Hi Third P.
There are several objectives of philosophy. One basic objective is to help a person become well-rounded & open-minded.
It is also to aid in the practice of ethical behavior and in the encouragement of honest thought based on critical analysis and independent thinking. Such qualities can best be attained in an atmosphere where the freedom to create and to explore ideas is accepted.
It should be taught, not only in colleges, but also in high schools.
We can learn different beliefs about existence, the meaning of life and ethics.
Some values are taught in philosophy. There are also different schools of thought in philosophy. There is also Objectice Philosophy, which was not what your question asked about.
Objective Philosophy means to come to an opinion based on reason and deductive reasoning, using facts & logic only. It means not using emotion, idealism or wishful thinking. It requires taking a neutral stance on everything.
That is just one, small part of philosophy; there are many others. Philosophy is often used to explain things without the use of religion. However, I am a religious person, yet still have learned much from philosophy.
I do not think the 2 are mutually exclusive.
2007-09-23 13:14:56
answer #1
answered by palemalefriend 5
Philosophy tries to find the answers to questions that can't be solves though physical studies. Logic and reasoning are used to do so.
You could think of it as a science. Like biology does experiments with organisms and chemicals to figure things out. But philosophy tackles issues that you cant do physicals experiments to find the answer. like "What is the meaning of life?"
The problem is that no one ever arrives at an answer that someone else can't contradict with a different line of reasoning. So there are NO answers in philosophy. just a ton of possible answers that people have come up with that other people have proved wrong.
2007-09-20 18:28:57
answer #2
answered by egn18s 5
To ask ourselves Why? like a child bothering an adult. Its an effort to understand some things that may not be. It allows you to learn to read absorb and sift through information and decide whether or not any of it wis worth while it teaches you to open your eyes and try to understand all that is laid infront of you with out ever letting go of your beliefs. Philosophy is the discourse of the theories in any firld of study. when someone get a PHD in Biology that have a doctorate of philosophy in biology
2007-09-20 18:32:07
answer #3
answered by jason L 1
"To shew the fly the way out of the fly-bottle."
Actually, a noteworthy characteristic of the word "philosophy" is that it is used to characterize a wide range of activities that serve a variety of objectives and to choose one objective as defining is already to take a position on quite a lot of what has in the past been called "philosophy".
(BTW, v3gas4ce: quite a few have disagreed with the cogito argument, from its publication to the present day, and many more have questioned the assumptions behind it and the whole sense of making such an argument. You might want to look into the history of that.)
v3gas4ce, Pyrrhonian Skepticism has nothing to do with this. One needn't be such a skeptic to consider Descartes' method and argument to be rubbish. The point is the argument, not whether I in fact do exist. Consider Thomas Hobbes, who was hardly a Skeptic in that sense, and other of Descartes' contemporaries. Or more recently Hintikka, Williams, or Nietzsche on the cogito specifically. And consider the widespread rejection of cartesianism in contemporary Analytic Philosophy, regarding the method of doubt itself.
In any case, you've removed the suggestion that no one could reasonably disagree with Descartes, so it's moot.
EDIT: setting aside that exchange, I'll elaborate on the point about the fly-bottle. Philosophical puzzles, misunderstandings, and confusions arise through the misuse of language - through the use of words without the context to support them - thus yielding nonsense. The objective of philosophy is to assemble reminders, to bring clarity to the reader so that they no longer feel tempted by nonsense.
2007-09-20 23:43:45
answer #4
answered by Gnu Diddy! 5
"Cogito, ergo sum" (Latin: "I think, therefore I am") or Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum (Latin: "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am") is a philosophical statement used by René Descartes.
Quoted from Wikipedia
This was basically him asking his self how do i know the world exists, he exists..everything around his is not a dream, he came to the conclusion of the statement, he doubts so he is thinking about it not being real but how could it not have been real if he was thinking about it, so, therefore i am.
as egn18s says it is to prove things in a non scientific way using only logic and rational reasoning to come up with a theory or an opinion, because there is no right or wrong in philosophy because there is no proof!
Gnu S - i think your talking about the Skepticism is a philosophical attitude that questions the possibility of obtaining any sort of knowledge. First said by Pyrrho, who believed that everything could be doubted except appearances. so any philosophical quote can be rubbished, i was trying to get a point across but i failed, to you anyway.
2007-09-20 22:29:27
answer #5
answered by v3gas4ce 5
purpose Philosophy skill a sparkling questioning a pair of count number, which impact our existence. Philosophy is a technology yet once you pick to stay with the scientific effects to your own journey it is going to become an purpose philosophy. stable luck
2016-10-09 14:06:22
answer #6
answered by ? 4
What is the philosophy of objective
2007-09-20 18:37:54
answer #7
answered by nickson faction 7
2007-09-20 18:25:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
For People to come together and relize they are capible of rational thought
2007-09-20 19:41:37
answer #9
answered by The Answer 2
to occupy the minds of over thinking idiots
(no offense, i myself enjoy a bit of philosophy)
2007-09-20 19:11:51
answer #10
answered by luber 2