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Did that cop or security officer or whatever he was laugh or act like it was funny after they tased him or am i just seeing things?
How do you feel about free speech in this country now? How do we protect our right to stand up before our people in a public forum and express our oppinions on government matters and matters abroad? Isnt this what our fore-fathers did?

2007-09-19 18:56:31 · 33 answers · asked by cmbc587 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

33 answers

I feel that that guy is a moron. Under no circumstances do you resist the police to that degree. He was saying "they're going to kill me" What a retard. he deserved more. Dont get me wrong, I dont like pigs either. But you have to act right if they are around.

2007-09-19 19:04:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

He did not get tasered for what he was saying. He was tasered because he was resisting arrest. The police were not able to get control of him to get both of his hands in cuffs. The other options, instead of the taser, would be physical force which would probably have resulted in him being injured. The taser is actually a very humane way to gain control of a person who is not complying with the lawful orders of the police officers, thus resisting them. The taser itself uses 50,000 volts, but only 1200 volts actually hit the person being shot. It does not have any effect on the nervous system and does not cause any permanent damage. In almost every single case where someone has died after being tasered, it has been proven that the taser was not the cause of death. The taser just causes your muscles to contract.

I have been tasered, pepper sprayed, tear-gassed, punched & kicked, and hit with a baton. If I had to do any one of those again, I would choose the taser. The 5 second ride sucks, but it is over after 5 seconds and there are no lasting effects.

To everyone who is complaining about this student's rights to free speech: Just because a person can say whatever they want, doesn't mean that another person has to provide a forum for that person. There was a clearly defined time limit for the questions being asked to Kerry and he broke the rule. The rule was put in place to allow everyone in attendance to have a fair chance at asking the Senator a question. You could almost make the argument that, by taking more than his allotted time and monopolizing the microphone, he was taking away the other audience members' right to free speech.

If he would have just followed the rules and complied with the legal orders of the officers there, he would not have been tasered.

I laughed when I saw it. I have no problem with any of the officers laughing. I laugh at people I have to fight and arrest all the time. The best part was, "Don't taze me bro!!"

2007-09-19 19:42:47 · answer #2 · answered by Jax Cop 3 · 0 2

It seems like the actual tasing wasn't called for. From the video it's clear that all the cops could have wrangled this dude without it. I think they were trying not to have to kick his *** in front of everyone's cameras, but the tasing (whether really that bad or not) definitely comes across as worse than a knee to the head.

As to him actually being arrested, or the free speech issue, it's really a non-issue. People get arrested all the time for protesting/refusing to yield. He was being super obnoxious and wouldn't step away, so, right or wrong, there's no redress for this guy. I think that those in charge could have maybe given him a few moments more to leave, but he's not going to get anywhere crying about freedom of speech.

In conclusion, the only issue here is whether the tasing was necessary force in this situation.

Yeah, after reading some other answers, it is important to note that as a practical matter, the very very last thing yo ever want to do is physically resist police officers. Regardless of the injustice, you just need to do what they say or you're definitely going to regret it. Nobody can argue that this guy isn't a moron.

2007-09-19 19:09:45 · answer #3 · answered by tonymrep 2 · 0 4

The police did seem to be enjoying controlling that man! Since I am unsure of the man's background (if he was known to be prone to violence or not and the police knew it?)
Why they actually didn't have any other means of controlling him, other than using the taser on him, is a bit overwhelming! It just seemed like overkill for punishment toward someone who was just speaking his mind!

Maybe this is a wake-up call to our great country that we are losing a lot of our freedoms and becoming a police state in a sense..... Because I really don't understand what his crime was that required such harsh treatment of a human being just letting his voice be heard. It's not like he attacked John Kerry or pulled out a gun on him... He was just using his voice against him....

That's all I can say from the little news information I had read as well as watched on this incident. It scares me. Police scare me, even though I am not a criminal, they are the ones with much power to judge me and decide and they seem to make mistakes all too often anymore in towns and cities all across the U.S.

2007-09-19 19:27:06 · answer #4 · answered by not perfect 2 · 2 1

John Kerry's position???!!! As what? A person so totally incompetent that he couldn't even win an election against the worst president since Herbert Hoover? Why didn't Kerry try and stop what was such an obvious violation of that kid's civil rights? He did nothing threatening to Kerry...Just because he acted like an idiot doesn't give the cops the right to inflict pain and suffering on him. All those cops need to be suspended without pay....That kid should file charges of brutatlity and Senator Kerry should show some actual amount of balls and publically apologize for what happened to that kid and let the country know that he doesn't support police brutality.

2007-09-19 19:11:31 · answer #5 · answered by theanswerman 4 · 2 2

That guy didn't act like he was tasered. I saw a cop being hit for a demonstration and he jerked like he was having a seizure and sure as heck couldn't talk like that guy was. I thought Honest John was supposed to be a bleeding heart liberal. Aren't they all about free speech and the like? He sure didn't voice any objections when the kid was being roughed up. My TV is small so I can't say if the cop was laughing but they could do that. I have some friends who are in law inforcement and they get a very jaded attitude about the whole human race. I've not heard but I was wondering if they were real cops or rent a cops, not that it makes any real difference. I can't wait to see the lawsuit on Court TV.

2007-09-19 19:09:51 · answer #6 · answered by moonrose777 4 · 2 1

The police don't have an endless suitable to arrest human beings. This guy grew to become into speaking with Senator Kerry and the Senator stated that he wanted the verbal replace to proceed. because of the fact that while do the police have the astounding to choose while a verbal replace between 2 consenting adults ought to end? The police have been way out of line. greater annoying than the police action is the seeming willingness of electorate of this, as quickly as great, united states of america to element with the government against the guy.

2016-10-05 01:17:37 · answer #7 · answered by torrez 4 · 0 0

Now maybe people will believe the prisoners that tell of horror stories from Correctional Officers abuse and Prison Visitors verbally abused and put through vigorous intrusive uncalled for pat searches when there has never been reason to do so other than pure nasty natures of the female Correctional Officers! Same as the Security Guards at the Rally. We need to be able to bring charges against this Bogus "protection" they are bullies in uniform wielding punishment without provocation.

2007-09-19 19:11:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I feel being tased was a bit much. Two officers could have calmy removed him from the room. Yes he may have kept on talking. But the room did not look that big. I think it was a bit extreem being tased. Oh I am he will file a law suit and get a bunch of money. Wich he probally does deserve. I hear being tased hurts really really really bad. And if you think about it, it did not look like anyone else was eager to ask any questions.

2007-09-19 19:04:55 · answer #9 · answered by vault 5 · 4 2

He started saying what he was saying and was told to ask his question. You only get so long so that everyone has a chance. When he wouldn't quit they tried to escort him out. He resisted. Last time I checked when you start resisting being restrained from officers of the law you get zapped. In fact he almost got away right before he was hit so I guess what I think is if you are going to be an idiot plan on stupid things happening.

People are saying what about free speech, well when someone organizes a speech and tells you to get to the point, get to the point... If they cut your microphone it is time to shut up... If you continue to cause a disturbance expect to be escorted out... If you struggle to get free expect to get zapped... It all makes sense to me. Nobody complains if a talk show cuts of an unruly guest. If he wants to organize a protest then he can feel free. He can shout till he is hoarse. When you are at a conference that someone else has organized, and they say get to the point, get to the point.

2007-09-19 19:32:52 · answer #10 · answered by Memnoch 4 · 1 2

This was said before, but I will say it again. Think about this: What if the Virginia Tech student was tazed before he shot up the school before anyone knew about it, then they found his videos and gun in his pocket. The cops would be heros. This is the same thing with this kid in the video, he could have very well had a gun in his pocket that no one knew about. It is called being preventative. He was not allowing Kerry to speak, I am generally not a fan of Kerry or the police, but the kid in the video was an idiot and should have left peacefully instead of looking like an idiot!

2007-09-19 19:08:10 · answer #11 · answered by burgler09 5 · 2 4

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