i have a Q of my own:
WHY would U insist on touching Ur pet (of any species),
while they are eating?!!
to boot, Ur ferret is somewhat 'turfy'...
so DO NOT! stick Ur hand in the cage when s/he is in it.
U will trigger that aggro response,
creating a VICE, a 'Bad Habit',
as well as INCREASING the aggro:
it will grow, becoming faster, more-intense, and ingrained.
** Practice Makes Permanent ** is a training-axiom...
so Never! rehearse behavior that U do not want !
instead, invite Ur ferret OUT of the cage for any and all interactions,
including cleaning the cage, changing the h2o, getting the bowl, etc.
only AFTER s/he is out, and preferably out of eyesight,
should U then reach into their 'bedroom'.
a ferret-safe harness (H-type, not '8') with a leash is one easy option:
run the leash UNDER the closed-door of the room,
tying it SHORT around a length of 2x4.
leave no more than 10 inches of free-leash on the near-side of the door;
then clip Ur ferret to the short tether.
they are in eyesight, can't get under/inside any holes,
and are safely restrained while U work.
be sure to GIVE Ur ferret a busywork toy
(a Kong with a small toy inside it,
a tethered jingle-ball, a catnip-mouse, or other small object -
NON-food!, so U don't trip that known trigger).
don't just trap them there,
and walk off to agitate them by messing with 'their' space.
make this an interesting-time!
securing Ferret inside a cardboard-box,
filled with paper-towel tubes, loose unprinted newsprint-paper,
a few kitty toys that make NOISE
(it's gonna be Dark! in there...),
interesting smelly objects
(fresh cooking-herbs?
a sterilized bone? edible flowers?
UNSPRAYED grass/clover?)
is another fun-time way to confine, out-of-sight.
beh-mod for FOOD issues:
mind Ur human-manners,
and instead of Harrassing! Ur ferret as they eat, with TOUCH,
teach her/him that having U approach IS A GOOD THING:
this is Behavior Mod 101:
alter the subject's emotional-response,
by building a new-feeling,
thru Safe, Consistent, GRADUAL Repeated interactions.
no more 'free lunch':
take the bowl out (ferret removed!, as above),
and put 2 or 3 KIBBLES into the bowl.
put bowl back,
put ferret back (slip em into a pillowcase/old knee-sock, etc;
lay the fabric-bag down, and CLOSE the door;
they self-release).
let them EAT unmolested;
then when bowl is empty,
casually walk by and DROP 1 kibble,
while In Motion, into the bowl.
repeat, repeat, repeat...
U can drop 4 or 5 kibbles, or even more,
every now and then,
But only AFTER s/he is tolerating and even eagerly
ANTICIPATING! Ur approach.
see the diff ?
before, U approaching = harrassment, interruption, THREAT:
maybe U'd take the food away! Oh, No! Grrr-rrr-rr...
NOW, U are teaching 'approach = goodies! Kewl...'
this will take some time, but it must be gradual and consistent:
U are always a Good Thing, a reliable PROVIDER...
not a punisher, not a 'thief '.
it doesn't matter, at first, if the ferret runs to the bars and threatens,
or tries to reach thru and bite U -
U are not 'rewarding aggro' - don't worry about >their< behavior.
U are ASSOCIATING 'approach = food'.
this is purely Pavlovian-conditioning.
YOUR behavior is the only one that matters!
and U are RIGHT:
Ferrets, like cats, do Not!! learn anything from punishment:
they respond with either fear, or aggro;
they cannot connect their past-behavior with Ur aversive reaction.
they simply see U as 'bad', scary, evil, dangerous, painful, etc.
extra points for avoiding PUNISHMENT...
perhaps U could teach Cesar Millan something! ;-- )
2007-09-20 11:43:38
answer #2
answered by leashedforlife 5