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You know what I mean..real men..

2007-09-19 19:50:25 · 18 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7 in Social Science Gender Studies

You may want to see:
What do you think it means to be a Real Man?

2007-09-19 19:58:36 · update #1

Ron Burgundy do you believe that adult women deserve the same rights and responsibilities and respect in life as adult men?

If yes than you are not anti-feminist.

2007-09-19 20:03:20 · update #2

Chevalier trust me I don't have to try to make anti-feminists look bad. :)

Seriously, I Don't expect all men to have to agree with everything because it is called "feminist" or go buy some party line.

And I get it that men and women are different and that "equal" may have a few ?s.

But that's something to discuss like honest and reasonable and respectable adults.

2007-09-19 20:27:10 · update #3

18 answers

I would not know the answer to that question, But I feel that anti feminist men want to be in control of a relationship, and they feel threaten if the female is the assertive type. I have never really had a heart to heart talk to any men that hated women, I have talked to many that are attempting to put back together a broken relationship and they are in a self pity stage. I dose not hurt to treat your partner with respect,and to listen to what she has to say. and to treat her with the same respect that you expect. For when she is gone,most likely she is not coming back.

2007-09-19 21:40:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

Your question is based on the idea that anti-feminist men are not "real" men and is therefore simply an incorrect assumption based on your own sexism.

The first problem is in defining what a “real man” is. Some of the answers received on the first question are applicable, others are not. At least they are not all in agreement so there is no consensus there. Certainly you do not propose to be the arbiter of the definition, do you?

Second, anti-feminists are NOT against equal rights and responsibilities but rather against special rights without equal, or even *any*, responsibilities.

The final and most important point is that the question appears to be a covert “shaming technique” so often used by feminists to silence opposing points of view. The question is a rather juvenile, and somewhat transparent, attempt at character assassination, at best.

Perhaps reversing the question will help you see the impossibility of your question: "Are feminist females intimidated by women? You know, real women"?

The answer to your rather poorly, and apparently sexist worded question is “no, anti-feminists are not intimidated by “real men” any more than by feminists, ‘unreal men’ or any other persons”. Anti-feminists are people, male and female, that simply oppose feminism.

2007-09-20 04:00:44 · answer #2 · answered by Phil #3 5 · 3 0

Another question trying to make anti feminists look bad. Once again your sad feminist tactics will not work.
No anti feminists are not afraid of "real men" because we are the real men and more men are becoming real men all the time as our movement is growing while yours is losing ground.
What makes you think antifeminist men are afraid of anyone let alone our own gender?
Many of us are veterans and I myself am a combat vetran from Desert Storm I was wounded and disabled for the rest of my life. But of course I am sure that there will be remarks on how this does not make me a real man or my wounds were results of my own choices. But remember real men like me have fought and died to give you the right to belittle men and groups who do not agree with you.

Edit- No you don't have to it's entirely your choice to do so or not. But your question is obviously an attempt to do so.
And once again anti feminism is for equal rights we just believe that feminism no longer is. When feminists start fighting for equality between the genders I'll be glad to lend a hand. But as long as I am just a visitor in my childs life and I have to pay more support than it actually costs to raise them and you are allowed to make false allegations that imprison innocent men and so on and so forth I will remain an anti feminst. And I would say so long as you are a feminist you are not for equality and are afraid of real men and women who dare to answer your questions in a manner that doesn't flatter feminism.

2007-09-19 20:08:58 · answer #3 · answered by Chevalier 6 · 9 2

That was pretty funny because half the people answering that question were anti-feminists... I noticed the "not taking crap from a woman" criteria was in there. Which anti-feminists generally fit.

Anyway considering the feminist definition of a "real man" more or less consists of someone who acquiesces to all the demands of women, particularly the hypocritical ones, and looks to women for approval rather than being secure, for example this fellow here:

Or prominent male feminist Hugo Schwyzer here:

I would have to say the answer to that question is: HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :)

2007-09-19 20:53:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

No. I think there's one thing you need to understand; feminism has a horrible reputation. Mainly due to it's misandrist leaders and there lobbying for women-only laws such as VAWA when an act for all could have been passed just as easily.

Most people do not consider themselves feminists. Most feminists are also women.

2007-09-20 00:18:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Yes I am usually trying to avoid the mirror for fear of being intimidated by the REAL man I keep seeing. Other than that I would say your just full of bleeeep

2007-09-19 22:18:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Who are the real men? Where are they? These mythical beings that eluded mankind ... put in the pedestal and epitomized as a perfection of a sexual orientation?
Bull sh*t.
Who are they? Tell me, where are they!

2007-09-20 20:36:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"Real" Men? Good way to make allies and garner support for Women's Issues. Perhaps You should rework Your rather obliquely worded question, and ask instead:
"Are Pro-Feminism Males afraid of the recriminations of other Males" ("Real", or otherwise)?
The simple answer is a resounding and emphatic "NO", We are neither intimidated by other Men who do not shoulder the responsibility for helping to achieve true gender equality, nor are We ashamed of Our stance on the subject of Women's Rights!
Point taken, or do I need to give the forum the entire lecture?

2007-09-19 20:33:09 · answer #8 · answered by Ashleigh 7 · 5 4

I know (older) anti feminists who ate a bullet for their country. It doesnt get much manlier.

2007-09-19 23:28:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

lets see, I'm antifeminist, pro equal rights, pro women, pro man, totally together focused on life, challenges, and the good relationships around me, and I happen to like strong men - the old alpha types. I self employ over 60 people, semi retired at 36, and happen to pay my female employees double of what my males earn. (because they love me and work their butts off selling product.)

Probably because I'm a genuine alpha, who admits when he's wrong, apoligizes when he's rude, and walks all over your head when you're confidently blurting nonsensical rubbish.

Good enough?

2007-09-19 20:47:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

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