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I have went to the OB to talk about the fact that I might be preg.

This is the OB I have had since I was preg with my son. Well I told him that I have not had a normal cycle since June 17th and that I was just gonna do a wait and see that was before my breast started getting more tender and what looks like colostrum is starting to leak small amounts. He gave me a breast exam and said he does not feel any lumps like cancer but he wants me to have a mammorgram. He did nothing about checking to see if I am preg. even though I had him to look through my file and see what happened with my son he stated that even though I bleed like I was on my cycle through my other 3 preg. 2 of which resulted in miscarriages he does not think I am preg. so he will not order the blood test nor a ultrasound. He then said call my pcp and have him to sign off on my mammagram I am 26 by the way.

2007-09-20 17:52:51 · 6 answers · asked by monchichie2005 2 in Health Women's Health

He also disregarded the fact that his MA made him aware of the rapid weight gain I went from 160 to 170 in Aug 1 and now not even a full 3 weeks later I am 181. 2 I walk 2. 5 miles everyday taking my so n to school so why am I gaining?

2007-09-20 17:54:17 · update #1

I called my pcp and told him what was going on and what the OB said he then stated that I would have to be sure that I am not preg before I can have a mammogram done so what he is going to do is order me to have an ultrasound and the mammogram if I find out when I have the ultrasound that I am preg. do not get the mammogram. He also said given my history of 1 preg (which resulted in a mis) on the pill, 1 preg (had natrually) had to have ultrasound to dectect ( I was 16 weeks when we found out) and 1 preg. ( another mis) on Depo which I had to go to the doc and get every 3 mos. and I still had a cycle during the first trimester with all of them he should have automatically given me a ultrasound and I could very well be preg. If I am I would be 14 weeks as of Sep 16th.

2007-09-20 17:54:52 · update #2

My question is what do you think I should do and if I am should I tell my OB, Switch OB's, ask him again for a preg test or ultrasound and see what he says before I tell him or should I sue him and change OB's I am really confuesed?

2007-09-20 17:55:18 · update #3

I am also an Ultrasound tech and in Washington DC they do order them for early detection. also I would be around 14 weeks that is the second trimester. When I was pregnant with my son I had to have a ultrasound because the blood test came back negative and I was 16 weeks pregnant I have been through this 3 times already but my OB has seem to forgotten this.

2007-09-21 02:41:14 · update #4

6 answers

ask him for a blood test/ultrasound,if he doesn't give you either,I'll be finding me somebody who will,you got a mouth use it....

2007-09-20 18:06:29 · answer #1 · answered by lobbyreece89 2 · 2 0

I am confused as to why your OB is so adamant that you need breast imaging. If you are young and he did not feel anything suspicious, there is no reason for you to have a mammogram or breast ultrasound right now. Twenty-six year old women do not have screening studies done on their breasts. Something is not adding up.

The dose of radiation from a mammogram is fairly low. But, mammography is not recommended in the case of a young woman. Young breast tissue is dense, and it appears white on mammography films. All signs of breast cancer are also white. You cannot see the white pathology through the normal white tissue. So, if there was an early breast cancer, it can be easily missed on a mammogram. Breast ultrasound is the imaging modality of choice when a young woman has a breast lump. But, it doesn't sound like you have a lump.

You need to pin him down regarding the WHY question. Like I said, something is not adding up!

An ultrasound is not the way to determine if you are pregnant..... blood test is. The earliest an ultrasound can see a pregnancy is about 4 weeks into it. That is about the earliest that we can see a gestational sac, and we cannot see the fetus yet. A blood test can give positive results much sooner. I have never seen a MD or OB/GYN order an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. They order ultrasounds to make sure the pregnancy is within the uterus and not ectopic, but the pregnancy has already been confirmed via a blood test.

Either you have idiots for your PCP and OB, or you have misunderstood them. If you did not misunderstand, and what you are saying is the truth, I would dump both doctors. Their level of care is inappropriate. Best wishes.....

EDIT: You are an ultrasound tech???? Are you in a third world country? HcG tests do not miss a pregnancy, let alone a 16 week pregnancy. Ultrasound is not used to find a pregnancy, even in Washington DC. If you were really in the medical field, especially a field which deals with ultrasound imaging, you would not be asking such questions here. Rather you would be talking to the radiologists whom you work with. Please update your question and tell me where you are working, so everyone knows they should not go there......what type of machine are you working on? What is the average longitudinal measurement of an adult kidney? What are uretural jets? What is hyperechoic or hypoechoic? You are full of crap, and you are wasting everyone's time.....

2007-09-21 02:34:09 · answer #2 · answered by Lissacal 7 · 1 0

I'm glad your PCP is taking your history seriously and has requested an ultrasound to make sure that you're not pregnant before agreeing that you should have a mammogram. Have you tried a home pregnancy test? That could give you a heads up until you can have your ultrasound.

As for your OB, unless you are otherwise really really happy with them, I would find a new one. Start by asking your PCP to recommend someone. It's important that your doctor listen to you. And they should be explaining why they're not checking for pregnancy this time around given your history.

On the flip side, doctors are human -- they have bad days & they make mistakes. It's okay to question them. And part of your PCP's job is to explain things that a specialist doesn't explain thoroughly.

2007-09-20 18:04:06 · answer #3 · answered by Martha W 2 · 3 0

Get a new OB. You know what's going on with you, and obviously he's not listening to you. What would it have hurt to have an ultrasound done, huh? Nobody but your wallet! (haha) Definally definally get a new OB. Call your local Women's Center Birthing place and ask them, who do you recommend? Ask women with babies at the store... who's your OB and what do you like/dislike about them. And in the meantime, while you're finding a new OB, tell your current OB that both you AND your PCP INSIST on an ultrasound before a mammorgram. If he doesn't listen, see if your PCP can order one while you find a new OB. Good Luck.

2007-09-20 18:03:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

first off change to an OB/GYN and tell them your past medical history and see what they think or feel your OB should have done. make sure to get the mamogram done but i would also have your pcp order a blood serem teting to be for certain as a secondary precation. when ever you ever have a doubt about something always go for a second or even 3rd opinion.good luck and best wishes.

2007-09-20 18:08:25 · answer #5 · answered by Gladys C 5 · 2 0

Don't sue. See another OB or doctor and get a blood test done.

2007-09-21 02:25:04 · answer #6 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 0

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