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2007-09-20 14:38:05 · 1 answers · asked by kelisha j 1 in Science & Mathematics Geography

im not looking for an ancient map or to buy a map. i just need a map that shows what countries( such as spain,france, england) owned what land(like brazil, texas, east coast of america) during the exploration years when america was first found

2007-09-20 14:41:18 · update #1

1 answers

You have to pick a time.
For example, the Pope and a Treaty divided the New World between Spain and Portugal
but North America was being divided between France (early explorer), Spain, England, and Russia. Further, Spain lost holdings in North America by losing wars in other parts of the world.
A map will have curious areas where claims overlapped.

2007-09-24 07:55:28 · answer #1 · answered by Mike1942f 7 · 0 0

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