hehehehe yes I am a perfect example of this I do this all the time hehehe I have highlights in the summer I am blond hehehe and then when September comes I am a medium brunette hehehehe to funny zingis.........
Yes it would be a cool Law but I am not sure if I will put the highlights in again once the summer comes I am going to try and stay natural unless I get bored again but then I will go all blond hehehehe to funny
2007-09-20 10:20:30
answer #1
answered by Rita 6
My hair is autumn colors already. Did you know that your avatar pic changes every now and then, sometimes a tiger face and sometimes a tiger with antlers? It's done that a few times between my looking at the question on the board and answering......
2007-09-20 09:08:25
answer #2
answered by jenesuispasunnombre 6
We don't need a law,,just a program to encourage voluntary compliance. Anyway,I'm already in the clear. Every fall I get rid of the gray by dying my brown hair with dark auburn dye. Pretty cool look and people don't notice the dye job the way they would if I used brown. And it's so very seasonal - don't you think?
2007-09-20 09:10:05
answer #3
answered by Galahad 7
This is such a funny question....you are such a nut...maybe while we are having the autumnal hair color changes...people like you could also sprout nuts on your head, like some trees do in the fall....actually if you remain an anteliger...you could hang the nuts or acorns from your antlers...just what the well dressed tiger gone antelope wears in the fall....
2007-09-20 15:46:05
answer #4
answered by Goldberry 6
I never changed the color when the seasons end, but I have been cutting my hair almost all off in the spring and letting it grow back in the fall and winter.
2007-09-20 09:09:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Are you a tiger in deer's clothing now? Cute!
I plan to change my hair color in about 2 weeks to celebrate the changing of my hairdresser. We should make a law that makes it a crime to abuse clients at beauty salons.
2007-09-20 09:24:20
answer #6
answered by Zelda Hunter 7
Yea, good luck with the legislation thing.
I'd probably consider changing my hair color.... maybe to a more brown/gold color. But then, I really do like my salt & pepper hair. Been told its "hot"
I'll take what I can get, ya know :) So, guess I WON'T change it after all.
2007-09-21 02:37:51
answer #7
answered by Green is my Favorite Color 4
That would be awesome. Mine is always red but in the fall and winter I change it to more of an auburn, it really brings out my pale face and green eyes.
2007-09-20 09:12:31
answer #8
answered by BahijahDances 4
Do we have to wait for the offical start of autumn? Cuz I was going to do mine tonight.
2007-09-20 09:12:03
answer #9
answered by astroeyes2000 6
i change it because my skin tone changes.
in the winter i look much more pale than in the summer, so keeping light brown hair makes me look like a ghost of sorts.
2007-09-20 09:08:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous