We had a dishwasher and the kitchen was always half clean. After a year of yelling at the kids every night to start loading and reminding them to load everything and begging them to empty it in the mornings...I took out the dishwasher. Now each night after dinner all of the dishes are washed by them and put away....best Mom move I ever made. When they grow up and move out I will get one for me.
2007-09-20 09:14:33
answer #1
answered by Madam Naka 7
Interesting question. I was totally against having a dishwasher installed in our house. I thought it would be the biggest waste of money. My husband was totally pro-dishwasher. It was difficult to have it installed. We had to remove a cabinet and raise the counter a couple of inches. After all was said and done, it was the best purchase we ever made. Yes, your life will be better if you get a dishwasher. I recommend a quiet series one.
2007-09-20 09:14:27
answer #2
answered by happy face 2
I don't have a dishwasher and I'm moving into a place that does. I wont say the dishwasher was the deciding factor in the home purchase, but it certainly boosted it.
2007-09-20 09:10:27
answer #3
answered by neve_freak2001 5
Does your question mean a mechanical one?
If not, I am a dishwasher nothing better to wash away your troubles than taking a scourer, fairy liquid and some elbow grease to your pots, pans, plates, cups and saucers in a big sink of water.
No you don't want to buy a mecheanical one, just gissa call.
2007-09-20 11:04:34
answer #4
answered by Terry G 6
I don't own one either but living on my own there's no point! I always used to think that a dishwasher could not be as good as washing by hand, it can't be as discriminate. But most of my family own one and they are great if you have lots of washing up to do!
2007-09-20 09:10:48
answer #5
answered by Rolsy 7
I have one, well several really. Part of the kids chores is to wash the evening meals dishes.
We are a houehold of 8 but I'd never consider buying a mechanical one, what a waste! When all it takes is 10 - 20 minutes to wash by hand.
2007-09-20 09:18:01
answer #6
answered by Metalfinga 3
The dishwasher in this house is currently busy typing....
2007-09-20 09:10:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don`t,and i`m glad i haven`t, they are so stupid, God gave us hands so why can`t we use them to wash up, it won`t kill us??? and anyway, it`s people like this lot above me who DO have diswasheres who are destroying our beautiful planet coz all this electricity will contribute 2 climate change and i never have seen the reason we need all of this "household appliences" 2 do all of our jobs 4 us, aka washing clothes what eva happened 2 a good old bowl of water and some soap???? come on people, just bcoz we have these things 2 the things for us, don`t mean we have 2 use them, and i for one am disgraced at how we treat this planet 2day, so if u lot want 2 be killed by climate change like they show in the movie, go ahead!!!!!!!, but u`d better not come running 2 me when it happens coz u were 2 bone idle 2 listen coz i wont b listening 2 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)♥
2007-09-20 09:09:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I've never had a dishwasher and my parents never had a dishwasher. I don't want one either.
2007-09-20 11:25:32
answer #9
answered by elflaeda 7
depends if you have enough dishes so that you can wait till the dishwasher is full, then sure it would be good, but i dont think it would make your life much better,
2007-09-20 09:11:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous