint and ask for a new doctor. Get out your phone book start calling and asking who available explain your situation and ask who takes Medicaid. Call your health department tell them your situation and ask for advice and resources. Get your self taken care of so you can ensure a healthy delivery and baby. When all is taken care of talk with a lawyer. Good Luck and Best Wishes!

2007-09-21 11:36:48 · answer #5 · answered by kdornum 1 · 0 0

Certainly if you have an emergency or if you are worried about the ulcer, go back to the ER. In the meantime, if there is a clinic in your area try there until medicaid can find you another doctor. And me personally I would report this other doctor to a consumer group like the Better Business Bureau or a similar group that deals with doctors. Other women in your area need to know how unprofessional she is.

2007-09-21 11:18:56 · answer #6 · answered by my brain hurts 5 · 0 0

How HORRIBLE!!! I would definitely report her. I've never dealt with medicaid but I did have Medi-cal with my first pregnancy. They say it could take a while to find a doctor but I would keep calling them. The squeaky wheel gets the grease ;)
Also you could do your own research and look in the yellow pages or online and call around to see who accepts medicaid. The actual doctor's office might be able to help you and speed things along with the insurance people. Again I don't know much about medicaid but I wish you all the luck in finding a new and respectable doctor quickly.

2007-09-21 11:21:08 · answer #7 · answered by jadetigress23 1 · 0 0

Well you need prenatal care...that's ridiculous.

What hospital would you have been birthing at? I would find out who the labor and delivery doctors are at the hospital medicade would have been having you birth at and see if you can see one of those doctors.

I would be on the phone with medicaid right now and until they find another doctor for you...since it's not like you need treatment for a hangnail...this is about prenatal care for a baby ...it can't wait.

Oh and for better or worse...you're exdoctor sounds like a stupid bltch and you're better off without her...anyone that arrogant doesn't have YOUR best interests at heart...she's clearly too self impressed to treat you properly. I may go so far as to file a complaint with the medical board against her siting "refusal of treatment against the recommendation of emergency medical personnel."

Good Luck

2007-09-21 11:14:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

just call around and look for a doctor that is the only thing you can do. tomorrow just call all the doctors in the phone book until you find one that will take you. call the hospitals too and see what doctors they have. explain that there is an emergency and they should get back to you sooner. good luck your doctor sounds like a real brat.

2007-09-21 11:13:09 · answer #9 · answered by Supermommy!!! 5 · 0 0

Wow that is why I am changing now. Good luck honey. I am only 9 weeks and I am trying to avoid exactly what you are going through. A doctor who just does not seem to care. I am sorry and no suggestions. Maybe calling medicare and telling them the risks and how far you are and you need to be seen immediatly might make it fast er. Good luck

2007-09-21 11:12:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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